MABERRY 1840-1870 Joyce Brown

MABREY 1840-1870 Joyce Brown

MADDEN 1895-date Ken Madden

MADDOX 1900 to present Jan Kreutz
Katheryn Maddox Haddad

MAGEE 1870s Jo Anne

MAHAN 1860 - 1920 R. Harris

MAJORS 1843-1900 Chuck Davis
and/ DSHopmann@aol.com

MAPLE 1904-1964 Pat Ramsey Chitty

MARION threeshoes3@myfamily.com

MARQUIS 1900 to present Ken Marquis

MARRS mid-1800's to early 1900's Marilyn Current

Sharon Allgood

MARTIN 1800 - Present Laura L. Martin-Horton
Renee' Kerr
Brenda Raney
Janet Ann Martin

MARTINDALE 1875 - 1896 Jane Robinson

MASTERS 1820-1900 Retha Florine

MATHENY 1902-1920 Sandy Hardin

MATSEL 1870's-1914 or later Sybil Overbey

MATTINGLY 1909-? Monica Whelan

MAUDLIN 1893 Kim Maudlin

MAULDING 1910-1980 Phyllis Maulding Campbell


MAYFIELD 1917 Kathy Ann Mayfield Waltrip

MAZE 1911 - current Linda (Maze) Elder

McALISTER/McALLISTER/McCALLISTER 1880 to present Jim McCallister

McBRIDE died in 1979 Kevin Arnesen

McCARROLL 1840s - 1900s Jan Kreutz
James H. Johnson

McCLELLAN 1946-1958 c. seager

McCRAIN 1880-1900? Marilyn Current

McCULLEY msmary5@juno.com

McDADE 1850+ Edna Smith Harget

McDANIEL Sheryl Haller
Lee McDaniel

McDOWELL 1900 Sharon Ivy

McELROY 1910-1916 Kathleen McElroy Poznick

McELWRATH 1800 Harold D. McElwrath

McFARLEN/McFarlin/McFarlan/McFarland 1860 to present Billie
Mona (Annette) Hagy-Rose
Kim Brownfield

McFERRON 1900 Scot A. Sullivan

McGEE 1912-1940 Debbie

McGHEE 1870s-Present Elizabeth McGhee
Jim McGhee
Phyllis Townsley

McILVOY 1886 Zethel Carroll

McINTOSH 1850-1890 Wayne Dykstra

McKINLEY died1965 sandy uebele

McKNIGHT Marian McKnight

McMANUS 1880-NOW?? kevin kelly

McNEELEY Late 1800 To now Melvin Dean Miller

McNEIL David Stielow

McNIECE, (McNeese) 1880-1900 Florence Herring

McQUEEN 1860 Kay Morris

McROY 1870's on debbie

MEADOWS 1850-1950 Ira Meadows

MEDLOCK Lynn Johnson


MENLEY 1800s to 2000 Larry DeJournett

MERRITT/MERETT 1860-1920 Marilyn Merett
Faith Ann Neal

METZ James P. Advance, MO. Jim Metz

MIDDLETON 1840-1860's Sheila Pennock


MILLER 1835-Present j. Lynn Peterson
Betty Sink

Melvin Dean Miller
LeAnn Kelley
Debbie Stidham
Tari Parr
Carol J. Bowman

MILLS 1800-1900 Art Delhougne
Kath Clayton

MILLSTEAD 1888 Pat Spaulding

MOFIELD March 1952- August 1971 Kenny Mofield

MOONEY DSHopmann@aol.com

MOORE 1888-1909 Patti Moore Lininger
LeAnn Kelley
Carol Lincoln Skowbo
Melissa Moore
Bobbi Laird
G Travaille

MONTGOMERY Vicky Sanders
Val Hardin
Jacqueline Nottingham Veach
Sandy Gaines Sams

MORAN 1888-1941 Doreen & Bobby Joe MORAN

MORGAN after 1880 Donald Morgan

MORRIS 1870-1999 Sue Eskew
Richard Johnson

Marilyn Current

MORRISON 1805-1950 Carlene Morrison

MOSS 1880 and 1918 Margaret A. Gerdel

MOSSMAN 1880-2000 Gerry Wright

MOWERY 1911-1925 Marlene

MURRIE 1870's Gerry Davis

MURRY - MURRAY 1875 - 1896 Jane Robinson

MYERS 1800-1850 sharon spurgeon
Martha Tanner

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This page created and place here May 2000
by:Mary Hudson