Name | Sex | No. of child of this Mother | Race | Date of Birth | Place of Birth | Nationality of Father | Place of Birth (Father) | Age (Father) | Nationality of Mother | Place of Birth (Mother) | Age (Mother) | Full Name of Mother | Maiden Name of Mother | Residence of Mother | Full Name of Father | Occupation | Name & Address of Medical Attendant | Name & Address of Person making Certificate | Returned by | Date of Return | Pg. No. |
Lacewell | Female | 4 | - | 14 Jun 1886 | Duck Creek Twp. | American | Tennessee | 34 | American | Missouri | 27 | Mary Jane Lacewell | Edmondson | Duck Creek Twp. | John Lacewell | Farmer | J.N.M. Page | Asherville, Mo. | J.N.M. Page | 10 Jul 1886 | 73/184 |
Lacewell, Effie | Female | 3rd | - | 29 Nov 1883 | Duck creek Twp. | American | Dyersburg, Tenn. | 29 | American | Duck creek Twp. | - | Mary Jane Lacewell | Dement | Duckcreek Twp. | John Lacewell | Farmer | J.A. Robinson | Asherville, Mo. | J.A. Robinson | 17 Dec 1883 | 6/67 |
Lacy, Jos. P. | Male | 3 | - | 22 Mar 1884 | Stoddard Co., Mo. | American | Ill. | 24 | American | Mo. | 23 | Margaret Lacy | Canaday | Stoddard Co., Mo. | G.A. Lacey | Farmer | Elisabeth Lineburger | Essex, Mo. | - | 31 Mar 1884 | 17/212 |
Lacy, William A. | Male | 7th | - | 24 Oct 1884 | Dexter, Mo. | American | Illinois | 31 | American | - | 30 | Martha J. Lacy | Kelly | Dexter, Mo. | William F. Lacy | Laborer | J.F. McNail | Dexter, Mo. | J.F. McNail | 28 Oct 1884 | 30/379 |
Lacy, William Bailey | Boy | 4th | - | 12 July [1886] | Stoddard Co., Mo. | American | Ill. | 26 | American | Stoddard Co. | 28 | Margret Lacey | - | Stoddard Co., Mo. | G.A. Lacey | Farmer | Elizabeth Lionbarger | Essex, Mo. | Elizaberth Lionbarger | 14 Aug 1886 | 75/217 |
Lacy, William Grant | Male | 3rd | - | 25 Feb 1885 | Stoddard Co., Mo. | American | Illinois | 26 | American | Illinois | 21 | Tobe Lacy | Tobe Ramsey | Stoddard Co., Mo. | John R. Lacy | Farming | Elizabeth Linebarger | Essex, Mo. | Elizabeth Linebarger | 2 Mar 1885 | 40/76 |
Ladd, Lina L. | Female | 2 | - | 7 May 1884 | Dexter City | American | Mo. | 30 | American | Mo. | 23 | Emma Ladd | Sitton | Dexter City | F.M. Ladd | Merchant | J.S. Slayden | Dexter, Mo. | - | 7 Jun 1884 | 21/264 |
Lambert | Male | 6th | white | 9 Nov 1883 | Stoddard Co., Mo. | American | Ky | 37 | American | Ark. | 28 | Sarah F. Lambert | S.F. Morgan | Stoddard Co. | J.R. Lambert | Carpenter | J.N.M. Page | Asherville, Stoddard Co., Mo. | J.N.M. Page | 12 Nov 1883 | 3/31 |
Lambert | Female | 7th | - | 4 Aug 1885 | Duck Creek Twp. | American | Ky. | 41 | American | Arkansas | 30 | Sarah Lambert | Morgan | Duck Creek Twp. | Robert Lambert | Mechanic | I.N.M. Page | Asherville, Mo. | I.N.M. Page | 12 Aug 1885 | 50/209 |
Lambert | Female | 6th | - | 9 Jan 1887 | Duck Creek Twp. | Ky. | - | 43 | Ark. | - | 35 | Sarah Lambert | Morgan | - | Robert Lambert | Farmer | I.N.M. Page | Asherville, Mo. | - | 1 Feb 1887 | 83/31 |
Lancaster, Joseph Andrew | Male | 3rd | - | 18 Mar 1885 | Liberty Twp., Stoddard Co., Mo. | - | Illinois | 26 | - | Missouri | 25 | Elizabeth Lancaster | Elizabeth Deason | Stoddard Co., Mo. | William Lancaster | Farmer | Rachel Reed (Neighbor) | Dexter, Mo. | J. Weathers | 16 Apr 1885 | 43/114 |
Lancaster, Manerva C. | Female | 1st | - | 27 Oct 1884 | Liberty Twp. | American | Stoddard Co. | 24 | American | Illinois | 20 | Sela J. Lancaster | Moody | Stoddard Co., Mo. | Andy Lancaster | Farmer | - | - | Roselie Moody | 24 Nov 1884 | 32/404 |
Landis, George | Male | 6th | - | 13 Apr 1886 | Dexter, Mo. | American | Randolph Co., Ills. | 40 | American | St. Genvia Co., Mo. | 29 | Genevie L. Landis | Meyers | Dexter, Stoddard Co., Mo. | James E. Landis | Dray Man | A.D. Hill | Dexter, Mo. | A.D. Hill | 13 May 1886 | 69/134 |
Largo | Female | 3 | - | 19 Mar 1884 | Grays Ridge, Mo. | English | England | 56 | American | Ind. | 24 | Jane Largo | Bolenbocker | Grays Ridge | Donnel Largo | Ship Carpenter | - | Grays Ridge, Mo. | Malinda Gregory | 25 Mar 1884 | 15/193 |
Larson | Male | 3rd | - | 20 Dec 1885 | Castor Twp. | Denmark | Denmark | 28 | Norway | Norway | 25 | Nicoline M. Larsen | Tollipson | Castor Twp. | Louis Larsen | Seaman | Sanders E. Linthicum | Bloomfield, Mo. | Sanders E. Linthicum | 20 Dec 1885 | 59/19 |
Lawhorn, James E. | Male | 4th | - | 8 Aug 1885 | Twp. | American | Indiana | 47 | American | Wayne Co. | 28 | Fenandia H. Lawhorn | Stanley | Stoddard Co. | F.S. Lawhorn | Farmer | S.G. Hane | Wappella, Mo. | S.G. Hane | 17 Sep 1885 | 53/245 |
Lawrence | Male | 2 | white | 12 Mar 1884 | Stoddard Co., Mo. | American | Ark. | 22 | American | Mo. | 22 | Mary E. Lawrence | Scism | Stoddard Co., Mo. | John W. Lawrence | Farmer | J.H. Dodson | Bloomfield, Mo. | J.H. Dodson | 12 Apr 1884 | 18/228 |
Lawrence, Martin Abram | Male | 2nd | - | 10 Aug 1884 | Stoddard Co., Mo. | American | Stoddard Co., Mo. | 40 | American | Stoddard Co., Mo. | 34 | Martha E. Lawrence | Comer | Stoddard Co., Mo. | Abram C. Lawrence | Farmer | Levina Brooks | Leora, Mo. | Levina Brooks | 10 Aug 1884 | 25/324 |
Lawson, Oliver Taylor | Male | 6 | - | 18 Aug 1886 | Castor Twp., Stoddard Co., Mo. | American | Jackson Co., Alabama | 32 | American | Stoddard Co., Mo. | 34 | Isabella Lawson | Snider | Castor Twp., Stoddard Co., Mo. | Thomas Lawson | Farmer | Christina E. Scranton | Bloomfield, Mo. | Christina E. Scranton | 25 Aug 1886 | 76/222 |
Layrock, Charley | Male | 3rd | - | 25 Jan 1885 | - | American | Mo. | 28 | American | Missouri | 31 | Mary E. Layrock | Snider | Richland Twp. | Lenrod Layrock | Farmer | Christina E. Scranton | Bloomfield, Mo. | Christina E. Scranton | 24 Jan 1885 | 35/19 |
Layten | Female | 1st | - | 18 Nov 1884 | Castor Twp. | American | Missouri | 21 | American | Missouri | 18 | Sarah E. Layten | Ludis | Castor Twp. | John E. Layton | Farmer | Thos. B. Turnbeaugh | Bloomfield, Mo. | Thos. B. Turnbeaugh | 19 Nov 1884 | 31/397 |
Layton, Mary J. | Female | 1st | white | 5 Mar 1884 | Castor Twp. | - | - | - | American | Mo. | 17 | Lucinda B. Layton | - | Stoddard Co., Mo. | - | - | - | Bloomfield, Mo. | C.E. Scranton | 7 Mar 1884 | 15/183 |
Lee | Female | 10 | - | 27 Apr 1886 | Lakeville | English | Ky. | 42 | English | Tenn. | 38 | Catherine Lee | Lund | Lakeville, Mo. | Yorkman Elijah Lee | has none - draws a pension | B.H. Rutland | Lakeville, Mo. | B.H. Rutland | 5 May 1886 | 69/130 |
Lee | Female | 3rd | - | 9 Sep 1886 | Duck creek Twp. | American | Mo. | 32 | American | Mo. | 24 | Amanda Lee | Williams | Duck Creek Twp. | Wilson Lee | Farmer | I.N.M. Page | Asherville, Mo. | I.N.M. Page | 26 Sep 1886 | 79/268 |
Lee, Allie Deal | Female | 1st | - | 14 Aug 1884 | Dexter, Mo. | American | - | 24 | German | Ky. | 22 | Nancy E. Lee | Birk | Dexter, Mo. | James W. Lee | Rafting | L.O. Glasscock | Dexter, Mo. | L.O. Glasscock | 30 Aug 1884 | 27/342 |
Lee, Daniel | Male | 4th | - | 11 Nov 1885 | - | American | Kentucky | 35 | American | Illinois | - | Elisabeth Lee | Curtner | Stoddard Co., Mo. | Pleasant Lee | Farmer | Catherine E. Payner | Tilmon, Mo. | Catherine E. Payner | 30 Nov 1885 | 57/296 |
Leighton, William Wesley | Male | 2nd | - | 25 Sep 1884 | Stoddard Co., Mo. | American | Missouri | 33 | American | Tennessee | 28 | Precilla C. Leighton | Cambell | Stoddard Co., Mo. | Austin D. Leighton | Farmer | Mary Campbell | Dexter, Mo. | D.M. Ray | 2 Oct 1884 | 28/359 |
Leonard, Daniel M. | Male | 6th | - | 21 May 1885 | Tennessee | - | Missouri | 36 | English | Tennessee | 38 | Annie Leonard | Annie Cotton | Stoddard Co., Mo. | Dan. M. Leonard | Farmer | J.H. Tanner | Leora, Mo. | J.H. Tanner | 18 Jun 1885 | 47/167 |
Lew | Male | 2 | - | 21 Feb 1884 | Duckcreek Twp. | American | Mo. | 26 | American | Mo. | 20 | Amanda Lew | Williams | Duckcreek, Mo. | Wilson H. Lew | Farmer | J.A. Robinson | Asherville, Mo. | J.H. Robinson | 20 Mar 1884 | 15/192 |
Lewis, James | Male | 7th | - | 3 Dec 1885 | Pike Twp. | English | Missouri | 38 | English | Missouri | 32 | Eppy Lewis | Kitchens | Stoddard Co. | John M. Lewis | Farmer | J.H. Tanner | Puxico, Mo. | J.H. DodsonTanner | 22 Dec 1885 | 58/317 |
Lewis, John Wesley | Male | 10th | - | Feb 1886 | Stoddard Co. | American | Stoddard Co. | 39 | American | Stoddard Co. | 38 | Columbia Ann Lewis | Bailey | Stoddard Co. | David Ashly Lewis | Farmer | Christina E. Scranton | Bloomfield, Mo. | Christina E. Scranton | 3 Mar 1886 | 64/65 |
Lincoln, Murtie May | Female | 1st | - | 16 Mar 1886 | Stoddard Co. | American | Stoddard Co. | 31 | American | Stoddard Co. | 22 | Christina J. Lincoln | Bess | - | John A. Lincoln | Farmer | Christina E. Scranton | Bloomfield, Mo. | Christina E. Scranton | 25 Mar 1886 | 66/92 |
Lindsay | Female | 1st | - | 9 Mar 1884 | Dexter City, Mo. | American | Tenn. | 35 | American | Ill. | 18 | Laura F. Lindsay | Maidwell | Dexter City, Mo. | James Lindsay | Farmer | Presley Pritchet | Dexter City, Mo. | Presley Pritchet | 10 May 1884 | 20/253 |
Lindsey, Bertha | Female | - | - | 11 Mar 1884 | Stoddard Co., Mo. | American | Tenn. | 34 | American | Tenn. | 25 | Clemiley Lindsey | Worsham | Duck Creek | Harvey C. Lindsey | Farmer | - | Acorn Ridge | Jane Worsham | 27 Mar 1884 | 16/199 |
Linkhart | Female | 1st | - | 19 Dec 1885 | New Lisbon Twp. | American | Ohio | 35 | American | Stoddard Co. | 27 | Mary E. Linkhart | Shamley | New Lisbon Twp. | William Linkhart | Farmer | J.C. Johnson | Acorn Ridge | J.C. Johnson | 21 Dec 1885 | 59/5 |
Linza, Henry | Male | 2nd | - | 19 Dec 1885 | East of Dexter | American | Mo. | 26 | American | Mo. | 20 | Susan Linza | Sommers | Stoddard Co. | Green Linza | Farmer | R.J. Dodd | Dexter, Mo. | R.J. Dodd | Dec 1885 | 58/320 |
Lockhart | Male | 5th | - | 16 Sep 1884 | Lakeville, Mo. | American | Alabama | 57 | American | Missouri | 29 | Sarah E. Lockhart | Welch | Lakeville, Mo. | James Lockhart | Physician | James Lockhart | Lakeville, Mo. | James Lockhart | 29 Sep 1884 | 28/360 |
Logan | Male | 4 | - | 16 Feb 1886 | Duck Creek Twp. | American | Mo. | 36 | American | Mo. | 26 | Frances H. Logan | Wilkerson | Stoddard Co. | Oliver Logan | Farmer | J.N.M. Page | Asherville, Mo. | J.N.M. Page | Feb 1886 | 63/50 |
Long, James Henry | Male | 1st | - | 14 Oct 1886 | Duck Creek Twp. | American | Ill. | 38 | American | Mo. | 22 | Preseler Fredonia Long | Maraicy | Duck Creek Twp. | Thomas M. Long | Farmer | G.A. McElwrath | Puxico, Mo. | G.A. McElwrath | 1 Nov 1886 | 80/286 |
Long, James V. | Male | 3rd | - | 14 Sep 1884 | Castor Twp. | American | Stoddard Co., Mo. | 29 | American | Stoddard Co., Mo. | 23 | Elizabeth Long | Hibbs | Stoddard Co., Mo. | John Edward Long | Farmer | Christina E. Scranton | Bloomfield, Mo. | Christina E. Scranton | 22 Sep 1884 | 27/346 |
Long, Minnie Bell | Female | 4th | white | 7 Jan 1887 | Castor Twp., Stoddard Co. | Mo. | - | 31 | Mo. | - | 21 | Elizabeth Long | Kibbs | - | John Edward Long | Farmer | - | - | Christina E. Scranton | 8 Jan 1887 | 82/10 |
Long, William Franklin | Male | 4th | - | 4 Apr 1885 | Stoddard Co., Mo. | American | Missouri | 30 | American | Missouri | 22 | Henrietta Long | Henrietta Anford | Stoddard Co., Mo. | William H. Long | Farmer | J.H. Dodson | Bloomfield, Mo. | J.H. Dodson | 7 Apr 1885 | 41/98 |
Looney, Clida | Male | 4th | - | 15 May 1886 | Duck Creek | American | Cape Co., Mo. | 28 | American | Stoddard Co., Mo. | 26 | Barbara J. Looney | Caldwell | Duck Creek | John F. Looney | Farmer | J.H. Barrett | Puxico, Mo. | J.H. Barrett | 21 May 1886 | 70/147 |
Looney, Walter L. | Male | 3rd | - | 9 Sep 1883 | Stoddard Co., Mo. | American | Mo. | 27 | American | Mo. | 21 | Barbrie Looney | Colwell | Stoddard Co., Mo. | John F. Looney | Farmer | - | Puxico, Mo. | B.H. Bilbrey | 4 Feb 1884 | 11/135 |
Louis, Jeptha H. | Male | 6th | - | 13 Feb 1884 | New Lisban Twp. | American | Mo. | 39 | American | Mo. | 29 | Eppy Louis | Kitchens | Stoddard Co., Mo. | John M. Louis | Farmer | J.H. Tanner | Leora, Mo. | J.H. Tanner | 25 Feb 1884 | 13/169 |
Louis, L. | Male | 1st | - | 26 Sep 1885 | Duck Creek Twp. | American | Missouri | 22 | American | Missouri | 18 | Paralee Louis | Haslin | Duck Creek Twp. | William Louis | Farmer | I.N.M. Page | Asherville, Mo. | I.N.M. Page | 8 Oct 1885 | 55/281 |
Louis, Lila M. | Female | 9 | white | 25 Feb 1884 | Castor Twp. | American | Mo. | 37 | American | Mo. | 36 | Columbia A. Louis | Baly | Stoddard Co., Mo. | David A. Louis | Farmer | - | Bloomfield, Mo. | C.E. Scranton | 1 Mar 1884 | 14/175 |
Lufey, John A. | Male | 4th | - | 14 Feb 1884 | New Lisban Twp. | American | Mo. | 46 | American | Ky. | 37 | Lucretia Lufey | Beal | Stoddard Co., Mo. | John Lufey | Farmer | J.H. Tanner | Leora, Mo. | J.H. Tanner | 25 Feb 1884 | 13/165 |
Luithicum, David Otho | Male | 2nd | - | 14 Aug 1885 | Castor Twp. | American | Kentucky | 32 | American | Kentucky | 22 | Lorene J. Luithicum | Crawford | Castor Twp. | S.E. Luithicum | Physician | S.E. Luithicum | Bloomfield, Mo. | S.E. Luithicum | 17 Aug 1885 | 52/240 |
Luiza, Stella | Female | 1st | - | 9 Feb 1886 | East Dexter | - | - | - | American | Tenn. | 22 | Mary Luiza | - | - | - | Illegitmate | R.J. Dodd | Dexter, Mo. | J.N.M. Page | 25 Feb 1886 | 63/57 |
Lups, Lillie May | Female | 10 | - | 29 May 1884 | Pike Twp. | American | Mississippi | 42 | American | Tennessee | 43 | Lisa A. Lups | Glover | Stoddard Co., Mo. | John A. Lups | Farmer | J.B. Richmond | Piketon, Mo. | J.B. Richmond | 29 May 1884 | 33/419 |
Lusk | Female | 1st | - | 25 Apr 1884 | Stoddard Co., Mo. | American | Mo. | 30 | American | Tenn. | 25 | Fannie Lusk | Wright | Stoddard Co. | R.F. Lusk | School Teacher | R.J. Jackson | Bloomfield, Mo. | - | 30 Jun 1884 | 22/278 |
Name of Mother | Name of Father | Place of Birth | Residence of Mother | Period of Utero[?] Gestation | Date of Birth | Sex | Color | Nativity of Father | Nativity of Mother | Cause of Death Birth (if known) | Signature of Medical Attendant | Residence of Medical Attendant | Name of the Person making the Return | Residence of the Person making the Return | Undertaker, Place of Burial | Date of Return | Pg. No. |
Lizenberry, Lucy | Lizenberry, Wm. | Pike Twp. | Pike Twp. | 4 mos. | 24 Mar 1886 | Male | White | English | English | - | - | - | B.N. Rutland | Lakeville, Mo. | - | 1 Apr 1886 | 99/6 |
Luiza, Mary | Luiza, John | Near Dexter City | Stoddard Co. | full term | 21 Jul 1886 | Male | White | United States | United States | - | R.J. Dodd | Dexter City, Stoddard Co. | - | - | - | 29 Jul 1886 | 100/11 |
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