Name | Sex | No. of child of this Mother | Race | Date of Birth | Place of Birth | Nationality of Father | Place of Birth (Father) | Age (Father) | Nationality of Mother | Place of Birth (Mother) | Age (Mother) | Full Name of Mother | Maiden Name of Mother | Residence of Mother | Full Name of Father | Occupation | Name & Address of Medical Attendant | Name & Address of Person making Certificate | Returned by | Date of Return | Pg. No. |
Tankersley, Lillian Bell | Female | 2nd | - | 5 Sep 1885 | Castor Twp. | American | Mo. | 25 | American | Mo. | 23 | Rebecca Tankersley | Stafford | Stoddard Co., Mo. | George Tankersley | Farmer | Christina E. Scranton | Bloomfield, Mo. | Christina E. Scranton | 9 Sep 1885 | 52/237 |
Tankesley, Christenia | Female | 3 | white | 14 Mar 1884 | Stoddard Co., Mo. | American | Mo. | 44 | American | Mo. | 26 | Mary A. Tankesley | Bess | Stoddard Co., Mo. | William M. Tankesley | None | - | Bloomfield, Mo. | C.E. Scranton | 26 Mar 1884 | 15/195 |
Tankessley, Esa Ann | Female | 4th | white | 4 Dec 1883 | Castor Twp., Stoddard Co., Mo. | American | Stoddard Co., Mo. | 38 | American | - | 25 | Paralee Tankessly | Kirby | Castor Twp., Stoddard Co., Mo | James K.P. Tankessly | Farmer | - | Bloomfield, Mo. | Christiana Scranton, mid-wife | 18 Dec 1883 | 6/69 |
Tanner, Murtie E. | Female | 4th | - | 17 Nov 1884 | Leora, Mo. | English | Illinois | 43 | English | Kentucky | 25 | Mary E. Tanner | Finn | Leora, Mo. | J.H. Tanner | Physician | E. Phillips | Leora, Mo. | E. Phillips | 18 Nov 1884 | 32/406 |
Tanner, Walter | Male | 2nd | - | 31 May 1885 | Puxico, Mo. | American | Ky. | 35 | American | Illinois | 34 | Nancy G. Tanner | Hill | Puxico, Mo. | Bryant Tanner | Farmer | - | - | F.H. Bilbrey | 25 Jun 1885 | 47/174 |
Taylor | Male | 2nd | white | 16 Aug 1883 | Stoddard Co., Mo | American | - | - | American | - | - | - | Ann Henderson | Stoddard Co., Mo. | Jacob H. Taylor | Farmer | Thomas B. Tumbaugh | Bloomfield, Mo. | T.B. Tumbaugh | 13 Nov 1883 | 3/33 |
Taylor | Male | - | - | 2 Dec 1883 | Pike Twp. | American | Ill. | 34 | American | Mo. | 30 | Nancy Taylor | Rhimes | Pike Twp. | James M. Taylor | Farmer | B.H. Rutland | Lakeville, Mo. | B.H. Rutland | 4 Jan 1884 | 8/98 |
Taylor | Female | 8 | - | 25 Mar 1884 | Liberty Twp. | American | Bloomfield, Mo. | - | American | Tenn. | 33 | Louisa A. Taylor | Cook | Liberty Twp. | Elija S. Taylor | Farmer | A.D. Hill | Dexter City, Mo. | A.D. Hill | 12 Apr 1884 | 18/226 |
Taylor | Female | - | - | 10 Oct 1884 | Tennessee | American | - | 38 | American | Missouri | 30 | Sophie N. Taylor | Smithson | New Lisbon, Mo. | William Taylor | Farmer | Mrs. Jane Worsham | Acorn Ridge | Mrs. Jane Worsham | 10 Oct 1884 | 29/372 |
Taylor | Female | 3rd | - | 25 Oct 1885 | Dexter City, Mo. | - | New York | 30 | - | Missouri | 24 | Mrs. Taylor | Mrs. Winstead | Dexter, Mo. | William Taylor | Carpenter | Presley Pritchett | Dexter City, Mo. | Presley Pritchett | 29 Apr 1885 | 44/133 |
Taylor, Jesse V. | Female | 1st | - | 21 Sep 1884 | Dexter, Mo. | Irish | Bloomfield, Mo. | - | Irish | Illinois | - | Sarah E. Taylor | Sitteaow[?] | Dexter, Mo. | Phillip M. Taylor | Blacksmith | L.O. Glasscock | Dexter, Mo. | L.O. Glasscock | 18 Oct 1884 | 29/377 |
Taylor, Joseph H. | Male | 6 | - | 12 Jan 1885 | Duck Creek | American | Tenn. | 29 | American | Tenn. | 31 | Nancy H. Taylor | Dement | Duck Creek Twp. | Fred Taylor | Farmer | C. Dement | Asherville, Mo. | C. Dement | 7 Jan 1885 | 38/49 |
Taylor, Robert Henry | Male | 2 | - | 18 Jan 1884[5] | Stoddard Co. | American | Mo. | 24 | American | Mo. | 23 | Margaret L. Taylor | Vaughn | Stoddard Co. | Robert D. Taylor | Farmer | Levina Brooks | Leora, Mo. | Levina Brooks | 18 Jan 1885 | 36/31 |
Temples | Female | 8th | - | 17 May 1885 | Stoddard Co., Mo. | American | Missouri | 38 | American | Georgia | 33 | Lucinda Temples | Summerman | Stoddard Co., Mo. | Pleasant Temples | Farmer | Rachael Lackey | Dexter City, Mo. | Rachel Lackey | 9 Jun 1885 | 46/156 |
Tetaton, Barney Byas | Male | 5th | - | 12 Apr 1886 | Stoddard Co., Mo. | American | Henderson Co., Tenn. | 49 | American | Dunklin Co., Mo. | 28 | Malinda Tettaton | Smith | Stoddard Co., Mo. | W. Tettaton | Farmer | Elizabeth Lionbarger | Essex, Mo. | Elizabeth Lionbarger | 6 May 1886 | 69/132 |
Thomas | Female | 4 | - | 23 Feb 1884 | Duck creek Twp. | American | Tenn. | 29 | American | Tenn. | 27 | Nancy Thomas | Baland | Duck creek Twp. | J.B. Thomas | Farmer | C. Dement | Asherville, Mo. | C.Dement | 27 Mar 1884 | 16/200 |
Thomas | Female | 5 | - | 23 Feb 1884 | Duck creek Twp. | American | Tenn. | 29 | American | Tenn. | 27 | Nancy Thomas | Baland | Duck creek Twp. | J.B. Thomas | Farmer | C. Dement | Asherville, Mo. | C.Dement | 27 Mar 1884 | 16/201 |
Thomas, James Cader | Male | 3rd | - | 17 Oct 1883 | Duck creek Twp. | American | Tenn. | 27 | American | Mo. | 22 | M.J. Thomas | Holms | Duck creek Twp. | Jos. S.F. Thomas | Farmer | C. Dement | Asherville, Mo. | C. Dement | 5 Nov 1883 | 2/24 |
Thomas, Maran Marmaduke | Male | 4th | - | 2 Apr 1886 | Duck Creek Twp. | American | Tenn. | 29 | American | Mo. | 25 | Martha J. Thomas | Helug | Duck Creek Twp. | Joames S.F. Thomas | Farmer | C. Dement | Asherville, Mo. | C. Dement | 10 Apr 1886 | 67/107 |
Thompson | Male | 4 | - | 16 Jan 1884 | Liberty Twp. | American | Ill. | 37 | American | Ill. | 26 | Nancy E. Thompson | Dotson | Liberty Twp. | John Thompson | Farmer | - | Dexter, Mo. | C.A. Temple | 19 Feb 1884 | 13/158 |
Thompson, Fannie E. | Female | 2nd | - | 22 Apr 1884 | Piketon | American | Ill. | 30 | American | Tenn. | 21 | Francis H. Thompson | Smith | Pike Twp., Mo. | George Thompson | Farmer | D.A. Richmond | Piketon, Mo. | - | 13 Jun 1884 | 21/270 |
Thompson, Fannie E. | Female | 3rd | - | 22 Apr 1884 | Piketon | American | Ill. | 30 | American | Tenn. | 21 | Francis H. Thompson | Smith | Pike Twp. | Georg Thompson | Farmer | D.A. Richmond | Piketon, Mo. | - | 19 Jun 1884 | 21/273 |
Thompson, Rozenia | Female | 3 | - | 7 Aug 1886 | Duck Creek | American | Alexander Co., Ills. | 44 | American | Jerome Co., Ills. | 28 | Elly Lucinda Thompson | Gorton | Near Puxico | Enoch Thompson | Farmer | Lucinda Gorndon | Puxico, Mo. | G.H. McElwrath | 4 Sep 1886 | 76/227 |
Thrower | Female | Third | White | 9 Apr 1886 | Liberty Twp. | American | Missouri | 26 | American | Missouri | 24 | Sarah Monerva Thrower | Garner | Liberty Twp. | Albert Jackson Thrower | Farmer & Printer | J.H. Dodson | Dexter City, Mo. | J.H. Dodson | 26 Apr 1886 | 68/122 |
Thrower, Annie F. | Female | 2nd | - | 7 Jul 1884 | Liberty Twp. | American | Mo. | 24 | American | Mo. | 20 | Sarah M. Thrower | Garner | Liberty Twp. | Albert J. Thrower | Farmer | J.L. Slayden | Dexter City, Mo. | J.L. Slayden | 16 Jul 1884 | 24/302 |
Thrower, Annie Florence | Female | 2nd | - | 7 Aug 1884 | Liberty Twp. | American | Liberty Twp. | 24 | American | Liberty Twp. | 20 | Sarah M. Thrower | Garner | Liberty Twp., Mo. | Albert J. Thrower | Farmer | J.L. Slaydern | Dexter City, Mo. | J.L. Slayden | 3 Sep 1884 | 26/330 |
Thrower, James T. | Male | 3 | - | 27 Feb 1884 | West Dexter, Mo. | American | Mo. | 30 | American | Mo. | 21 | Mary A. Thrower | Garner | Stoddard Co., Mo. | Andrew Thrower | Farmer | Presley Pritchet | Dexter, Mo. | Presley Pritchet | 6 Mar 1884 | 14/179 |
Thrower, Levi Laban | Male | 1st | - | 26 Sep 1884 | Near Dexter | Rep. | Dexter, Mo. | 23 | Rep. | Dexter, Mo. | 20 | Elmira Thrower | Gillis | Dexter | William J. Thrower | Farming | - | Dexter, Mo. | Mrs. C.A. Temple | 23 Oct 1884 | 30/378 |
Thurman, Dora Ann | Female | Second | - | 8 May 1886, 1:30 p.m. | Liberty Twp., Stoddard Co., Mo. | U. States | Cumberland Co., Ky. | 28 | U. States | Russell Co., Ky. | 23 | Sarah Ellen Thurman | Hadley | Liberty Twp., Stoddard Co., Mo. | Wm. Pion Thurman | Farmer | no one present at time of birth | - | M.E. Williams, M.D. | 13 May 1886 | 69/138 |
Tiller, John Walter | Male | 2 | - | 30 Jan | Stoddard Co. | American | Ky. | 32 | American | Mo. | 26 | Sarah Ellen Tiller | Crawford | Stoddard Co. | George W. Tiller | Farmer | Levina Brooks | Leora, Mo. | Levina Brooks | - | 36/30 |
Tilman, John T. | Male | 2 | - | 17 Mar 1884 | Pike Twp. | American | Ind. | 28 | American | Ark. | 22 | Margaret F. Tilman | - | Pike Twp. | Martin N. Tilman | Farmer | D.M. Simmons | Lakeville, Mo. | D.M. Simmons | 21 Apr 1884 | 18/233 |
Tines, Minnie Alice | Female | 2nd | - | 12 Jan 1885 | New Lisbon Twp. | American | Tenn. | 24 | American | Mo. | 22 | Sarah E. Tines | Cooper | Stoddard Co. | James Tines | Farmer | J.H. Tanner | Leora, Mo. | J.H. Tanner | 22 Jan 1885 | 36/24 |
Tines, Stella | Female | 1st | - | 2 Nov 1884 | Stoddard Co., Mo. | American | Tennessee | 21 | American | Kentucky | 19 | Synthia C. Tines | Fairfield | Stoddard Co., Mo. | Thomas N. Tines | Farmer | Levina Brooks | Leora, Mo. | Levina Brooks | 2 Nov 1884 | 31/396 |
Tippett | Female | 3rd | - | 13 Feb 1886 | Pike Twp. | English | Missouri | 30 | English | Missouri | 24 | Melvina Tippett | Bollinger | - | John Tippett | Farmer | Mrs. E.A. Tilman | Tilman, Mo. | B.H. Rutland | Feb 1886 | 63/51 |
Trenthaine, Cavia | Female | 1 | - | 18 Sep 1886 | Stoddard Co. | American | Tenn. | 32 | American | Mo. | - | Mary E. Trethaen | Bollinger | Mo. | John L. Tretheen | Farmer | E.A. Tilman | Tilman, Mo. | E.A. Tilman | 18 Sep 1886 | 78/260 |
Triplett, Hardin C. | Male | 11th | - | 5 Jun 1884 | Stoddard Co. | American | Tennessee | - | American | Tennessee | - | Elizabeth Triplett | - | - | James M. Triplett | Farmer | J.H. Dodson | Bloomfield, Mo. | J.H. Dodson | 1 Jul 1884 | 24/311 |
Triplett, Hardin Cornelius | Male | 11th | - | 5 June | Stoddard Co. | American | Tenn. | - | American | We. | 30 | Elizabeth Triplett | Elizabeth Stephens | - | James Madison Triplett | Farming | J.H. Dodson | Bloomfield, Mo. | J.H. Dodson | 9 Jun 1884 | 22/284 |
Troft, Alberta C. and Claressy A. | Male and Female | 6 | white | 28 Dec 1883 | Near Lakeville, Mo. | German | - | 38 | German | - | 33 | Dulier Troft | Gross | Stoddard Co., Mo | Martin Troft | Farmer | Mrs. Kisklin | Lakeville, Mo. | James Lockhart | 30 Jan 1884 | 10/127 |
Trotter, J.C. | Male | 7th | - | 27 Aug 1884 | Richland Twp. | American | Ill. | 37 | American | Ill. | 37 | Ellen J. Trotter | E.J. Hall | Richland Twp. | Ebinezer Trotter | Farmer | Malinda J. Gregory | Essex, Mo. | Malinda J. Gregory | 2 Sep 1884 | 27/341 |
Trusty, Emma | Female | 4 | - | 13 Feb 1886 | Duck CreekTwp. | English | Ill. | 36 | English | Ill. | 30 | Martha Trusty | McQuay | Missouri | John F. Trusty | Farmer | J.H. Tanner | Puxico, Mo. | J.H. Tanner | 7 Mar 1886 | 65/85 |
Tucker, J.M. | Female | - | - | 4 Mar 1884 | Stoddard Co., Mo. | American | Tenn. | - | American | Tenn. | - | V.A. Tucker | Holley | - | L.B. Tucker | Farmer | Elisabeth Lineburger | Essex, Mo. | - | 31 Mar 1884 | 17/209 |
Tynes, Murtie M. | Female | 2nd | - | 4 Jan 1886 | Stoddard Co. | American | Tennessee | 22 | American | Kentucky | - | Syntha C. Tynes | Fairfield | Stoddard Co., Mo. | Thomas N. Tynes | Farmer | Lovina Brooks | Leora, Mo. | Lovina Brooks | 4 Jan 1886 | 59/10 |
Name of Mother | Name of Father | Place of Birth | Residence of Mother | Period of Utero[?] Gestation | Date of Birth | Sex | Color | Nativity of Father | Nativity of Mother | Cause of Death Birth (if known) | Signature of Medical Attendant | Residence of Medical Attendant | Name of the Person making the Return | Residence of the Person making the Return | Undertaker, Place of Burial | Date of Return | Pg. No. |
Taylor, Ellissa Ann | Taylor, Jacob H. | Castor Twp. | Stoddard Co., Mo. | 9 mos. | 29 Dec 1885 | Female | White | American | American | not known | none | - | Jacob H. Taylor | Castor Twp., Stoddard Co., Mo. | Neighbors Ateoch Grave yard | 13 Jan 1886 | 99/2 |
Tillman, Margaret | Tillman, Mark | Pike Twp. | Pike Twp. | Abt 3 mos. | 24 Jun 1886 | Male | - | English | English | Not known | B.H. Rutland | Lakeville | - | - | - | 11 Aug 1886 | 100/12 |
Tynes, Harriett | Tucker, George (suppose to be) | New Lisbon Twp. | New Lisbon Twp. | 274 days | 14 Mar 1884 | Male | White | English | English | [see record] | Eldon Phillips | Leora, Stoddard Co., Mo. | - | - | White Graveyard | 4 Apr 1884 | 97/9 |
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