Stoddard Co., Missouri
Court Records
Divorce Index
1836-1913 Books A-Z
Babb, Aduline vs. Stephen Babb, Dismissed, BkM, pg538, 18 Nov 1889 Bachelor, Hannah E. vs. A.J. Bachleor, Dismissed, BkF., pg49, 11 Dec 1875 Bailey, L.E. vs. Bailey, Decree, BkY, pg42, 3 Apr 1911 Baird, Jesse vs. Oscar Baird, Dismissed, BkY, pg148, 15 Apr 1911 Baker, Florsia A. vs. Aaron Baker, Decree, BkD, 437, 15 Mar 1870 Barbour, Mattie L. vs. W.H. Barbour, Decree Granted, BkX, pg166, 7 May 1910 Barnard, Laura vs. Thomas Barnard, Dismissed, BkW, pg316, 7 Dec 1908 Barnard, Thos J. vs. Laura Barnard, Decree Granted, BkX, pg136, 4 May 1910 Barnes, Anna M. vs. Robt. Barnes, Inter. Judgt., BkP, pg447, 13 Mar 1896 Barnes, Sarah A. vs. Robb Barnes, Dismissed by Plaintiff, BkP, pg430, 10 Mar 1896 Barnett, Thomas c. vs. Ruth E. Barnett, Decree Granted, BkS, pg536, 18 Sep 1903 Barrett, Fonzo D. vs. Nancy E. Barrett, Dismissed by Plaintiff, BkP, pg126, 14 Sep 1894 Bass, Jas. vs. Allie Bass, Decree Granted, BkV, pg277, 28 Jun 1907 Batchelor, Thos. J. vs. Margaret J. Batchelor, Dismissed, BkV, pg513, 28 Oct 1907 Bates, Clyde vs. Bates, John [?], Decree for Plf, BkV, pg633, 5 Oct 1907 Batten, Elisha R. vs. Mary C. Batten, Final Judgment, BkP, pg59, 2 May 1894 Bays, Isaiah vs. Sarah Bays, Death of defendant suggested, BkC, pg242, 23 Nov 1959 Beard, Jno. M. vs. Emily Beard, Final Decree, BkD, pg450, 16 Mar 1870 Beck, Adain vs. Winney Beck, Decree, BkE, pg201, 6 Dec 1873 Becking, Frank vs. Cora Becking, Decree for Plf, BkW, pg622, 3 Apr 1909 Beckwith, Amanda vs. H.N. Beckwith, Decree made final, BkM, pg202, 5 Sep 1888 Bell, James D. vs. Nancy A. E. Bell, Nonsuit by Plff., BkM, pg8, 5 Mar 1888 Bell, J.D. vs. Nancy Bell, dismissed, BkM, pg544, 18 Nov 1889 Bell, Tennessee M. vs. Samuel Bell, Decree Granted, BkK, pg305, 10 Sep 1883 Bellah, Phoebe vs. Thos. F. Bellah, Decree Granted, BkS, pg572, 23 Sep 1903 Benson, Sarah L. vs. Samuel Benson, Decree made final, BkM, pg99, 9 Mar 1888 Benton, Cora M. vs. Chas E. Benton, Decree for Plaintiff, Bk Z, pg424, 1 Nov 1912 Benton, John vs. Bettie Benton, Granted, BkS, pg256, 15 Sep 1902 Benton, Miriah M. vs. Sam'l H. Benton, Decree Granted, BkL, pg127, 17 Sep 1885 Bess, Mary Jo vs. Martin Bess, Non Suit, BkD, pg309, 19 Sep 1867 Bess, Minerva J. vs. Connie Bess, Dismissed, BkY, pg390, 4 Oct 1911 Black, Sallie R. vs. William Black , Dismissed, BkM, pg88, 9 Mar 1888 Black, Sallie vs. William Black, Final Judgment, BkP, pg44, 21 Mar 1894 Black, Susan P. vs. Thos. N. Black, Decree made final, BkM, pg334, 5 Mar 1889 Black, Wm. C. vs. Lucitty Black, Dismissed, BkL, pg35, 8 Sep 1885 Blackley, Sarah vs. Enoch Blackley, Final Judgment, BkO, pg596, 7 Mar 1894 Blagg, Laura vs. Orval Blagg, Decree Granted, BkS, pg575, 28 Sep 1903 Blocker, Orris J. vs. Thos. J. Blocker, Decree made final, BkM, pg43, 7 Mar 1888 Blocker, Sarah vs. Thomas Blocker, Decree, BkG, pg167, 10 Sep 1878 Bloodworth, U. vs. Minnie Bloodworth, Dismissed, BkU, pg297, 19 Apr 1906 Bobbitt, J. Ed vs. Cora Bobbitt, Decree for Plf, BkX, pg61, 27 Sep 1909 Bodenhamer, Mary J. vs. Thos. A. Bodenhamer, Decree Granted, Bk566, 30 Nov 1891 Bolin, Viola vs. Frank Bolin, Maint. judgt for pltf for $300.00, BkU, pg304, 23 Apr 1906 Bollinger, Demis vs. Jennie C. Bollinger, Decree Granted, BkN, pg183, 18 Nov 1890 Bollinger, Malissa E. vs. Joel Bollinger, Judgt. for Plaintiff, BkD, pg92, 15 Sep 1866 Bollinger, P.N. vs. Ora L. Bollinger, Decree, BkX, pg495, 6 Oct 1910 Book, Alice vs. Henry Book, Decree Granted, BkO, pg326, 10 Mar 1893 Boss, Mossella vs. John Boss, Decree Granted, BkO, pg278, 8 Mar 1893 Boughton, C.G. vs. G.N. Boughton, Decree Granted, BkO, pg276, 8 Mar 1893 Bowden, Sarah J. vs. R.H. Bowden, Dismissed, BkT, pg395, 11 Mar 1905 Bowlin, Laura vs. Ben Bowlin, Granted, BkS, pg284, 15 Sep 1902 Boyd, Lewis vs. Daisy Boyd, Decree Granted, BkX, pg171, 7 May 1910 Boyle, Lou vs. Hirum Boyle, Decree granted, BkN, pg28, 4 Mar 1890 Boyt, John L. vs. Elizabeth Boyt, Decree for Plff, BkM, pg199, 5 Sep 1888 Boyt, Julie A. vs. Samuel N. Boyt, Decree final, BkN, pg45, 4 Mar 1890 Boyt, Perry W. vs. Mary A. Boyt, Decree made final, BkL, pg318, 8 Sep 1886 Boyt, S.W. vs. Rachael Boyt, Dismissed, BkN, pg127, 8 Sep 1890 Boze, Davis vs. Martha J. Boze, Continued, BkA, pg42, 8 Oct 1836 Brackin, Preston vs. Mary Bracken, Dismissed, BkI, pg317, 5 Jul 1881 Bradham, Wm. vs. Minnie Bradham, Granted, BkS, pg194, 13 Mar 1902 Bradham, William vs. Vandalia Bradham, Decree, BkX, pg358, 21 Sep 1910 Bradshaw vs. Bradshaw, Dismissed, BkS, pg437, 17 Mar 1903 Bradshaw, A. vs. Joseph Bradshaw, Inter. Decree, BkN, pg474, 21 Sep 1891 Bradshaw, Amanda vs. Jo. Bradshaw, Non suit, BkO, pg418, 12 Sep 1893 Bradshaw, Josiah vs. Elizabeth Bradshaw, Decree granted, BkL, pg23, 9 Sep 1885 Branch, BA vs. Mary I. Branch, Decree Granted, BkN, pg340, 6 Mar 1891 Branch, M.A. vs. Ben J. Branch, Dismissed, BkM, pg393, 8 Mar 1889 Brand, William L. vs. Martha Brand, Granted, BkB, pg480, 21 Sep 1853 Brandon, E.C. vs. S.J. Brandon, Decree granted, BkN, pg346, 5 Mar 1891 Brannock, J.W. vs. Charistina Brannock, Final Judgment, BkP, pg62, 4 Jun 1894 Brantley, Chas H. vs. Missouri C. Brantley, Decree, BkE, pg195, 5 Dec 1873 Brantley, Laura C. vs. Joseph S. Brantley, Granted, BkP, pg360, 4 Mar 1896 Brassier, Wm. vs. Kate Brassier, Dismissed, BkY, pg166, 19 Apr 1911 Breeden, Rebecca A. vs. Geo. A. Breeden, Dismissed, BkN, pg426, 17 Sep 1891 Brees, Noah vs. Bertha Brees, Dismissed, BkY, pg31, 30 Mar 1911 Bridges, A.H. vs. Angelina Bridges, Dismissed, BkS, pg439, 17 Mar 1903 Bridges, M. I. vs. Amanda Bridges, Decree Granted, BkS, pg562, 22 Sep 1903 Bridwell, Levi vs. Dora Bridwell, Decree granted, BkI, pg427, 20 Sep 1881 Brock, Lewis vs. Lucinda Brock, Decree Granted, BkN, pg486, 23 Sep 1891 Brooks, Nora vs. Walter Brooks, Decree for Plaintiff, BkS, pg554, 21 Sep 1903 Brothers, Chas A. vs. Mollie J. Brothers, Final Decree, BkY, pg308, 20 Sep 1911 Brown, Cappie vs. Lem J. Brown, Decree Granted, BkX, pg108, 3 Jan 1910 Brown, Geo. H. vs. M.E. Brown, Dismissed, BkY, pg42, 3 Apr 1911 Brown, Geo. Wm. vs. Barbara E. Brown Final Decree , BkD, pg450, 17 Mar 1870 Brown, J.E. vs. Alice Brown, Granted, BkS, pg256, 15 Sep 1902 Brown, J.W. vs. Nellie Brown, Dismissed, BkU, pg298, 19 Apr 1906 Brown, Stella vs. Wm. R. Brown, Dismissed, BkY, pg64, 6 Apr 1911 Browne, M.M. vs. Thos. B. Browne, Decree Granted Plaintiff, BkK, pg535, 5 Sep 1884 Bryant, Nettie L. vs. W.M. Bryant, Decree for Plf., BkW, pg611, 1 Apr 1909 Buchanan, Willie L. vs. Andy Buchanan, Dismissed, BkW, pg469, 23 Dec 1908 Buck, Charles vs. Ivy Buck, Dismissed, BkP, pg458, 14 Mar 1896 Buckner, D.E. vs. E.J. Buckner, Dismissed, BkN, pg244, 22 Nov 1890 Bumgartner, Amanda vs. Jacob Bumgartner, Inter. Judgt., BkP, pg279, 17 Sep 1895 Burditt, Eliza J. vs. Levi Burditt, Granted, BkC, pg192, 28 May 1857 Burns, Sarah A. vs. W.A. Burns, Granted, BkP, pg478, 24 Nov 1896 Burrell, Effie vs. Henry M. Burrell, Decree, BkY, pg92, 7 Apr 1911 Burton, M.[?]. vs. Lillian Burton, Decree for Plf, BkW, pg568, 27 Mar 1909 Butler, Callie vs. Jessie Butler, Final Decree, BkY, pg362, 28 Sep 1911 |
1913-1951 Books 1-18
Babb, Clyde vs. Cloda Babb, Decree to Pltf, Bk8, pg487, 16 Apr 1928 Babb, W.E., Jr. vs. Veda Lois Babb, Dismissed by Plaintiff, Bk14, pg 489, 11 Oct 1938 Bagby, Charles Miller vs. Katherine Bagby, Decree to Plaintiff, Bk17, pg181, 5 Nov 1945 Bailey, B.F. vs. J.D. Bailey, Decree for Plaintiff, Bk1, pg136, 9 Apr 1913 Bailey, Charline vs. Lester R. Bailey, Decree to Plaintiff, Bk16, pg464, 12 Nov 1943 Bailey, Lena vs. Jess Bailey, Decree to Pltf $50.00 each month for support & Maintaince of children, Bk17, pg17, 9 Nov 1944 Bailey, Marie vs. Jess Bailey, Decree to Pltf, Bk18, pg372, 3 Jan 1950 Bain, R.R. vs. Bertha Bain, Decree to Pltf, Bk18, pg311, 19 Sep 1949 Baiter, Ruby vs. Byrd Baiter, Dismissed, Bk4, pg372, 31 Mar 1920 Baker, Audrey, vs. Earl Baker, Decree to Plaintiff; custody of minor children, Bk16, pg522, 6 Jan 1944 Baker, Bernita vs. Wayne Baker, Decree to Pltf; custody of Child $50.00 per month, Bk17, pg383, 8 Nov 1946 Baker, Clarence vs. Opal Baker, Decree to Plaintiff, Bk16, pg32, 31 Oct 1941 Baker, Cleo vs. Clarence Baker, Decree to Plaintiff, Bk14, pg630, 17 Apr 1939 Baker, J.M. vs. Ora Baker, Decree to Pltf., Bk17, pg567 6 Oct 1947 Baker, Mae vs. C.O. Baker, Decree to Plain.; former name restored, Bk10, pg429, 17 Apr 1931 Baker, Pearl Limons vs. Elvis Clay Baker, Decree and maiden name, Bk16, pg525, 28 Dec 1944 Baldridge, Alma vs. Robert Baldridge, Decree for Plaintiff, Bk3, pg220, 30 Mar 1917 Baldwin, Helen vs. Eugene L. Baldwin Decree to Pltf; custody & support of child, Bk18, pg317, 19 Sep 1949 Baler, B.K. vs. Agnes Merril Baler, Decree to Plaintiff, Bk14, pg 521, 7 Dec 1938 Bandy, Imogene vs. Herbert Bandy, Decree, Bk12, pg110, 15 Jun 1933 Barham, Opal vs. Buryl O. Barham, Dismissed by Plaintiff, Bk14, pg 288, 10 Dec 1937 Barker, A.V. vs. Lennie Barker, Decree to Pltf; maiden name Scrape, Bk18, pg151, 1 Jan 1949 Barker, Albert vs. Alva Barker, Decree to Plf., Bk13, pg303, 9 Jan 1936 Barker, Alta vs. Garland Barker, Decree, Bk11, pg219, 18 Apr 1932 Barker, Altha Tate vs. Alfred Barker, Decree for Plf.; Maiden name restored, Bk12, pg575, 12 Jan 1935 Barker, Effie Carline vs. James Barker, Decree to Plaintiff, Bk17, 224, 11 Jan 1946 Barker, Elizabeth vs. John L. Barker, Decree to Plf.; care & custody of children, Bk14, pg 191, 9 Aug 1937 Barker, Eugene vs. Amanda Barker, Decree to Pltf, Bk8, pg244, 11 Aug 1927 Barker, Mildren Marie vs. Robt. E. Barker, Decree to Pltf; custody of minor child, Bk18, pg477, 19 Jun 1950 Barks, Clara M. vs. Delaner Barks, Decree for Plf, Bk1, pg574, 24 Oct 1914 Barks, Henry vs. Ethel Barks, Decree to plaintiff, Bk16, pg55, 4 Dec 1941 Barks, Louise vs. Hubert Barks, Decree to Pltf; custody of child; $55.00 per mo., Bk18, pg201, 21 Mar 1949 Barks, Lula Hawkins vs. Henry Barks, Decree to Pltf, Bk9, pg72, 19 Sep 1928 Barnes, Ruby vs. Clyde Barnes, Decree to Pltf; custody of minor children, Bk15, pg445, 3 Jan 1941 Barnett, Earnest vs. Eunice Barnett, Decree to Pltf, Bk17, pg28, 4 Dec 1944 Barnett, Gordon vs. Jane Barnett, Decree to Pltf, Bk16, pg305, 18 Jan 1943 Barney, Elsie M. vs. William S. Barney, Decree to Plaintiff, Bk18, pg394, 15 Aug 1949 Barrett, Emma vs. Thomas Barrett, Decree to Plaintiff, Bk17, pg110, 21 May 1945 Barrett, Mildred Ellis vs. Thomas K. Barrett, Decree to Pltf; name of Ellis restored, Bk17, pg236, 21 Jan 1946 Barrett, Myrtle vs. Albert Louis Barrett, Decree to Pltf; maiden name, Bk9, pg272, 19 Apr 1929 Barrett, Nadine L. vs. Troy Carl Barrett, Decree to Pltf; custody of minor children, Bk18, pg516, 5 Sep 1950 Bartlett, Betty vs. Howard Bartlett, Decree to Pltf; maiden name Blankenship, Bk18, pg330, 19 Oct 1949 Barton, Doroty Glenn vs. Stanford Barton, Decree to Plaintiff, Bk16, pg615, 7 Aug 1944 Bash, Austin H. vs. Louis E. Bash, Decree to Pltf., Bk15, pg464, 28 Jan 1941 Bass, Laura vs. Thomas Bass, Dismissed, Bk5, pg415, 18 Sep 1922 Bassham, Anna vs. V.L. Bassham, Decree for Plaintiff, Bk4, pg381, 1 Apr 1920 Bathe, Corene vs. Forest Bathe, Decree to Plaintiff; custody of minor children, Bk16, pg134, 10 Apr 1942 Batkins, Anne vs. Olen Batkins, Decree to Pltf; restoration of Maiden name Anne Cordia, Bk15, pg 372, 17 sep 1940 Batten, Maud vs. Reynold E. Batten, Decree to Pltf, Bk7, pg376, 8 Apr 1926 Baze, David vs. Martha J. Baze, Martha J. Baze is not a resident of this State - ordered to appear on first day of the next term. 21 Mar 1836 Beach, Ivah Opal vs. Norman H. Beach, Decree to Pltf, Bk10, pg204, 15 Aug 1930 Beachum, Luther vs. Dollie Beachum, Decree to Pltf; custody of child, Bk18, pg460,15 May 1950 Beaird, S.N. vs. Bill Beaird, Decree for Plaintiff, Bk4, pg538, 8 Oct 1920 Beal, Charles vs. Sophie Beal, Decree to Pltf, Bk6, pg95, 19 Sep 1922 Beal, Charley vs. Marie Beal, Joint pet.; Dismissed, Bk12, pg252, 14 Dec 1933 Beal, Donnie vs. Charley Beal, Decree for Plaintiff, Bk2, pg120, 15 Apr 1915 Beal, Fred vs. Alice Beal, Decree to Def.; Custody of minor child & Maintence, Bk12, pg349, 19 Apr 1934 Beard, Elizabeth vs. William (Billy) Beard, Decree to Pltf; maiden name Sivert, Bk18, pg337, 7 Nov 1949 Beard, Mada Virginia vs. Walter H. Beard, Decree to Pltf, Bk17, pg505, 2 Jun 1947 Beaty, William C. vs. Lois Beaty, Dismissed by Pltf, Bk18, pg86, 17 Aug 1948 Beckenbough, Virginia vs. Alfred Beckenbough, Decree to Pltf., Bk15, pg285, 29 Apr 1940 Beck, Virginia vs. Cecil Beck, Decree to Plaintiff; custody of children, Bk17, pg365, 7 Oct 1946 Beckel, Eunice D. vs. Frankie L. Beckel, Decree for Plaintiff, Bk3, pg634, 6 Jan 1920 Beckham, Mazie vs. Joseph Beckham, Decree to Plaintiff, Bk15, pg 296, 3 May 1940 Beckham, Ona vs. Omer D. Beckham, Decree to Plaintiff; care and custody of minor female child, Bk13, pg107, 6 Sep 1935 Beckham, Virginia Thrower vs. Cecil Beckham, Decree to Plaintiff; maiden name, Bk17, pg337, 19 Aug 1946 Beckham, W.D. vs. Jannie Beckham, Decree for Plf, Bk1, pg62, 14 Apr 1913 Becking, John thomas vs. Ethel Clark Becking, Decree to Plaintiff, Bk17, pg192, 19 Nov 1945 Beggs, Mary A. vs. James Beggs, Decree for Plaintiff, Bk1, pg16, 27 Mar 1912 Behymer, Ellen vs. Ben Behymer, Decree to Plaintiff, Bk11, pg510, 26 Dec 1932 Bell, J.F. vs. Mary Bell, Decree for Plaintiff, Bk3, pg31, 4 Oct 1916 Bell, Emma Leona vs. Walter Lee Bell, Decree to Plaintiff; care & custody of minor child Dorthy Mae Bell, Bk15, pg 318, 2 Jul 1940 Bell, Viola vs. Walter Bell, Decree to Pltf, Bk9, pg554, 5 Dec 1929 Bell, W.F. vs. Elna Bell, Decree to Plaintiff, Bk16, pg353, 8 Mar 1943 Beller, Marie vs. Joseph J. Bellar, Decree to Pltf; Maiden name, Bk16, pg600, 6 Jun 1944 Bemer, Etta vs. Ed Bemer Decree for Plaintiff, Bk3, pg366, 24 Sep 1917 Benner, Clarence vs. Ruby Marie Benner, Decree to Plaintiff, Bk16, pg19, 3 Oct 1941 Bennett, C.L. vs. Nell O. Bennett, Decree for Deft. , Bk4, pg547, 8 Oct 1920 Bennett, Dela vs. Allen Bennett, Decree for Plaintiff, Bk3, pg19, 29 Sep 1916 Bennett, Freeman vs. Fannie Bennett, Decree to plaintiff, Bk11, pg516, 30 Dec 1932 Bequeth, Phoebe Jordan vs. John Bequeth, Decree, Bk9, pg244, 12 Apr 1929 Benson, Bessie vs. Walter Benson, Decree to Pltf, Bk7, pg176, 25 Sep 1925 Benson, Martha vs. M.C. Benson, Decree to deft, Bk11, pg299, 27 May 1932 Benson, Pearl vs. Ellis Benson, Decree to pltf., Bk16, pg244, 22 Sep 1942 Bernard, L. vs. Ida Bernard Decree to Pltf, Bk6, pg312, 3 Apr 1924 Berry, Beck vs. Alma Berry, Decree to Plaintiff, Bk16, pg 601, 6 Jun 1944 Berry, Blanch vs. Cecil Berry, Decree to Pltf, Bk15, pg518, 30 Apr 1941 Berry, Dorothy Jean vs. Joseph Odis Berry, Decree to Pltf; maiden name Dorothy Jean Brown, Bk18, pg592, 2 Jan 1951 Berry, Edith vs James A. Berry, Decree to Pltf, Bk18, pg190, 18 Feb 1948 Berry, Gertie vs. Beck C. Berry, Dismissed, Bk17, pg469, 10 Apr 1947 Berry, Laura vs. J.H. Berry, Decree to Plaintiff, Bk15, pg318, 2 Jul 1940 Bess, Cara Mae vs. Carl, Decree to Pltf; custody of child. Cosita, Jimmy & Bobby Bess & Iedola? Bess, Bk17, pg237, 21 Jan 1946 Bess, Connie vs. Minerva J. Bess, Decree for Pltf, Bk6, pg20, 14 Apr 1923 Bess, James vs. Hoyl Bess, Decree to Plaintiff, Bk16, pg616, 7 Aug 1944 Bess, James M. vs. Nellie Bess, Decree to Pltf, Bk17, pg567, 6 Oct 1947 Bess, Lara vs. Benny H. Bess, Decree to Pltf., Bk16, pg512, 3 Jan 1944 Bess, Marjorie vs. Charles Bess, Decree to Pltf.; care & custody of minor child., Bk16, pg234, 26 Aug 1942 Bethea, Gladys C. vs. Oscar W. Bethea, Decree to Pltf, Bk17, pg627, 19 Jan 1948 Beyer, Inez Ann vs. clarence Beyer, Decree to Pltf; custoy of children & $60 per month support of children, Bk17, pg294, 6 May 1946 Beyerback, Emma vs. Charley Beyerback,Decree to Pltf.; care & custody of child, Bk14, pg567, 26 Jan 1939 Biggerstaff, Randal vs. E.V. Biggerstaff, Decree to plain., Bk10, pg450, 21 Apr 1931 Biggs, J.A. vs. Georgia Biggs, Decree made final, Bk14, pg283, 10 Dec 1937 Billers, Edna vs. M.J. Billers, Decree to Pltf; name changed to Goza, Bk7, pg148, 22 Sep 1925 Billings, Leora S. vs. James V. Billings, Continued, Bk18, pg629, 9 Mar 1951 Bills, Rhoda vs. T.N. Bills, Decree for Plaintiff, Bk3, pg152, 19 Mar 1917 Binkley, Marmie vs. Bessie Binkley, Decree for Plaintiff, Bk12, pg559, 8 Jan 1935 Bisbee, Helen T. vs. David Bisbee, Decree to plaintiff, Bk10, pg467, 27 Apr 1931 Bishop, Delsie vs. Eric Bishop, Dismissed, Bk17, 481, 2 May 1947 Black, E.C. vs. Lona Black, Decree to Pltf, Bk8, pg546, 6 Apr 1928 Black, James Henry vs. Katie Black, Decree to Plaintiff, Bk12, pg 517, 10 Dec 1934 Black, Lona Francis vs. Ebbie Conway Link Black, Dismissed, Bk2, pg114, 12 Apr 1915 Black, Robert (a minor) by U.M. Black vs. Louise K. Black, Decree to Pltf., Bk18, pg175, 7 Feb 1949 Blackburn, Ala vs. George Blackburn, Dismissed by Pltf, Bk17, pg2, 28 Aug 1944 Blackman, Rosella vs. Oden E. Blackman, Dismissed by Plaintiff, Bk17, pg79, 2 Apr 1945 Blackmore, Pansy P. vs. Charles W. BlackmoreDecree to Plaintiff; maiden name Cuffer?, Bk18, pg428, 20 Mar 1950 Blades, Virginia vs. John L. Blades, Decree to Plaintiff; Care & custody of minor child, Bk14, pg 349, 15 Aug 1938 Blake, Thomas H. vs. Docia E. Blake, Dismissed, Bk11, pg 446, 25 Nov 1932 Blanchard, Willard vs. Lina Blanchard, Decree to Pltf, Bk16, pg515, 5 Jan 1944 Blankenship, Herman vs. Rene Blankenship, Decree to Pltf, Bk18, pg114, 1 Nov 1940 Bledsoe, Ruthe Cameron vs. Earl Bledsoe, Decree to Pltf & maiden name of Ruth Cameron, Bk17, pg131, 2 Jul 1945 Blessing, William T. vs. Lucille Blessing, Decree to plaintiff, Bk17, pg304, 20 May 1946 Blevins, W.T. vs. Della Blevins, Decree to Pltf, Bk6, pg495, 1 Oct 1924 Blocker, F.M. vs. Ada Blocker, Decree for Plaintiff, Bk3, pg209, 29 Mar 1917 Blocker, J.M. vs. Julia Blocker, Decree to Pltf, Bk10, pg204, 15 Aug 1930 Blockwell, Eula vs. Allen Blockwell, Decree to Plaintiff, Bk15, pg464, 28 Jan 1941 Bloodworth, Creola vs. Rulen Bloodworth, Decree to Plaintiff, Bk12, pg355, 30 Apr 1934 Bloodworth, N.J. vs. Earl Bloodworth, Decree to Pltf, Bk9, pg143, 7 Dec 1928 Bloomer, Opal vs. Edward Bloomer, Decree to plain.; custody of minor children, Bk10, pg429, 17 Apr 1931 Bloys, Lura I. vs. J.Albert Bloys, Decree for Plaintiff, Bk1, pg62, 14 Apr 1913 Blyzes, Alfred vs. Pearl Blyzes, Dismissed, Bk17, 491, 13 May 1947 Bodine, Irene Tate vs. Chance Loyd Bodine, Decree and maiden name, Bk16, pg639, 16 Aug 1944 Bohanon, Minnie vs. William Bohanon, Dismissed, Bk14, pg571, 27 Jan 1939 Bohannon, Clayton vs. evelyn Bohannon, Decree to Pltf., Bk18, pg514, 5 Sep 1950 Boismenul, Leonard vs. Della Boismenul, Dismissed, Bk12, pg7, 3 Apr 1932 Bolerjack, Simon vs. Daisy Bolerjack, Dismissed, Bk3, pg414, 22 Oct 1917 Bolin, John vs. Minnie H. Bolin, Decree for Plaintiff, Bk2, pg468, 20 Mar 1916 Boller, A.H. vs. Lizzie boller, Decree to Pltf, Bk9, pg346, 31 May 1929 Bollinger, Charles G. vs. Marjorie Bollinger, Dismissed, Bk18, pg505, 7 Aug 1950 Bollinger, Sadie Mae vs. Pearl Bollinger, Decree to Plaintiff, Bk17, pg263, 18 Mar 1946 Bollinger, Vergie vs. Elbert Bollinger, Decree to Pltf., Bk15, pg30, 12 Jun 1939 Bollinger, Vernon vs. Wilma Bollinger, Continued, Bk18, pg651, 3 Apr 1951 Bolin, Geneva vs. Leslie Bolin, Decree to Pltf; custody of children, Bk17, pg241, 4 Feb 1946 Bolin, George W. vs. Addie Bolin , Decree to Pltf, Bk18, pg380, 16 Jan 1950 Bolin, Luella vs. Marion C. Bolin, Decree to Pltf, Bk10, pg132, 14 May 1930 Bond, Berdie vs. Tom Bond, Decree to Pltf, Bk9, pg345, 31 May 1929 Bond, Nors vs. Ernest Bond, Decree to Pltf; Custody of Children, Bk7, pg9, 26 Mar 1925 Bonebrake, H.E. vs. Alice Bonebrake, Decree to Plaintiff, Bk14, pg219, 13 Sep 1937 Bonner, W.M. vs. Rula Belle Bonner, Decree to Pltf, Bk6, pg309, 2 Apr 1924 Bonner, Wm. M. vs. Lulu B. Bonner, Dismissed, Bk1, pg367, 28 Mar 1914 Book, Issac vs. Lotta Book, Decree for Pltf, Bk5, pg306, 11 Apr 1922 Book, Martha vs. Elmer Book, Decree to Pltf.; restoration of maiden name Hill, Bk15, pg23, 12 Jun 1939 Boone, Etta vs. James A. Boone, Decree to Pltf, Bk7, pg31, 4 Apr 1925 Boone, Magdalene vs. William Monroe Boone, Decree to plain., Bk10, pg421, 14 Apr 1931 Boone, Sudia vs. Joseph A. Boone, Decree for Plf; Alimony in Gross $300.00, Bk2, pg187, 30 Apr 1915 Borders, Minnie vs. Roscoe Borders, Decree to Pltf, Bk9, pg249, 15 Apr 1929 Borders, Nora vs. Wesley Borders, Decree to Pltf; custody of child, Bk10, pg109, 12 May 1930 Born, Mary Jo vs. Bernie Russell Born, Decree to Deft. & Custody of child, Bk18, pg248, 16 May 1949 Bostic, Erma vs. Jesse Bostic, Decree to Pltf, Bk10, pg45, 17 Apr 1930 Bowers, Maud vs. B.F. Bowers, Decree to plaintiff, Bk14, pg541, 21 Dec 1938 Bowman, Gladyn vs. W.G. Bowman, Decree to Plaintiff, Bk17, pg101, 7 May 1945 Bowman, Pansy vs. Oral Bowman, Dismissed by Plaintiff; maiden name restored, Bk12, pg559, 8 Jan 1935 Boyce, Sweet vs. Dessie Boyce, Dismissed, Bk16, pg361, 5 Apr 1943 Boyd, Savannah vs. Elijah Boyd, Decree for Plaintiff, Bk1, pg213, 17 Sep 1913 Boyer, Elmer vs. Alta Boyer, Decree to Pltf, Bk9, pg329, 14 Mar 1929 Boyer, H.S. vs. Jane Boyer, Dismissed, Bk17, pg538, 31 Jul 1947 Boyer, Hattie vs. Elijah Boyer, Decree, Bk11, pg 258, 9 May 1932 Boyer, Earl vs. Pear Boyer, Contd, Bk12, pg266, 10 Jan 1935 Boyle, Billy Jean vs. Haze Lee Boyle, Dismissed, Bk18, pg146, 20 Dec 1948 Boyles, Harry vs. Cassie Boyles, Decree for Plaintiff, Bk3, pg365, 24 Sep 1917 Boyt, G.A. vs. Etmay S. Boyt, Decree to Plaintiff, Bk13, pg387, 29 Apr 1936 Boyt, George A. vs. Laura Boyt, Decree to Plaintiff, Bk13, pg302, 9 Jan 1936 Boyt, Dorthy vs. Loran Boyt, Decree to Plaintiff, Bk16, pg500, 20 Dec 1943 Braden, Elsie vs. J.L. Braden, Decree to plaintiff, Bk11, pg78, 11 Dec 1931 Bradhem, Hattie vs. Homer A. Bradhem, Decree to Pltf, Custody of Children, Bk7, pg178, 30 Sep 1925 Bradish, Grace vs. Frank Bradish, Decree to Pltf; custody of minor children, Bk17, pg387, 18 Nov 1946 Brandon, James E. vs. Agnes F. Brandon, Decree to defd., Bk18, pg402, 20 Feb 1950 Branum, Charles C. vs. Patricia June Branum, Decree to Pltf, Bk17, pg502, 30 May 1947 Bratch, Rena vs. Otto Bratch, Decree to Plaintiff & custody of children, Bk11, pg554, 30 Jan 1933 Bratcher, Beulah B. vs. Rangels Bratcher, Dismissed by Plaintiff, Bk16, pg556, 8 Apr 1944 Braun, Albert vs. Vena Braun, Decree to Pltf, Bk17, pg100, 7 May 1945 Breeden, Pear vs. Phillip C. Breeden, Decree to Pltf, Bk6, pg569, 14 Nov 1924 Bremer, Hazel vs. Jim Bremer, Decree to plaintiff, Bk15, pg464, 28 Jan 1941 Brenhan, Watma vs. Joseph, Decree to Pltf & maiden name, Bk15, pg550, 6 May 1941 Brewer, Freda vs. Boone R.Brewer, Decree to Plaintiff, Bk17, pg102, 7 May 1945 Brewer, Maggie vs. Millard Brewer, Decree for Pltf; custody of child, Bk4, pg540, 8 Oct 1920 Brewer, Mary vs. Odie Brewer, Decree to Pltf; name changed to McFarlen, Bk7, pg219, 13 Oct 1925 Brickeer, Julia vs. Edward O. Brickeer, Decree to Plaintiff, Bk12, pg333, 10 Apr 1934 Bright, Clarence vs. Nola Bright, Decree to Plaintiff, Bk14, pg89, 3 May 1937 Bright, Grover vs. Edith Bright, Decree to Pltf, Bk18, pg314, 19 Sep 1949 Bright, John B. vs. Letha C. Bright, Decree for Pltf, Bk1, pg528, 12 Oct 1914 Bright, Minnie vs Grover Bright, Decree to Pltf, Bk18, pg517, 5 Sep 1950 Brightwell, Lucy vs. Carl Brightwell, Decree to Plaintiff, Bk4, pg212, 24 Sep 1919 Brison, Paul vs. Stella Brinson, Decree to Pltf.,Bk17, pg546, 18 Aug 1947 Britton, Edna vs. Leroy Britton, Dismissed by Pltf, Bk17, pg469, 21 Apr1947 Brock, Eli vs. Anna Brock, Decree to Plaintiff, Bk16, pg305, 18 Jan 1943 Brock, Loran vs. Lena Brock, Dismissed, Bk10, pg9, 7 Apr 1930 Brock, Minnie M. vs. Peter S. Brock, Decree for Plaintiff, Bk1, pg283, 17 Dec 1913 Brock, P.S. vs. Harriet Brock, Decree for Plaintiff, Bk3, pg490, 20 Mar 1918 Brody, Belina Sue Nation, vs. David Brody, Dismissed by Plaintiff, Bk16, pg374, 3 May 1943 Brody, Betty vs. Colin Brody, decree to Pltf; custody of child, Bk17, pg613, 15 Dec 1947 Bolin, Rhoda C. vs. Henry T. Bolin, Dismissed, Bk1, pg251, 8 Dec 1913 Brooks, Bonita vs. William L. Brooks, Decree to Plaintiff, Bk17, pg97, 7 May 1945 Brooks, J.W. vs. Laura Brooks, Decree to Pltf, Bk7, pg337, 26 Mar 1926 Brooks, June Tinkersley vs. James M. Brooks, Pltf. custody of child, Bk17, pg553, 2 Sep 1947 Broshears, Edward M. vs. Myrtle Broshears, Decree to Plaintiff, Bk16, pg150, 21 apr 1942 Brothers, Harley vs. Elaie Mae Brothers, Decree to Plaintiff, Bk15,pg303, 13 May 1940 Broughton, R.O. vs. Bertha May Broughton, Decree to Plaintiff, Bk 15, pg 373, 17 Sep 1940 Brown, Andy J. vs. Emma L. Brown, Decree for Plaintiff, Bk4, pg390, 5 Apr 1920 Brown, Deloris Emma vs. Oden C. Borwn, Decree to Pltf, Bk17, pg546, 18 Aug 1947 Brown, Elizabeth vs. Evert Brown, Decree to Plaintiff, Bk16, pg12, 12 Sep 1941 Brown, Francine vs. Calvin Brown, Decree to Plaintiff, Bk15, pg521, 30 Apr 1941 Brown, Ima vs. Cleaty Brown, Decree to Pltf & custody of minor children, Bk16, pg222, 11 Aug 1942 Brown, Lilian A. vs. Elmer Brown, Dismissed, Bk8, pg77, 4 Apr 1927 Brown, Orville vs. Nancy Brown, Decree to Pltf, Bk 18, pg346, 21 Nov 1949 Brown, Winnie (Bledron) vs. Jacob Brown, Decree to Pltf; custody of children, Bk7, pg155, 28 Sep 1925 Bruce, Helen vs. Noah Bruce,Decree to Plaintiff; care & custody of infant child, Bk14, pg630, 17 Apr 1939 Bruce, N.C. vs. Mary Tinsley Bruce, Decree to Plaintiff, Bk12, pg470, 9 Nov 1934 Bruce, Siegel vs. Stella Bruce, Decree to Plaintiff; care & custody of minor child, Bk14, pg555, 5 Jan 1939 Brushcomb, Olivia Davis vs. Namon Brushcomb, Decree to Plaintif, custody of children, Bk17, pg346, 2 Sep 1946 Bruner, Charles D. vs. Maudie Bruner, Decree to Plaintiff, Bk17, pg337, 19 Aug 1946 Bryant, Burlecy vs. Carl Bryant, Judgt. for plf; maintenance in groos $75.00, Bk1, pg237, 2 Dec 1913 Bryant, Erma vs. Dewey Bryant, Decree to Pltf, Bk17, pg620, 5 Jan 1948 Bryant, Everett C. vs. Ruby Pansy Bryant, Dismissed by Plaintiff, Bk15, pg515, 9 Apr 1941 Bryant, Everett C. vs. Beulah May Bryant, Decree to Pltf, Bk18, pg58, 19 Jul 1948 Bryant, Everett C. vs. Mattie May Bryant, Decree to Pltf, Bk9, pg169, 19 Dec 1928 Bryant, J.H. vs. Maude Bryant, Decree to Pltf, Bk15, pg418, 5 Dec 1940 Bryant, John C. vs. Pinkie Bryant, Decree for Plaintiff, Bk1, pg257, 8 Dec 1913 Buchanan, C.L. vs. Laura Buchanan, Decree to Pltf, Bk15, pg446, 3 Jan 1941 Buchanan, F.H. vs. Amy A. Buchanan, Decree to Pltf, Bk6, pg292, 26 Mar 1924 Buchanan, R. vs. Mabel Buchanan, Decree to Plaintiff, Bk15, pg319, 2 Jul 1940 Bugbee, Mary Elizabeth vs. Raymond Bugbee, Decree to Pltf., Bk14, pg306, 4 Jan 1938 Bullard, Ida May vs. Richard O. Bullard, Decree to Pltf; custody of children, Bk6, pg299, 28 Mar 1924 Bumgardarner, Mabel vs. Henry T. Bumgardarner, Decree to Plaintiff; care & custody of 5 minor children, Bk13, pg521, 3 Sep 1936 Burch, Iva vs. Edwin Burch, Decree to Pltf maiden name of Hyatt restored, Bk17, pg281, 15 Apr 1946 Burch, Mary vs. Claude Burch, Decree to Pltf; custody of minor children, Bk17, pg87, 4 Apr 1945 Burch, Opal vs. Amos Burch, Dismissed by Pltf, Bk18, pg87, 22 Aug 1948 Burchett, Cora vs. Thomas Burchett, Decree to Pltf; $50.00 per month for each child, Bk16, pg643, 16 Aug 1944 Burchett, Tom M. vs. Mazie Burchett, Dismissed, Bk17, pg606, 1 Dec 1947 Burgess, Venita vs. Howard Burgess, Dismissed, Bk17, pg391, 2 Dec 1946 Burk, R.A. vs. Mollie G. Burk, Decree for Plf., Bk2, pg276, 23 Sep 1915 Burke, Gracie L. vs. Burrell L. Burke, Decree to Plaintiff, restoration of Maiden name, Bk13, pg242, 9 Dec 1935 Burke, James E. vs. Glady Burke, Decree to Pltf, Bk18, pg346, 21 Nov 1949 Burkhart, Burna Poe vs. Ivan C. Burkhart, Judgement for Plaintiff, Bk15, pg418, 5 Dec 1940 Burkhart, Mattie vs. Walter Lee Burkhart, Decree to Plaintiff, Bk14, pg 110, 11 May 1937 Burnett, Ella vs. A.H. Burnett, Decree to Pltf, Bk7, pg15, 30 Mar 1925 Burnett, Hettie vs. Arvell Burnett, Decree to Pltf; cus. of child, Bk8, pg81, 6 Apr 1927 Burnett, P.B. vs. Lena Burnett, Decree for Plaintiff, Bk3, pg18, 29 Sep 1916 Burnett, Varnell Lee vs. Herbert G. Burnett, Dismissed, Bk10, pg518, 27 May 1931 Burns, Alta vs. Arthur Burns, Dismissed by Plaintiff, Bk17, pg183, 5 Nov 1945 Burns, Andrew C. vs. Imogene Burns, Decree to Pltf., Bk17, pg52, 5 Jan 1945 Burns, Delmar vs. Ida S. Burns, Decree for Plaintiff, Bk3, pg150, 19 Mar 1917 Burns, Franke Mae vs. Burns, Raymond, Decree to Pltf; custody of children $65.00 per month, Bk16, pg561, 17 Apr 1944 Burns, Pansy vs. Bobby Ray Pruitt, Decree to Pltf, Bk18, pg368, 3 Jan 1950 Burris, Ella vs. Geo. E. Burris, Decree for Plaintiff, Bk1, pg260, 8 Dec 1913 Burroughs, Edna vs. Harry Burroughs, Decree to Pltf, Bk10, pg75, 30 Apr 1930 Burton, Enid vs. Ben Burton, Decree to Pltf, Bk9, pg155, 13 Dec 1928 Burton, Glenn D. vs. Margie Burton, Decree to Pltf, Bk17, pg605, Dec 1, 1947 Burton, Ruth Elizabeth vs. Ralph L. Burton, Decree to Pltf, maiden name Bethome, Bk17, pg377, 29 Oct 1946 Bush, Charley vs. Bertie Bush, Decree to Pltf; custody of children to Deft. $50.00 per mo. support, Bk18, pg518, 5 Sep 1950 Bush, Pansy vs Jesse Bush, Decree to Pltf; custody of minor child, Bk18, pg357, 5 Dec 1949 Butler, Eunice vs. Frank A. Butler, Decree to Pltf, Bk18, pg41, 27 Jun 1948 Butler, Imogene vs. Loran Butler, Decree to Pltf; care & custody of minor child, Bk15, pg 364, 22 Aug 1940 Butler, Verne vs. Roy Butler, Decree to Pltf, maiden name, Bk17, pg415, 7 Jan 1947 Buttery, Lewis vs. Myrtle Buttrey, Decree to Pltf; custody of child, bk17, pg281, 15 Apr 1946 Byer, Jennie V. vs. Adam Byer, Decree for Plaintiff, Bk3, pg275, 12 Apr 1917 Bynum, Earlie vs. Hattie Bynum, Decree to Pltf, Bk17, pg341, 3 Jun 1946 Bynum, Nora M. vs. Carl Bynum, Decree to Pltf, Bk18, pg561, 20 Nov 1950 Byons, Gracie vs. Arthur Byons, Dismissed; Plf dead, Bk3, pg687, 6 Jan 1919 |
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