Probate Records
Vol. A
Please Note: The Stoddard County Probate records have many pages that have crumbled away. I have used elipses (...) in the place of the missing words. This is just the start these records will be added to every week. If you would like a jpg. copy of the page your ancestor is on contact me with the name and page number. |
PAGE 101 - 5 Jul 1848 |
Estate of James Jenkins, deceased --- Final Settlement John Shrum and Elizabeth Jenkins administrators of said Estate comes and presents their Final Settlement of their administration of said Estate and are charged with the sum of Two hundred and Seven dollars and Nineteen cents. And are credited by the sum of One hundred and Twenty One dollars and Sixty Eight cents for vouchers No. 23 to 27 chich leaves a balance in the hands of said administrators of the sum of Eight Five dollars and Fifty One cents. |
Estate of Edward David, deceased --- Final Settlement Nathan Harris late administrator of said Estate comes and makes Final Settlement of his administration of said Estate and is charged with the sum of Two hundred and Seventy Three dollars Ninety Four cents. And is credited by the sum of Fifty Two dollars and Ninety Two cents for voucher No. ___ to ___ which leaves a balance in the hands of said administrator of the sum of Two hundred dollars and Two cents and the Court not being satisfied as to the amount due each respective heir it is therefore Ordered that Reuben P. Owen be appointed to audit the claims of the heirs of said Estate and that he ascertain the amount secured by each, and the amount yet due to each respective heir, and that he make report of his proceedings to this Court at the next Term. |
PAGE 102 - 5 Jul 1848 |
It appearing to the satisfaction of the Court from the test... Joseph Cartright, that Nancy Forrister, Jo... Forrister, Margaret Forrister, Mary Forrister... Albert Forrister minor children of James For... are in object want and are obliged to beg for support that said James Forrister their Fath... of unsound mind
and incapable of furnishing... children with the necessaries of life. It is th... Order that the Sheriff of this County do bring... forthwith the above named children that they... be provided for according to law. |
6 Jul 1848 Estate of Charles Griffiths, deceased --- Final Settlement Robert L. Glasscock administrator of said Estate comes and makes Final Settlement of his administration of said Estate, and is charged with the sum of Nine hundred and Twenty dollars and Twenty Four cents, and is credited by the sum of Nine hundred Fifty Eight dollars and Forty Eight cents per vouchers No. 34 to 63 inclusive which leaves a balance due from said Estate to said administrator of the sum of Thirty Eight dollars and Twenty Four cents. Ordered that said administrator be authorized to hire out the slaves of said Estate for the term of Six months, and that he retain out of said hire the amount due him from said Estate, and pay over the balance of said hire to Guardians of the heirs of said ... |
PAGE 103 - 6 Jul 1848 |
Estate of Jacob Kinder, deceased --- Final Settlement Jonathan Kinder administrator of the Estate of said deceased, comes and makes Final Settlement of his administration of said Estate and is administration of said Estate and is charged with the sum of Five hundred and Twenty Seven dollars and Ninety Seven cents, and is credited by the sum of Five hundred and Fifty dollars Thirty ... cents per vouchers No. 1 to 18 which leaves a balance due from said Estate to said administrator of the sum of Twenty Two dollars Seventy Two cents. |
Beverly B. Foster use of Henry Sitz vs. George Harris admr. of the Estate of Jesse Cloar, deceased The parties appear and the defendant waives the necesity of a notice herein, and the Court after hearing the Testimony offered doth consider and adjudge that said plaintiff recover against said defendant the sum of Eleven dollars Forty Six cents for his debt together with the cost of this suit and that this Judgement be of the Fifth class. |
Rachael Ramsey one of the heirs of Joel Ramsey, deceased comes into Court and chooses Alexander Staggs as her Guardian, and it is Ordered by the Court that said Alexander Staggs be appointed Guardian of the other minor heirs of the said William Ramsey, deceased. (Towit) Thomas J. Ramsey,
, aged 14 years, Fanney Missouri Ramsey, aged 11 years, and William Henry Ramsey, aged 8 years, and that said Guardian give Bond for the sum of Two thousand dollars. |
PAGE 104 - 6 Jul 1848 |
Jamina Farris vs. Absalom Farris, Jr. administrator of the Estate of Absalom Farris, Sr. deceased, William Farris, Margaret Finley, Jeremiah Looper and Nan Looper, his wife, Daniel Phillips and Ruthy Philips his wife, Daniel Hooper and Joice Hooper his wife, Thomas Howard, Lewis Hartgood, Abraham James,
and Creasy James his wife, Thomas Fowler and Nancy Fowler his wife, William Simmons and Sarah Simmons his wife, Willis Haygood, Thomas Haygood, James Guess, William Guess, Henry Guess, Joseph Guess, Absalom Guess, Daniel Edwards and Nancy Edwards his wife, Russel Cannon and Elizabeth
Cannon his wife, Alfred Edwards and Mary Edwards his wife. This day came the... parties by thier attornies and the said Jemina ... Farris presents her petition praying for the par... of the slaves of belonging to the Estate of Absalom Far... Senior, deceased and mentioned in her said Petition ... and the cause is submitted to the Court who ... after hearing the proofs and alligations of the ... parties will thereof take time to advise. |
It appearing to the satisfaction of the Court from the report of William D. Taylor a Justice of the Peace within and for Castor Township in this County that Jackson Washburn and Washington Washburn are poor children without means of support. It is therefore Ordered that the Sheriff of this County bring before this Court the children above named for the purpose
of being provided for according to law. |
PAGE 105 - 7 Jul 1848 |
Estate of Elizabeth Jordon, deceased Ordered by the Court that the Order heretofore made appointing Solomon G. Kitchen administrator of said Estate be and the same is hereby recinded; and it is further Ordered that Henry H. Bedford be appointed administrator of said Estate, and that he give Bond for the sum of Eight hundred Fifty dollars. |
Estate of Jacob Kinder, deceased Ordered by the Court that Henry H. Bedford be and appointed administrator of said Estate and that he give Bond for the sum of Five hundred dollars. |
Estate of Reuben Holeman, deceased --- Final Settlement Henry Harper administrator debonisnon of said Estate comes and makes Final Settlement of his administration of said Estate and is charged with the sum of Ninety Four dollars and Thirty Five cents, and is credited by the sum of Eighteen dollars Forty Six cents per vouchers No. 1 to 5 inclusive which leaves a balance in the hands of said administrator of the sum of Seventy Five dollars Eighty Nine cents, And it appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that said administration has given due and legal notice of his Final Settlement it is therefore Ordered that he be discharged from further Settlement as such administrator. |
Estate of William Rush, deceased Ordered by the Court that the Bond of Alfred Rush Executor of the Last Will & Testiment of said William Rush, decd. be appoint... |
PAGE 106 - 7 Jul 1848 |
Estate of Edmund Foster, deceased --- Final Settlement And now at this time comes F... Foster administratrix of said Estate and ... appearing to the satisfaction of the Court ... said Estate does not exceed the sum of Two ... dollars it is therefore Ordered that the ... remain in possession of the widow of said dec... and that all further advertisement Sett... and other proceedings under said administration ... be dispensed with, unless further Estate be dis... |
Nathaniel W. Watkins vs. Alfred Rush Executor of the Last Will & Testiment of William Rush, deceased The parties appear and the def... waives the necesity of a notice herein, and the ... Court after hearing the Testimony offered doth ... and adjudge that said plaintiff recover against ... said defendant the sum of Fifteen dollars f... his debt together with the cost of this suit and that this Judgement be of the Fifth class. |
Estate of William Rush, deceased Ordered by the Court that Bun... P. West and John G. Thompson be appointed witnesses to accompany and assist Alfred Rush executor of the Last Will & Testiment of said deceased in opening and examining the home and papers of said deceased and making an inventory of the same. |
Ordered by the Court that Andrew Jackson Washburn of the age of Nine years. And George Washington Washburn of the age of Seven years, be apprent... to William H. Back until they arrive to the age of Twenty One. |
PAGE 107 - 7 Jul 1848 |
Estate of William Rush, deceased Ordered by the Court that Alfred Rush Executor of the Last Will & Testiment of said William Rush, deceased be authorized to hire out the slaves belonging to said Estate until the Twenty Fifth day of December next and that said slaves be hired in the County of Mississippi to the highest bidder, and said Executor is hereby required to give notice of the time and place of said hiring according to law. |
Estate of Jacob Taylor, deceased And now at this time comes Robert Giboney administrator of said Estate, and move the Court to set aside the Order made by this Court on the Second day of this... said administrator to appear before this Court and present his accounts as such administrator for Settlement and the Court after considering the previous doth Order that said motion be ... whereupon comes the said Robert Giboney and files his affidant and prays an appeal to the circuit Court of Stoddard County which is herewith wanted by the Court. |
Alvin Cook vs. Absalom Farris, Jr. administrator of the Estate of Absalom Farris, Sr. deceased The parties by their attornies and by consent the Judgement against the plaintiff in this cause is set aside, and by agreement the Court doth find that said Absalom Farris, Senr. in his lifetime at the time of his death was justly indebted to said plaintiff in the sum of Fifty dollars for his debt. It is therefore considered that said plaintiff recover against said defendant the pg. 108 said sum of Fifty dollars for his debt ... together his costs and charges by him ... out about his said suit in cause expen... and that this judgement be of the Fifth class. |
PAGE 108 - 7 Jul 1848 |
Estate of James Smith, deceased --- Final Settlement Joshua Poplin administrator debonis... of said Estate comes and makes Final Settlement ... of his administration of said Estate and is ch... with sum of Seventy Seven dollars Eight... cents, and is creditied by the sum of Seven... dollars and Eighty Five cents per vouchers No. 3 to ... which leaves a balance in favor of said administrator of the sum of Two dollars And it appearing... to the satisfaction of the Court that said adm...trator has given due and legal notice of his inten... to make Final Settlement. It is Ordered that he be discharged from further Settlement. |
Estate of Jacob Taylor, deceased --- 5th Annual Settlement Robert Giboney administrator of s... Estate comes and presents his Fifth Annual S... ment and is charged with the sum of Three thousand Seven hundred and Ninety Seven dollars and Fifty three cents and the said administrator presents 15 several vouchers amounting to the sum of Five hundred and Forty Five dollars and Sixty Eight cents wheretofore the Court after considering the monies doth re... voucher No. 190 for the sum of One hundred and Two dollars, and also curtails voucher No. 196 for Three dollars and Fifty cents, to Two dollars which said several vouchers as allowed by the Court amounts to Four hundred and Forty Two days and Sixty Eight cents, which leaves a balance in the hands of said administrator of the sum of Three Thousand Three pg. 109 hundred and Fifty Four dollars Eighty Five cents and said administrator being examined on Oath says that said balance remaining in his hands consists in uncollected notes and judgements. And the said Robert Giboney comes and files his affidant and prays and appeal from the secision of this court in rejecting voucher No. 190 for One hundred Two dollars and curtailing voucher No. 196 to the circuit Court of Stoddard County which appeal is granted by this Court. |
PAGE 109 - 7 Jul 1848 |
Jamina Farris vs. Absalom Farris, Jr. administrator of the Estate of Absalom Farris, Sr. deceased, William Farris, Margaret Finley, Jeremiah Looper and Nan Looper, his wife, Daniel Phillips and Ruthy Philips his wife, Daniel Hooper and Joice Hooper his wife, Thomas Howard, Lewis Hartgood, Abraham James,
and Creasy James his wife, Thomas Fowler and Nancy Fowler his wife, William Simmons and Sarah Simmons his wife, Willis Haygood, Thomas Haygood, James Guess, William Guess, Henry Guess, Joseph Guess, Absalom Guess, Daniel Edwards and Nancy Edwards his wife, Russel Cannon and Elizabeth
Cannon his wife, Alfred Edwards and Mary Edwards his wife. This day come the parties by their attornies, and the Court being sufficently advised of and concerning the premises doth find that Petitioner the said jemina Farris hath no title or interest in said slaves Washington, Anderson, Robert, Stephen, Cinthly and her children called Milla, Martha and Vina mentioned with petition of said Petitioner, and that she is not entitled to partition of said slaves in ma... pg. 110 and form as the said Jemina Farris in her... petition hath alleged. It is therefore consid... and adjudged by the Court that the said def... have and recover of said Petitioner their costs and ... charges by them laid out about their defense ... this behalf expended; Once there upon comes ... said Jemina Farris and files her affidant Bond and prays for an appeal to the Circ... Court from the decision of this court refusing ... Order a partion of said slaves according to ... petition of said Jemina Farris and an appe... granted to her. |
PAGE 110 - 7 Jul 1848 |
Estate of Jacob Taylor, deceased And now at this time comes ... G. Eaker late Saba G. Taylor and Thomas Eaker ... husband by N.W. Watkins their attorney and continues to the Next Term of this Court their motion to order Robert Giboney administrator ... said Estate to make distribution thereof. |
Estate of Jacob Taylor, deceased And now at this time comes Mary Myers by N.W. Watkins her attorney, and on her motion it is Ordered that Robert Giboney administrator of said Estate proceed to collect the debts due said Estate as speedily as possible and the said administrator appear at the Next Term of this Court and make Final Settlement of his said administration or show cause why he does not make such Settlement. |
PAGE 111 - 8 Jul 1848 |
Estate of William Bryant, deceased --- On Petition for Sale of Estate to Pay Debts. And now at this time comes Thomas M. Adams adminstrator debonisnon of said Estate, and it appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that the Order of publication made at the last term of this Court has been duly complied with, and no objection being made thereto. It is Ordered that said administrator do sell the said Real Estate of the said William Bryant, deceased, at public auction, at the Court house door of this County, on the Fist day of the Next Term of the Circuit Court of said County it being the 18th day of September next, during the setting of said Circuit Court. And that said Real Estate be sold on a credit of Twelve months, the purchaser or purchasers giving note with approved security for payment of the purchase money; and it is further Ordered that said administrator cause a notice containing a particular discription of the Real Estate to be sold, stating the time, place; and terms of sale to be set up in ten of the most public places in this County at least twenty days previous to the day of said sale, and that he make report of his proceedings to this Court. |
James Gregory vs. Robert Giboney admr. of the Estate of Jacob Taylor, deceased --- On Motion for an Order of Payment The parties by their attornies come and the Court after having considered the pg. 112 motion for an Order of payment herein doth Order that said motion be over ruled. |
PAGE 112 - 8 Jul 1848 |
Estate of John Hill, deceased --- Second Annual Settlement Joshua Mayberry administrator of said ... Estate comes and presents his Second Annual ... Settlement and is charged with the sum of ... hundred and Thirty dollars and Sixty Five cen... and is credited by the sum of Twenty Two dollars and Two cents for vouchers No. 4 to 9 inclusive ... leaves a balance in the hands of said adm...ator of the sum of Two hundred and Four dollars ... Sixty Three cents. Fifty dollars of said amount is ... cost and the balance in chases in action. |
Michael Kinder vs. Joseph Bollinger admr. of Estate of Coonrad Kinder, deceased The defendant by his attorney comes ... and on his motion it is Ordered that the palintif... appear at the next Term of this Court and show cause why the Order of payment in this cause shall not be set aside. |
Estate of Coonrad Kinder, deceased --- Third Annual Settlement And now at this time comes Joseph ... Bollinger administrator of said Estate and presents his Third Annual Settlement and is charged with the sum of One hundred and Fifty One dollars Ninety Three cents and is credited by the sum of Five dollars Ninty Three cents for voucher No. 2 which leaves a balance in the hands of said administrator of the sum of One hundred and Forty Six dollars and said amount being examined on oath ... that said balance consists in uncollected notes an... |
PAGE 113 - 8 Jul 1848 |
Estate of Lawson Taylor, deceased William C. Ranney administrator of said Estate comes and says he has no Annual Settlement to make. |
Estate of Jesse W. Holland, deceased -- Final Settlement John J. Jackson administrator of said Estate comes and presents his Final Settlement as such administrator and is charged with the sum of Two hundred and Forty Seven dollars and Seventy Five cents, and is credited by the sum of Eight One dollars and Twenty Three cents per vouchers No. 9 to 17 inclusive which leaves a balance in the hands of said administrator of the sum of One hundred and Sixty Six dollars and Fifty Two cents and it appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that said administrator has given due and legal notice of his intention to make his Final of said administration Ordered that he be discharged from further Settlement. |
Estate of Joseph Montgomery, deceased --- Final Settlement John J. Jackson administrator of said Estate comes and presents his Final Settlement as such administrator and is charged with the sum of One hundred and Twenty Six dollars and Fifty One cents. And is credited by the sum of Eighty Seven dollars and Twenty One cents per vouchers No. 7 to 11 inclusive which leaves a balance in the hands of said administrator of the sum of Thirty Nine dollars and Thirty cents. Andt it appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that said administrator has given due and timely notice of his intention to make his Final Settlement Ordered that he be discharged from further Settlement. |
PAGE 114 - 8 Jul 1848 |
Estate of James Hobbs, deceased And now at this time comes Henry ... Miller executor of the Last Will & Testiment ... said deceased and on his motion his Annual Settlement is continued to the Next Term of this Court. |
10 Jul 1848 Joseph H. Dickson, deceased --- Second Annual Settlement And now at this time c... William D. Taylor administrator of said Estate ... and presents his Second Annual Settlement ... and is charged with the sum of Eight Six ... dollars and Fifty One cents. Ordered by the Court that said administration proceed as speedily as possible to collect the debts due said Estate, and that he make Final Settlement of his administration at the next Term of this Court or show cause why he does not make such settlement. |
Estate of John Sprinkles, deceased And now at this time comes William D. Taylor administrator of said Estate and it appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that said Estate does not exceed the dower allowed by law to the widow of said deceased and that said administrator has paid over the same to her. It is Ordered that he be discharged from further Settl... |
PAGE 115 - 10 Jul 1848 |
Estate of Claiborne Blanton, deceased And now at this time comes William D. Taylor administrator of said Estate and on his motion his Settlement is continued to the next Term of this Court. |
Estate of Henry Mooney, deceased And now at this time comes Jacob H. Stark and on his motion it is Ordered that the Order heretofore made by this Court revoking said Starks Letters of Administration on said Estate be recinded and set aside and said administrator is hereby authorized to proceed and Settle said administration. |
Estate of James Ellege, deceased Ordered by the Court that Letters of Administration on said Estate be granted to Sarah Ellege and that she give bond for the sum of Two hundred and Fifty dollars and it is further Ordered that Abraham Rogers and Isaac Rogers be appointed witnesses to ... and assist said administratrix in opening and examining the money and papers of said Estate and making an inventory of the same. |
Estate of James Ellege, deceased And now at this time comes Sarah Ellege and presents her bond as administrix of said Estate for the sum of Two hundred and Fifty dollars with Isaac Rogers and Andrew G. Hart as her securities which bond is approved by the Court. |
Estate of Andrew Cline, deceased And now at this time comes William A. Whitehead administrator of said Estate, and it appearing that said Estate does not exceed pg. 116 the sum of Two hundred dollars. It is there... Ordered that said administrator pay over the sa.. widow of said deceased, and that all further ...ents and advertisements be dispenced with. |
PAGE 116 - 11 Jul 1848 |
Robert Miller Guardian of Sophia A. Adams minor heir ... John A. Adams, deceased, comes and makes his report of the sale of the Real Estate of said ... made in pursuance of an Order of this Court, which report is approved by the Court and Ordered to be filed. |
Estate of James Hobbs, deceased Henry Miller executor of the Last Will & Testiment of said deceased comes and on his motion it is Ordered that he be authorized to sell the best p... a claim due said Estate from William W. Norman for Three dollars and it is further Ordered that he be authorized to deliver to Fanny Ann Hobbs a certain bed quilt and counterpain belonging to said Estate. |
Estate of James Spiva, deceased Ordered by the Court that an alias attachment do issue against Plasant M. Spiva administrator of said Estate for failing to appear and make Settlement after said administration. |
Estate of Isaac Cartright, deceased Ordered by the Court that an attachment do issue returnable to the next Term of this Court against Hiram Pharris administrator of said Estate ... for failure to appear and make Settlement of his said administration... |
PAGE 117 - 11 Jul 1848 |
Estate of Henry Mooney, deceased And now at this time comes Jacob H. Stark administrator of said Estate and on his motion it is Ordered that he be authorized to sell at private sale the remaining part of the personal property of said Estate. |
12 Jul 1848 Estate of John D. Carlock, deceased Joseph B. Davis administrator of said Estate comes and on his motion his Settlement is continued to the next Term of this Court. |
Estate of Sarah Masters, deceased Ordered by the Court that Letters of Administration granted to Alexander Barks on said Estate be approved and it is further Ordered that the Bond of said administrator be approved. |
Estate of ... Guest, deceased Ordered by the Court that the Letters of pg. 118 administration on said Estate granted to Rebecca ... be approved, and it is further Ordered that the B... of said administrator be approved. |
PAGE 118 - 11 Jul 1848 |
Estate of John M. Miller, deceased Ordered by the Court that the L... of Administration granted to Henry Miller on said ... be approved, and it is further Ordered that the said administrator be approved. |
PAGE 119 - 2 Oct 1848 |
Ordered by the Court that John N. Mitchell here accepting be appointed Guardian of the Estate of Elizabeth Jane Emery and that he gives bond in the sum of Six hundred dollars whereupon comes the said John N. Mitchell and presents his bond for said sum with Charles B.N. McCabe, Thomas S. Walker and Alexander Cunningham as his securities which is by
the Court approved, and Ordered to be filed which is done accordingly. |
Jemina Farris vs. Absalom Farris, Jr. admr. of the Estate of Absalom Farris, Senr. , deceased --- On Motion to Rule the said Administrator to give better Security to his Bond as such Administrator. The parties by their attornies come and this cause is submitted to the Court whereupon comes the said palintiff and dismisses the cause and by leave of Court withdraws the papers in this cause. It is therefore considered and adjudged that said defendant recover against said palintiff his costs and charges by him laid out about his defence in this behalf expended. |
PAGE 120 - 2 Oct 1848 |
Estate of William Reeder, deceased Moses Findley administrator of s... Estate comes, and on his motion his Final Sett... is continued until the next April Term of this Court. |
Thomas Stewart vs. Henry Harper admr. of the Estate of Moses Forbess, deceased The parties appear and the def...dant waives the necesity of a notice herein... and the Court after hearing the Testimony offer... doth consider and adjudge that said plaintiff recover against said defendant the sum of Five dollars for his debt together with the cost of this suit and that this Judgement be be paid as expense of administration. |
3 Oct 1848 Daniel B. Miller vs. Henry Miller admr. of the Estate of John M. Miller, deceased The parties appear and the defendant waives the necesity of a notice herein, and the Court after hearing the Testimony offered doth consider and adjudge that said plaintiff recover against said defendant the sum of Four dollars Forty Three cents for his debt together with the cost of this suit and that this J...ent be of the First class. |
PAGE 121 - 3 Oct 1848 |
Jonas Eaker vs. Robert Giboney admr. of the Estate of Jacob Taylor, deceased The parties appear and the defendant waives the necesity of a notice herein, and the Court after hearing the Testimony offered doth consider and adjudge that said plaintiff recover against said defendant the sum of Six dollars Twenty Five cents for his debt together with the cost of this suit and that this Judgement be of the seventh class. |
Thomas B. English vs. Abslam Farris administrator of the Estate of William Huston, deceased The parties by their Attornies come and the Court after hearing the Testimony offered doth consider and adjudge that said plaintiff recover against said defendant the sum of Three dollars and Fifty cents for his debt and at that this Judgement be of the seventh class and it is further adjudged that said plaintiff pay the costs of this suit. |
Estate of Jacob Thornsberry, deceased --- Final Settlement Nathan Harris administrator of said Estate comes, and presents his Final Settlement of his administration of said Estate, and is charged witht he sum of One hundred and Thirty Two dollars Thirteen cents, and is credited by the sum of One hundred and Forty Five dollars and Sixty Three cents for vouchers No. 9 to 12 inclusive, which leaves a balance in favor of said administrator against said Estate of the sum of Thirteen dollars and Fifty cents, Ordered that said administrator be discharged from further Settlement. |
PAGE 122 - 3 Oct 1848 |
Estate of James Hobbs, deceased --- First Annual Settlement Henry Miller executor of the Last W... & Testiment of said deceased comes into Co... presents his First annual Settlement and is ... with the sum of Eleven hundred and Thirty Seven ... Eighty One cents, and is credited by the sum of Two hun... and Seventy One dollars Nine cents per vouchers No. 1 to ... inclusive, which leaves a balance in the hands of s... executor of the sum of Eight hundred and Si... Six dollars Seventy Two cents. |
John W. Cramer vs. Clinton P. Conyers Executor of the Last Will & Testiment of Thomas Conyers, deceased The plaintiff by his attorney com... and the defendant appears and waves the necesity of ... a notice herein and the Court after hearing the ... Testimony offered doth consider and adjudge that s... planitiff recover against said defendant th... sum of Twelve dollars for his debt together with ... costs of this suit and that this Judgement be of the ... second class. |
Estate of Thomas Niell, deceased William C. Ranney administrator of said Estate comes, and says he has no Annual Settlement to make. |
Estate of John Langdon, deceased --- Third Annual Settlement David Huddleston administrator of said Estate comes and presents his Third Annual Settlement and is charged with the sum of Two hundred and Ten dollars, Ninety Seven cents, and is credited by the sum of Fifty Five dollars Seventy Five cents for vouchers No. 17 to 20, which leaves a balance in the hands of ... pg. 123 administrator of the sum of One hundred and Fifty Five dollars, and Twenty Two cents. Eighteen dollars and Fifty cents of said amount in money, and the balance consisting uncollected debts due said Estate. |
PAGE 123 - 3 Oct 1848 |
Thomas M. Adams vs. Henry Miller Exer. of the Last Will & Testiment of James Hobbs, deceased The parties appear and the defendant waives the necesity of a notice herein, and the Court after hearing the Testimony offered doth consider and adjudge that said plaintiff recover against said defendant the sum of Two dollars Thirty one cents for his debt together with the cost of this suit and that this Judgement be of the Sixth class. |
Estate of William Bryant, deceased And now at this time comes Thomas M. Adams administrator of said Estate and in his motion, it is Ordered that he be authorized to sell the rent corn belonging to said Estate, at private sale. |
Estate of John M. Miller, deceased And now at this time comes Henry Miller administrator of said Estate and in his motion, it is Ordered that he be authorized to sell the rent corn belonging to said Estate, at private sale. |
Estate of Peter Macom, deceased And now at this time comes Cassandra Macom administratrix of said Estate, and it appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that said Estate does exceed the amount allowed her pg. 124 law as her dower on said Estate it is therefore Ordered by the Court that she be dischared from ... Settlement, unless Ordered by this Court. |
PAGE 124 - 3 Oct 1848 |
Albert H. Brevard and John W. Gayle vs. Henry Miller Exer. of the Last Will & Testiment of James Hobbs, deceased The plaintiffs by their attorney come, ... and the defendant waives the necesity of a ... notice herein, and the Court after hearing the Test... offered doth consider and adjudge that said plaintiff ... recover against said defendant the sum of One ... dollars Sixty Five cents for his debt together with the cost of this suit and that this Judgement be ... of the sixth class. |
Oliver Creath vs. David Huddleston admr. of the Estate of John Langdon, deceased And not at this time comes the pl... and on his motion, it appearing to the satisfaction ... of the court that there is sufficent assets in the hand... of said administrator to pay the demands against sa... Estate in the sixth class. It is therefore Ordered that said defendant pay to said plaintiff his allowance for Thirty Six dollars and Forty Two cents, with interest therein from the 26th day of January 1846. |
Ordered by the Court that Henry Miller here accepting be appointed Guardian of Fanny Ann Baker and that he give bond in the sum of Four hundred dollars as such Guardian. |
Ordered by the Court that Henry Miller here accepting be appointed Guardian of Betsy Jane Baker and that he give bond in the sum of Four hundred dollars as such Guardian. |
PAGE 125 - 3 Oct 1848 |
Ordered by the Court that Henry Miller here accepting be appointed Guardian of Amanda Catharine Baker and that he give bond in the sum of Four hundred dollars as such Guardian. |
Ordered by the Court that Henry Miller here accepting be appointed Guardian of Sarah Baker and that he give bond in the sum of Four hundred dollars as such Guardian. |
Estate of Richard Corbitt, deceased --- On Motion for an Order of distribution. And now at this time comes Daniel Harty, Junr. adn Nancy Harty, his wife late Nancy Corbett, and David Scott and Beady Scott, his wife late Beady Corbett, and on their motion it appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that the sum of Fifty Three dollars and Sixty Five cents of assets is yet in the hands of James Gregory the administrator of said Estate. It is therefore Ordered that said administrator make distribution thereof as follows Towit to Daniel Harty, Junr. and Nancy Harty, his wife late Nancy Corbett the sum of Seventeen dollars Eight Eight and One Third cents, to David Scott and Beady Scott, his wife late Beady Corbett the sum of Seventeen dollars Eight Eight and One Third cents. |
Estate of Joseph Beckwith, deceased And now at this time comes David Huddleston administrator of said Estate, and on his motion his Final Settlement is continued to the Next Term of this Court. |
PAGE 126 - 4 Oct 1848 |
Estate of William Huston, deceased Absalom Farris administrator of said Est... and says he has no Annual Settlement to make. |
Estate of Isacc Cartright, deceased --- 2nd Annual Settlement Hiram Pharris administrator of said ... comes and presents his Second Annual Settlement, and is charged with the sum of One hundred and Eight dollars and ...Six cents, and is credited by the sum of Thirty Nine doll... and Twenty Four cents per vouchers No. 1 to 7 inclusive which... leaves a balance in the hands of said administrator of ... the sum of Sixty Eight dollars and Eighty Two cents cons... of uncollected notes and Judgements. Ordered that said Hiram Pharris be discharged from the custody of the Sheriff, and that he pay the cost of the attachment f... against him. |
Estate of Jacob Taylor, deceased And now at this time comes Robert Giboney admenstrator of said Estate, and on his motion it appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that said Estate is not in a condition to make Final Settlement. It is therefore Ordered that he be discharged from the rule of the Court made at the last Term requiring him to make Final Settlement of his administration of said Estate at this Term of the Court. |
PAGE 127 - 4 Oct 1848 |
Ordered by the Court that the Order heretofore made appointing Daniel Sanford administrator be recinded. And it is further Ordered that Henry B. Bedford be appointed administrator debonisnon of said Estate, and that he give bond for the sum of Three hundred dollars. |
Estate of Reuben Holeman, deceased It appearing to the satisfaction of this Court that on the Final Settlement of Henry Harper administrator debonisonon of said Estate, made at the last July Term of this Court, that there remained in the hands of said administrator the sum of Seventy Five dollars and Eight Nine cents of the assets of said Estate, and that said Reuben Holeman and leaving no known heirs or legal representative capable of inheriting his Estate It is therefore Ordered that said administrator pay the said sum of Twenty Five dollars and Eight Three cents unto the State Treasury. And it is further Ordered that the Clerk of this Court make out duplicate certificates of the Settlement of said administrator, one of which he will transmit to the Circuit Attorney proscuting for this district and other to the auditor of Public accounts. |
Estate of Thomas Conyers, deceased Clinton P. Conyers, Executor of the Last Will & Testiment of said deceased comes and on his motion his Annual Settlement is continued to the next Term of this Court. |
Estate of Moses Forbess, deceased --- Final Settlement Henry Harper administrator debonisnon of said Estate comes and presents his Final Settlement of his administration of said Estate and is charged with the sum of One hundred and Forty Six dollars and M... pg. 128 ants, and is credited by the sum of Two hundred and Twenty dollars and Four cents per vouchers No. 1 ... 18 inclusive, which leaves a balance due from said ... to said administrator of the sum of Seventy Three ...ars and Forty Four cents. Ordered that said adm... be discharged from further Settlement. |
PAGE 128 - 4 Oct 1848 |
Clinton P. Conyers vs. George Harris admr. of the Estate of Jesse Cloar, deceased The parties appear and the defendant ... the necesity of a notice herein, and the Court after ... hearing the Testimony offered doth consider and adj... that said plaintiff recover against said defendant ... sum of Five dollars Seventy Five cents for his d... together with the cost of this suit and that this Jud...gement be of the fifth class. |
Charles B.N. McCabe vs. George Harris admr. of the Estate of Jesse Cloar, deceased The parties appear and the defendant wav... the necesity of a notice herein, and the Court after ... hearing the Testimony offered doth consider and adj... that said plaintiff recover against said defendant... the sum of Eighty Two dollars Eighty Seven cents for ... his debt together with the cost of this suit and that ...Thirty Three dollars and Fifty cents if this Judgement be of the second class and Forty Nine dollars and Thirty Seven cents be of the fifth class. |
Isaac Stafford vs. Henry Miller Execr. of the Last Will & Testiment of James Hobbs, deceased The parties appear and the defend... pg. 129 waives the necesity of a notice herein, and the Court after hearing the Testimony offered doth consider and adjudge that said plaintiff recover against said defendant the sum of Four dollars Eighty one cents for his debt and that this Judgement be of the seventh class. |
PAGE 129 - 4 Oct 1848 |
Estate of William Bryant, deceased -- On Partition for Sale of Real Estate to Pay Debts And now at this time comes Thomas M. Adams administrator debonisnon of said Estate; and it appearing to the satisfaction of the court that the Order of sale made at the last Term of this Court has not been complied with. It is Ordered that said Order of sale be renewed. And it appearing that the Order of publication in this case has been complied with and no objection being made thereto. It is therefore Ordered that said administartor do sell the said Real Estate of the said William Bryant, deceased, at Public Auction at the Court house door in the Town of Bloomfield in this County, on the first day of the next Term of this Court it being the first day of January next, during the setting of th said County Court, and that said Real Estate be sold on a credit of 12 months, the purchaser giving note and approved security for the payment of the purchase money. And it is further Ordered that said administrator cause a notice containing a particular discription of the Real Estate to be sold, stating the time place and terms of sale to be set up at Ten of the most public places in this County at least Twenty days previous to the day of said sale and that he make report of his proceedings to this Court. |
PAGE 130 - 5 Oct 1848 |
Estate of John D. Carlock, deceased Joseph B. Davis administrator... said Estate comes and on his motion his Annual Settlement is continued to the next Term of this Court. |
Estate of Levi Lewis, Senr., deceased --- Final Settlement Anderson Lewis, administrator of s... Estate comes, and it appearing to the satisfact... the Court that said Estate does not exceed the wid... dower, and that the same has been paid over to her... it is therefore Ordered that said administrator be ... discharged from further Settlement as such administrator unless Ordered by this Court. |
Estate of Claiborne Blanton, deceased William D. Taylor administrator... said Estate comes and on his motion his Annual Settlement is continued to the next Term of this... |
Estate of Joseph H. Dickson, deceased William D. Taylor administrator of s... Estate comes and on his motion it is Ordered that ... have until the next Term of this Court to make Final Settlement of his administration of said Estate. |
Estate of Jonas Masters, deceased Ordered by the Court that the Letters of Administration granted to Joseph Masters on said Estate be approved, and it is further Ordered that the bond of said administration be approved. |
Estate of Samuel D. McPheters, deceased Ordered by the Court that the Letters of Administration granted to Elizabeth McPherters pg. 131 on said Estate be appointed, and it is further Ordered that the bond of said administrator be approved. |
PAGE 131 - 5 Oct 1848 |
Estate of Nathaniel Harler, deceased Ordered by the Court that Letters of Administration granted to Charles B.N. McCabe on said Estate be approved, and it is further Ordered that said administrator give a new bond in the sum of Four Hundred and Fifty dollars. |
6 Oct 1848 Robert Miller Guardian of Sophia Adeline Adams, personally appears in open Court and acknowledges his deed of conveyance by him executed as such Guardian to William W. Hicks for North East Quarter of the South West Quarter of Section No. Twenty Three in Township No. Twenty Eight North of Range No. Ten East containing Forty acres lying and being in this county. Sold by vertue of an Order of this Court. Ordered that the Clerk of this Court certify the Executor and acknowledgement of said deed under the Seal of this Court. |
Estate of Jacob Kinder, deceased Ordered by the Court that the Bond of Henry H. Bedford as administrator of said estate be approved. |
PAGE 132 - 6 Nov 1848 |
Estate of Elizabeth Jordon, deceased Ordered by the Court that Henry H. Bedf... bond as administrator of said Estate be appr... |
PAGE 133 - 1 Jan 1849 |
Estate of Jonas Masters, deceased Joseph Masters administrator of said Estate comes and on his motion it is Ordered that he be authorized to sell at private sale the remaining part of the personal property of said Estate. |
Ordered by the Court that Elizabeth Bowlin, here accepting be appointed Guardian of Martin Bowlin, Sarah Jane Bowlin, Elizabeth Bowlin, Solomon Bowlin and Allen B. Bowlin minor heirs of Samuel Bowlin, deceased; and that she give bond in the sum of Eight hundred dollars. |
Levi W. Tankersley vs. Thomas M. Adams admr. of the Estate of William Bryant, deceased The parties appear and the defendant waives the necesity of a notice herein, and the Court after hearing the Testimony offered doth consider and adjudge that said plaintiff recover against said defendant the sum of One dollar and Seventy cents for his debt together with the cost of this suit and that this Judgement be paid as expense of administration. |
PAGE 134 - 2 Jan 1849 |
Estate of Samuel D. McPheters, deceased Elizabeth McPheters administr... of said Estate comes and presents the appraise bi... and inventory of said Estate which is approved by ... Court and it appearing from said appraise bill a ... inventory that the personal property of said Estate only amount to the sum of Sixty Eight dollars and Seventy f... cents. It is therefore Ordered that said Elizabeth McPh... widow of said deceased be allowed the same as ap... of her dower, and that she be discharged from furth... Annual Settlements, unless Ordered by this Court. |
3 Jan 1849 Estate of William Howard, deceased --- 2nd Annual Settlement Anderson Thompson administrator of said Estate comes into Court and presents his Second Annual Settlement of his administration of said Estate, and is charged with the sum of One hundred and Forty Two dollars One cent being the amount in his hands last Annual Settlement and is credited by the sum of FortySix dollars and Fifty Seven cents per fouchers No. 1 to 4 inclusive, which leaves a balance in the hands of said administration of the sum of Ninety Five dollars and Forty Four cents, consisting of a claim against the Estate of Samuel Welch, deceased. |
PAGE 135 - 3 Jan 1849 |
Estate of Nathaniel Shrum, deceased --- 1st Annual Settlement Michael Shrum administrator of said Estate comes into Court and presents his First Annual Settlement and is charged with the sum of Three hundred and Sixteen dollars Twenty Three and one half cents. And is credited by the sum of One hundred and Sixty six dollars Fifty Eight and one half cents per vouchers No. 1 to 6 inclusive, which leaves a balance in the hands of said administrator of the sum of One hundred and Forty Nine dollars Sixty Five cents. |
Michael Kinder vs. John Whitehead --- Scire facias on Bond This cause is continued to the next Term of this court. |
Estate of William Huston, deceased Ordered by the Court that Absalom Farris administrator of said Estate make Final Settlement of his administration at the Next Term of this court or show cause why he does not make said Settlement. |
Solomon G. Kitchen vs. Absalom Farris, Jr. admr. of the Estate of Absalom Farris, Senr. deceased And now at this time come the said palintiff in his proper person and moves the Court for an Order on said Absalom Farris, Jr. administrator of the Estate of Absalom Farris, Senr. deceased, to make distribution of said Estate which motion is over ruled by the Court. |
PAGE 136 - 3 Jan 1849 |
Estate of Absalom Farris, Senr., deceased Ordered by the Court that Absalom F... Junr. administrator of said Estate, give other and further... security to his bond as such administrator on or before... the first day of the next Term of this court. |
Estate of Nathaniel Harler, deceased Ordered by the Court that the bond of Charles B.N. McCabe as administrator of said Estate... be approved. |
Estate of Henry R. Welch, deceased Ordered by the Court that the Letters of Administration granted to Eleanor M. Welch on said Estate... the clerk of this court in vacation be and they are s... confirmed. And it is further Ordered that the bond of ... said administrator be approved. |
Estate of Marmaduke Maples, deceased Ordered by the Court that the Letters of ... Administration granted to David Lewis on said Es... by the Clerk of this Court in vacation, be and they are her... confirmed. And it is further Ordered that the bond of ... said administrator be approved. |
Henry Miller Guardian of Fanny Ann Baker comes and presents his bond as such Guardian for the sum of four hundred dollars, with David B. Miller as his security which is approved by the Court and ordered to be filed which is done accordingly. |
Henry Miller Guardian of Betsey Jane Baker comes and presents his bond as such Guardian for the sum of four hundred dollars, with David B. Miller as his security which is approved by the Court and ordered to be filed which is done accordingly. |
PAGE 137 - 3 Jan 1849 |
Henry Miller Guardian of Amanda Catharine Baker comes and presents his bond as such Guardian for the sum of four hundred dollars, with David B. Miller as his security which is approved by the Court and ordered to be filed which is done accordingly. |
Henry Miller Guardian of Sarah Baker comes and presents his bond as such Guardian for the sum of four hundred dollars, with David B. Miller as his security which is approved by the Court and ordered to be filed which is done accordingly. |
Estate of Alexander Caldwell, deceased --- 2nd Annual Settlement William C. Harty and Daniel Harty administrators of said Estate comes and presents their 2nd Annual Settlement as such administrators and are charged with the sum of One hundred and Eighty Eight dollars and Sixty cents the amount in their hands last Annual Settlement, and are credited by the sum of Twenty Nine dollars and Seventy Five cents per vouchers No. 6 to 13 inclusive which leaves a balance in the hands of said administrators of the sum of One hundred and Sixty Eight dollars and Eighty Five cents, consisting of Notes and Judgements due said Estate which are in ... |
PAGE 138 - 4 Jan 1849 |
Estate of Thomas Conyers, deceased Clinton P. Conyers Executor of the Last Will & Testiment of said deceased comes and on his motion his Annual Settlement is continued to the... Next Term of this Court. |
Reuben Harper vs. Charles B. N. McCabe, admr. of the Estate of Nathaniel Harler, deceased The parties appear and the defendan... waives the necesity of a notice herein, and the Cou... after hearing the Testimony offered doth consider and... adjudge that said plaintiff recover against said defend... the sum of One dollar and Fifty cents for his debt... together with the cost of this suit and that this Judgement ... be of the fourth class. |
Thomas Stewart vs. Charles B. N. McCabe, admr. of the Estate of Nathaniel Harler, deceased The parties appear and the defendant ... waives the necesity of a notice herein, and the Court ... after hearing the Testimony offered doth consider and ... adjudge that said plaintiff recover against said defendant ... the sum of Four dollar and Ten cents for his debt together ... with the cost of this suit and that this Judgement be ... of the fourth class. |
Estate of Absalom Farris, Senr., deceased And now at this time comes Absalom Farris, Jr. administrator of said Estate, and on his motion it is Ordered that he be authorized to sell Two imporvements ... public land belinging to said Estate, One called the Ray Place ... and One called the Walker Place. And it is further Ordered that he be authorized to lease for the term of twelve months, the Real Estate belonging to said Estate. |
PAGE 139 - 4 Jan 1849 |
Estate of Elizabeth Fletcher, deceased And now at this time comes Absalom Farris, Jr. Administrator debonis non of said Estate and on his motion his Final Settlement is continued to next Term of this Court. |
Estate of Absalom Farris, Senr, deceased And now at this time comes Absalom Farris, Jr. Administrator debonis non of said Estate and on his motion his Annual Settlement is continued to next Term of this Court. |
Estate of Absalom Farris, Senr, deceased Ordered by the Court that the Order made by this Court on the 3rd day of this Term requiring Absalom Farris, Jr. administrator of said Estate to give other and further Security to his bond as such administrator on or before the first day of the next Term of this Court be and the same is hereby rescended and set aside. |
Estate of Absalom Farris, Senr, deceased Ordered by the Court that Absalom Farris, Jr. administrator of said Estate be notified that unless he be and appear before this court on the Fourth Monday in June A.D. 1849 and show cause to the contrary, an Order will be made requiring him to give other and further security as such administrator aforesaid. |
PAGE 140 - 5 Jan 1849 |
Daniel B. Miller vs. Charles B. N. McCabe, admr. of the Estate of Nathaniel Harler, deceased The parties appear and the def... waives the necesity of a notice herein, and the Court af... hearing the Testimony offered doth consider and adjud... that said plaintiff recover against said defendant th... sum of One dollar and Forty Five cents for his debt together with ... cost of this suit and that this Judgement be of the First cl.... |
Ordered by the Court that Given Owen be appointed Guardian of ... the person and Estate of Thomas R. Griffiths ... of minor heir of Charles Griffiths, deceased, ... that he give bond in the sum of Five hundred dollars ... as said Guardian. |
Estate of Joab Crytes, deceased William C. Harty administrator of said Estate comes and on his motion his Final Settlement is continued to the Next Term of this court. |
Personally appears in open Court Mary Jane Lovell a minor over the age of Fourteen years, and choses Lewis Elkins as her Guardian whereupon comes the said ... pg. 141 Lewis Elkins and accepts said Guardianship, Ordered that he give bond in the sum of Two hundred and Thirty dollars, whereupon the said Lewis Elkins presents his bond as such Guardian for the sum of Two hundred Thirty dollars with William Vaughn, David Crytes, and Thomas Walker as his securities, which is by the Court approved and Ordered to be filed which is done accordingly. |
PAGE 141 - 22 Jan 1849 |
Estate of Henry R. Welch, deceased Eleanor M. Welch, Admrx. of said Estate comes and on her motion it appearing to the satisfaction of the Court from the inventory and appraise bill filed that said Estate does not exceed the sum of Two hundred dollars. It is therefore Ordered that the widow of said deceased retain the same as a part of her dower and that said administratrix be discharged from further Settlement unless Ordered by this Court. |
Estate of Absalom Farris, Senr, deceased --- On Motion to Rule the Administrator to Give Other & Further Security And now at this time comes Absalom Farris, Jr. administrator of said Estate, and on his motion and affidant filed this cause is continued to the next Term of this Court. |
John W. Pigg vs. Henry Miller admr. of the Estate of John W. Miller, deceased The parties appear and the defendant waives the necesity of a notice herein, and the Court after hearing the Testimony offered doth consider and adjudge that said plaintiff recover against said defendant the sum of Four dollars for his debt together with the cost of this suit and that this Judgement be of the Fifth class. |
PAGE 142 - 22 Jan 1849 |
Jacob P. Miller vs. Henry Miller admr. of the Estate of John W. Miller, deceased The parties appear and the defendant waives the necesity of a notice herein, and the Court after hearing the Testimony offered doth consider and adjudge that said plaintiff recover against said defendant the sum of Two dollars and Fifty cents for his debt together with the cost of this suit and that this of the Fifth class. |
Estate of William Scaggs, deceased Ordered by the Court that the Lett... of Administration granted to Sidney R. Pharris on... said Estate by the Clerk of this Court in vacation b... confirmed, and it is further Ordered that the bond of said administrator be approved. Whereupon comes the said administrator into Court and presents an... inventory and appraise bill of said Estate and it appearing to the satisifaction of the Court that said ... Estate does not exceed the amount allowed by law to the widow of said deceased. It is therefore ordered ... that the administrator pay over the same to her, and ... that all further advertisements and Settlements be dispensed with unless further ordered by this Court. |
PAGE 143 - 2 Apr 1849 |
Nathan Harris vs. John Gunnels, admr. of the Estate of Jordon Lacy, deceased The parties appear and the defendant waives the necesity of a notice herein, and the Court after hearing the Testimony offered doth consider and adjudge that said plaintiff recover against said defendant the sum of Five dollars and Twenty Five cents for his debt together with the cost of this suit and that Three dollars of this Judgement be of the First class, and the balance of said Judgement be of the fifth class. |
Martin B. Hodges vs. John Gunnels, admr. of the Estate of Jordon Lacy, deceased The parties appear and the defendant waives the necesity of a notice herein, and the Court after hearing the Testimony offered doth consider and adjudge that said plaintiff recover against said defendant the sum of Four dollars and Five cents for his debt together with the cost of this suit and that this Judgement be of the first class. |
Ordered by the Court that Joseph Hardin here accepting be appointed Guarding of the person and Estate... pg. 144 of Eleanor Boyd and that he give bond in the sum of Fifty dollars as such Guardian. |
PAGE 144 - 2 Apr 1849 |
Given Owen vs. John Gunnels, admr. of the Estate of Jordon Lacy, deceased The parties appear and the defen... waives the necesity of a notice herein, and the Cou... after hearing the Testimony offered doth consid... adjudge that said plaintiff recover against said ... defendant the sum of Six dollars for his deb... together with the cost of this suit and that thi... Judgement be paid as expense of administration. |
Ordered by the Court that David J. Miller of the age of 13 years the Twenty Fourth day of November last, be apprenticed to Stephen Babb. |
Estate of William Reeder, deceased And now at this time comes Moses ... Findley administrator of said Estate and on his mo... his Final Settlement is continued to the next Term of ... this Court. |
James C. Lacy a minor, over the age of Fourteen years comes hereunto Court and chooses Jonathan Bozarth as his Guardian, whereupon comes the said Jonathan Bozarth and accepts said Guardianship. Ordered that he give bond in the sum of Two hundred and Sixty Six dollars as such Guardian, on or before the first day of the next Term of this court. |
Ordered by the Court that Jonathan Bozarth here accepting be appointed Guardian of the person and Estate of Sarah Ann Lacy and that he give bond as such Guardian in the sum of Two hundred Sixty Six dollars on or before the next Term of this Court. |
PAGE 145 - 2 Apr 1849 |
Ordered by the Court that Jonathan Bozarth here accepting be appointed Guardian of the person and Estate of Chism Lacy and that he give bond as such Guardian in the sum of Two hundred Sixty Six dollars on or before the first day of the next Term of this Court. |
Mary Myers admrx. of the Estate of Henry Myers, deceased vs. Jacob Barks admr. of the Estate of Alexander Barks, deceased --- Debt. The parties appear and the defendant waives the necesity of a notice herein, and the Court after hearing the Testimony offered doth consider and adjudge that said plaintiff recover against said defendant the sum of One hundred and Sixty Four dollars and Ninety cents for her debt together with the cost of this suit and that this Judgement be of the fifth class. |
Estate of Josiah Bolton, deceased And now at this time comes Israel Bozarth administer of the said Estate by his agent Solomon G. Kitchen and on his motion his Annual Settlement is continued to the next Term of this Court. |
Estate of Joseph Beckwith, deceased David Huddleston administrator of said Estate comes and on his motion his Annual Settlement is continued to the next Term of this Court. |
Michael Kinder vs. John Whitehead ---Scire facias on Bond The plaintiff by C.A. Davis his attorney app...ears, and the defendant although solemonly call... pg. 146 comes not, but makes default, and this cause... all matters and things concering the same is ...itted to the Court and the court after hearing the ... testimony offered doth find that said defendant is ... indebted to said plainteff in the sum of Eight Seven ... dollars and Two cents for his debt. it is therefore considered and adjusdged that said plaintiff recove... against said defendant the sum of Eight Seven ... dollars and Two cents for his debt infom... afores... found together with his cost and charges by h... paid out about his said suit in this cause expend... recieved on this judgement Fifty dollars and by agreement execution of the balance of this judgemnet is stayed until the fifteenth day of September 1849. April 4th A.D. 1849. Charles A. Davis Attorney for Michael Kinder Test. Reuben P. Owen, Clerk Rec'd Sept. 18th 1849 of John Whitehead the balance of this judgement together with the costs. Charles A. Davis attorney for Michael Kinder. |
PAGE 146 - 2 Apr 1849 |
Solomon G. Kitchen vs. John Gunnels, admr. of the Estate of Jordon Lacy, deceased The parties appear and the defendant waives the necesity of a notice herein, and the Court after hearing the Testimony offered doth consider and adjudge that said plaintiff recover against said defendant the sum of Seventy Three cents for his debt together with the cost of this suit and that this Judgement be of the fifth class. |
Alexander Summers vs. Jacob Barks, admr. of the Estate of Alexander Barks, deceased The plaintiff by his attorney appear and the defendant waives the necesity of a notice herein, and the Court after hearing the Testimony offered doth consider and adjudge that said plaintiff recover against said defendant the sum of Seven dollars and Sixty Five cents for his debt together with the cost of this suit and that this Judgement be of the fifh class. |
Estate of Peter Clubb, deceased --- 2nd Annual Settlement Abraham Rogers administrator debonisnon of said Estae come and presents his second Annual ... pg. 147 Settlement, and is credited by the sum of Ten dollars and Ninety Five cents the balance in favor of said administrator on his last Annual Settlement and the sum of Three dollars and Ninety cents per voucher No. 4 amounting in all to the sum of Fourteen dollars Eighty Five cents. |
PAGE 147 - 2 Apr 1849 |
Joseph W. Russel and Charles Welling partners under the name form and style of Russel & Welling vs. Jacob Barks, admr. of the Estate of Alexander Barks, deceased The parties by their attorney comes and the defendant appears and waives the service of a notice herein, and the Court after hearing the Testimony offered doth consider and adjudge that said plaintiff recover against said defendant the sum of seven dollars and Ninety Six cents for their debt together with the cost of this suit and that this Judgement be of the fifth class. |
Estate of William Brown, deceased --- 1st Annual Settlement Abraham Rogers administer of said Estate comes and presents his First Annual Settlement, and is charged with the sum of Fifty Three dollars and Seventy Three cents, and is credited by the sum of Nine dollars and Fifty cents per voucher No. 1 to 3 inclusive, which leaves a balance in the hands of said administrator of the sum of Forty Four dollars and Twenty Three cents, and said administrator being sworn says that said balance conists of uncollected notes due said Estate. |
Robert Rainey by C.A. Davis his attorney comes and files his petition verified by affedant, setting forth that the said pg. 148 Robert Rainey is illegally detained in the custody... Pettman Miller Sheriff of this County and praying ... a writ of Habeas Corpus may be issued in this behalf, ... it ex... around by the Court that a writ of H... Corpus do issue, which is done accordingly whereup... the said Robert Rainey appears herein Court ... custody of said Pettman Miller Sheriff... aforesaid; and the court after an examination of ... cause of the detention of the said Robert Rainey ... Ordered that said Robert Rainey be discharged fr... the custody of the said Sheriff. |
PAGE 148 - 3 Apr 1849 |
Estate of Daniel Cartwright, deceased --- final Settlement Ordered by the Court that the Letters of Administration granted to James Middleton by the Clerk of this Court in vacation be affirmed. And it is further Ordered that the bond of said administrator be approved; whereupon comes the said administrator and prsents the inventory and apprais bill of said Estate from which it appears that said Estate does not exceed the sum allowed by law to the widow of said deceased. It is therefore ordered that said Estate be paid over to the widow of said deceased, and that all further settlements and advertisments be dispensed with unless further Ordered by this Court. |
Estate of Nathaniel Harler, deceased Ordered by th Court that He... pg. 149 Bedford be appointed administrator debonis non of said Estate, and that he give bond in the sum of Three hundred dollars. |
PAGE 149 - 3 Apr 1849 |
Estate of Thomas Conyers, deceased --- 1st Annual Settlement Clinton P. Conyers Executor of the Last Will & Testiment of said deceased comes into Court and presents his first Annual Settlement and is charged with the sum of Four hundred and Ninety Four dollars and Four cents and is credited by the sum of One hundred Seventy Three dollars and Eighty Nine cents per vouchers No. 1 to 7 inclusive which leaves a balance in the hands of said Executor of the sum of Twenty dollars and Fifteen cents. |
G... V. Catron vs. Edwin B. Dean admr. of the Estate of Charles B.N. McCabe, deceased The parties appear and the defendant waives the service of a notice herein, and this cause is continuted to the next Term of this Court. |
Nathaniel W. Watkins vs. Edwin B. Dean admr. of the Estate of Charles B.N. McCabe, deceased The parties appear and the defendant waives the service of a notice herein, and the Court after hearing the Testimony offered doth consider and adjudge that said plaintiff recover against said defendant the sum of Thirty dollars and Ninety cents for his debt together with the cost of this suit and that this Judgement be of the fifth class. |
PAGE 150 - 3 Apr 1849 |
Pearce Jones vs. Jacob Barks admr. of the Estate of Alexander Barks, deceased The parties appear and the def... waives the service of a notice herein, and the Court aft... hearing the Testimony offered doth consider and adju... that said plaintiff recover against said defendant ... sum of Two dollars and Sixty cents for his debt... together with the cost of this suit and that this Judgement be of the fifth class. |
Edwin White vs. Henry Miller admr. of the Estate of John M. Miller, deceased. The parties appear and the defendant waives the necesity of a notice herein, and the Court after hearing the Testimony offered doth consider and adjudge that said plaintiff recover against said defendant the sum of Seven dollars and Ninety Nine cents for his debt together with the cost of this suit and that this Judgement be of the fifth class. |
Benjamin Middleton vs. Jacob Barks admr. of the Estate of Alexander Barks, deceased The parties appear and the defendant waives the service of a notice herein, and the Court after hearing the Testimony offered doth consider and adjudge that said plaintiff recover against said defendant the sum of Six dollars and Seventy Five cents for his debt together with the cost of this suit and that this Judgement be of the fifth class. |
Robert C. Atwood vs. Edwin B. Dean admr. of the Estate of Charles B.N. McCabe, deceased The parties appear and the defendant waives the necesity of a notice herein, and ... pg. 151 Court after hearing the Testimony offered doth consider and adjudge that said plaintiff recover against said defendant the sum of Fifty Six dollars and Fifty One cents for his debt together with the cost of this suit and that this Judgement be of the fifth class. |
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