Probate Records
Vol. A
Please Note: The Stoddard County Probate records have many pages that have crumbled away. I have used elipses (...) in the place of the missing words. This is just the start these records will be added to every week. If you would like a jpg. copy of the page your ancestor is on contact me with the name and page number. |
PAGE 151 - 3 Apr 1849 |
Aaron Culbertson vs. Edwin B. Dean admr. of the Estate of Charles B.N. McCabe, deceased The parties appear and the defendant waives the service of a notice herein, and the Court after hearing the Testimony offered doth consider and adjudge that said plaintiff recover against said defendant the sum of Twenty Four dollars and Fourty Two cents for his debt together with the cost of this suit and that this Judgement be of the fifth class. |
John C. Miller vs. Jacob Barks admr. of the Estate of Alexander Barks, deceased The parties appear and the defendant waives the service of a notice herein, and the Court after hearing the Testimony offered doth consider and adjudge that said plaintiff recover against said defendant the sum of Fifty One dollars and Fifty cents for his debt together with the cost of this suit and that this Judgement be of the fifth class. |
E.C. Spiller vs. Jacob Barks admr. of the Estate of Alexander Barks, deceased The parties appear and the defendant waives the service of a notice herein, and the Court after hearing the Testimony offered doth consider and adjudge that said plaintiff recover ... pg. 152 against said defendant the sum of Eleven dollars ... for his debt together with the cost of this suit ... that this Judgement be of the fifth class. |
PAGE 152 - 3 Apr 1849 |
Absalom Guess vs. Edwin B. Dean admr. of the Estate of Charles B.N. McCabe, deceased The parties appear and the defendant waives the service of a notice herein, and ... the Court after hearing the Testimony offered doth... consider and adjudge that said plaintiff recover ... ainst said defendant the sum of Five dollars a... Twenty Five cents for his debt together with the cost of ... this suit and that this Judgement be of the fifth class. |
James Grigory vs. Edwin B. Dean admr. of the Estate of Charles B.N. McCabe, deceased The parties appear and the defendan... waives the service of a notice herein, and the Court ... after hearing the Testimony offered doth consider an... adjudge that said plaintiff recover against said def...dant the sum of Sixteen dollars for his debt togeth... with the cost of this suit and that this Judgement be of the fifth class. |
William R. Dawson vs. Edwin B. Dean admr. of the Estate of Charles B.N. McCabe, deceased The parties appear and the defendant waives the service of a notice herein, and the Court after hearing the Testimony offered doth consider and adjudge that said plaintiff recover against said defendant the sum of Three dollars and Fifty cents for his debt together with the cost of this suit and that this Judgement be of the fifth class. |
PAGE 153 - 3 Apr 1849 |
Estate of Absalom Farris, Senr., deceased --- 2nd Annual Settlement Absalom Farris, Jr. administrator of the said Estate comes and presents his Second Annual Settlement and is charged with the sum of Four thousand Seven hundred and Sixty Three dollars and Fifty cents the balance in his hand last Annual Settlement, and the sum of Five hundred and Sixty Nine dollars and Fourteen cents the amount of notes and other demand on said Estate as per inventory filed, amounts in all to the sum of Five thousand Three hundred and Thirty Two dollars and Sixty Four cents; and is credited by the sum of Thirty Four dollars and Forty Four cents per vouchers No. 18 to 21 inclusive which leaves a balance in the hans of said administrator of the sum of Five thousand Two hundred and Ninty Eight dollars and Twenty cents, consisting of chases in action and slaves belonging to said Estate. |
Estate of Jesse Cloar, deceased --- 1st Annual Settlement George Harris administrator of said Estate comes hereunto Court and presents his first annual settlement, and is charged with the sum of Seven hundred and Eighty Two dollars and Twenty Eight cents and is credited by the sum of Eighty seven dollars and Sixty five cents per vouchers No. 1 to 10 inclusive which leaves a balance in the hands of said administrator of the sum of Six hundred and Ninety Four dollars and Sixty Three cents. |
PAGE 154 - 3 Apr 1849 |
Stephen Babb vs. Edwin B. Dean admr. of the Estate of Charles B.N. McCabe, deceased The parties appear and the defendant waives the service of a notice herein, ... the Court after hearing the Testimony offered ... consider and adjudge that said plaintiff recover ... against said defendant the sum of Sevente... dollars and Fifty cents for his debt together w... the cost of this suit and that this Judg... be of the fifth class. |
Calvin Aust vs. George Harris admr. of the Estate of Jesse Cloar, deceased The parties appear and the ... defendant waives the necesity of a notice herein, ... and the Court after hearing the Testimony offered ... doth consider and adjudge that said plaintiff ... recover against said defendant the sum of Two ... dollar for his debt together with the cost of ... this suit and that this Judgement be of the sixth class. |
Godfrey Andrews vs. Jacob Barks admr. of the Estate of Alexander Barks, deceased The parties appear and the defendant waives the service of a notice herein, and the Court after hearing the Testimony offered doth consider and adjudge that said plaintiff recover against said defendant the sum of One hundred and Fifty dollars and Eleven cents for his debt together with the cost of this suit and that this Judgement be of the fifth class. |
Estate of William Barnes, deceased And now at this time comes Grainville Caldwell administrator of said Estate and in his motion his Annual Settlement is continued to the next Term of This Court. |
PAGE 155 - 3 Apr 1849 |
John D. Reville use of James Rhodes vs. George Harris admr. of the Estate of Jesse Cloar, deceased The parties appear and the defendant waives the service of a notice herein, and the Court after hearing the Testimony offered doth consider and adjudge that said plaintiff recover against said defendant the sum of Three dollars and Twenty Two cents for his debt together with the cost of this suit and that this Judgement be of the sixth class. |
Sarah Conyers vs. Edwin B. Dean admr. of the Estate of Charles B.N. McCabe, deceased The parties appear and the defendant waives the service of a notice herein, and the Court after hearing the Testimony offered doth consider and adjudge that said plaintiff recover against said defendant the sum of Six dollars and Forty Two cents for his debt together with the cost of this suit and that this Judgement be of the fifth class. |
Clinton P. Conyers vs. Edwin B. Dean admr. of the Estate of Charles B.N. McCabe, deceased The parties appear and the defendant waives the service of a notice herein, and the Court after hearing the Testimony offered doth consider and adjudge that said plaintiff recover against said defendant the sum of One dollar and Seventy Five cents for his debt together with the cost of this suit and that this Judgement be of the fifth class. |
Henry Sitze vs. Pride R. Bradshaw admr. of the E... ...ields Bradshaw, deceased The parties appear and the defendan... pg. 156 waives the service of a notice herein and this cause is c...ued to the next term of this Court. |
PAGE 156 - 3 Apr 1849 |
Estate of Charles B.N. McCabe, deceased Ordered by the Court that ... Letters of Administration granted to Edwin B. De... on said Estate by the Clerk of this Court in vaca... be affirmed. |
Estate of Joel Ramsey, deceased ---3rd Annual Settlement Daniel Bollinger administrator debonis... of said Estate comes and presents his Third Ann... Settlement and is charged with the sum of ... Three hundred and Ninety Eight dollars and Eigh... Four cents, and is credited by the sum of Thirty One ... dollars and Sixty Two cents per voucher Nos. 2 to 4 ... inclusive, which leaves a balance in the hands of said administrator of the sum of Three hundred ... and Sixty Seven dollars and Twenty Two cents consist... of chase in action. |
Solomon G. Kitchen vs. Robert Giboney admr. of the Estate of Robert Mann, deceased The parties appear and the defendant waives the service of a notice herein, and the Court after hearing the Testimony offered doth consider and adjudge that said plaintiff recover against said defendant the sum of Seventeen... pg. 157 dollars and Forty Eight cents for his debt together with the cost of this suit and that this Judgement be of the fifth class. |
PAGE 157 - 3 Apr 1849 |
Robert Giboney vs. Robert Giboney admr. of the Estate of Robert Mann, deceased The plaintiff comes and files his claim, whereupon the Court appoints Richard Wall to defend said Estate, who waives the service of a notice and enters his appearance herein, and the Court after hearing the Testimony offered doth consider and adjudge that said plaintiff recover against said defendant the sum of Twenty dollars and Thirty one cents for his debt together with the cost of this suit and that this Judgement be of the fifth class. |
Mortimer Giboney vs. Robert Giboney admr. of the Estate of Robert Mann, deceased The parties by their attornies appear and the defendant waives the service of a notice herein, and the Court after hearing the Testimony offered doth consider and adjudge that said plaintiff recover against said defendant the sum of Fifty Three dollars and Thirty Eight cents for his debt together with the cost of this suit and that this Judgement be of the fifth class. |
Stephen Bozarth vs. Robert Giboney admr. of the Estate of Robert Mann, deceased The parties appear and the defendant waives the service of a notice herein, and the Court after hearing the Testimony offered doth consider and adjudge that said plaintiff... pg. 158 recover against said defendant the sum of Two dollars ... and Twenty Four cents for his debt together with ... cost of this suit and that this Judgement be of the fifth class. |
PAGE 158 - 4 Apr 1849 |
Robert Giboney and Solomon G. Kitchen vs. Robert Giboney admr. of the Estate of Robert Mann, deceased The parties appear and ... defendant waives the service of a notice herein, ... the Court after hearing the Testimony offered doth ... consider and adjudge that said plaintiff recover ag... said defendant the sum of Thirty Three dollars... Forty Two cents for his debt together with the cost ... this suit and that this Judgement be of the fifth class. |
Estate of Lemuel Woodall, deceased William Gunnels administrator of said ... Estate comes and on his motion his Annual Sett... is continued to the next Term of this Court. |
Orden Bartlett vs. Jacob Barks admr. of the Estate of Alexander Barks, deceased The parties appear and the defendant waives the necesity of a notice herein, and the Court after hearing the Testimony offered doth consider and adjudge that said plaintiff recover against said defendant the sum of Eight dollars and Fifty cents for his debt together with the cost of this suit and that this Judgement be of the fifth class. |
James N. Whitelaw and Thomas Johnson partners under the name, form ans style of Whitlaw & Johnson vs. The parties appear and the defendant waives the service of a notice he... pg. 159 and the Court after hearing the Testimony offered doth consider and adjudge that said plaintiff recover against said defendant the sum of Two dollars and Fifty cents for his debt together with the cost of this suit and that this Judgement be of the first class. |
PAGE 159 - 4 Apr 1849 |
Elijah Hill vs. Jacob Barks admr. of the Estate of Alexander Barks, deceased The parties appear and the defendant waives the service of a notice herein, and the Court after hearing the Testimony offered doth consider and adjudge that said plaintiff recover against said defendant the sum of Forty One dollars and Twenty cents for his debt together with the cost of this suit and that this Judgement be of the fifth class. |
Estate of David Wilfong, deceased And now at this time comes Benjamin F. Phillips and on his motion it is Ordered that Letters of Administration on said Estate be granted to him and that he give bond for the sum of Six hundred dollars, whereupon comes the said Benjamin F. Phillips and presents his bond for said amount with William W. Norman, Peter Wilfong, and John Tankersley as his securites, which bond is by the Court approved. |
Ordered by the Court that Solomon G. Kitchen, here accepting be appointed Guardian of the Estate of Cyntha Ann Corbett one of the minor heirs of Richard Corbett, deceased, and that he give bond in the sum of One hundred dollars, whereupon the said Solomon G. Kitchen presents his bond for said amount with William A. Whitehead and Thomas J. Walker as his securities,
which bond is by the Court approved and ordered to be filed which is done. |
PAGE 160 - 4 Apr 1849 |
Estate of Absalom Farris, Senr., deceased ---On Order of the Court to Rule Absalom Farris ... administrator of said Estate to give oth... further security as such administrator. And now at this time comes the said Absalom Farris... Jr. administrator of the Estate of Absalom Farris, S... deceased, and the Court after hearing the testimony of... doth consider that the Security to the bond of the sa... administrator is insufficient. It is therefore Ord... that said Absalom Farris, Jr. administrator ... aforesaid, give a new bond as such administrator within Ten days, w... the sum of Six thousand dollars with other a... further Security, whereupon comes the said Absalom Farris, Jr. and files his affidant and prays an... appeal from the decision of this Court to the Cu... Court of this County which appeal is herewith grant... by the Court. |
Estate of Marmaduke Maples, deceased And now at this time comes Dan... Lewis administrator of said Estate and presents an Inventory and appraise bill of the said Estate, for ... which it appears that said Estate does not exc... the amount of the widows dower. It is therefore ... ordered that said Estate be delivered to the widow ... said deceased, and that all further advertisments, ... Settlements and other proceedings under said admen...tration be dispensed with unless further Ordered by this Court. |
Estate of Alexander Barks, deceased And now at this time on motion of Jacob Barks administrator of said Estate it is ordered that he be authorized to sell at private sale the remaining part of the personal property of said Estate, and that he make report of his proceedings to this Court. |
PAGE 161 - 4 Apr 1849 |
Joseph Charles vs. Edwin B. Dean admr. of the Estate of Charles B.N. McCabe, deceased The plaintiff by his attorney comes and the defendant appears and waives the service of a notice herein, and the Court after hearing the Testimony offered doth consider and adjudge that said plaintiff recover against said defendant the sum of One hundred Six dollars and Two cents for his debt together with the cost of this suit and that this Judgement be of the fifth class. |
Estate of Charles B.N. McCabe, deceased And now at this time comes Edwin B. Dean administrator of said Estate and on his motion it is ordered that he be authorized to sell property of said Estate, and that he make report of his proceedings to this Court. |
Estate of James Spiva, deceased Plesant M. Spiva administrator of said Estate comes and on his motion his Annual Settlement is continued to the next term of this court. |
Estate of John Hill, deceased Joshua Mabry administrator of said Estate comes and on his motion it is Ordered that he be authorized to sell at private sale the rent corn belonging to said Estate, and it is further Ordered that he be authorized to rent the farm belonging to said Estate for the present year, and that he make report of his proceedings to this Court. |
Estate of Sarah Masters, deceased ---Final Settlement of Alexr. Barks, administrator. Jacob Barks administrator of the Estate of Alexander Barks, deceased who was administrator of pg. 162 the Estate of the said Sarah Masters, deceased of ... Estate, and is charged with the sum of Six hund... dollars and Thirty Nine cents and is credited by the sum of ... Four hundred and Fifty Seven dollars and Twelve cents, whic... leaves a balance with which said Alexander Barks as ... such administrator is chargable of the sum of One... hundred and Forty Three dollars Twenty Seven cents. Or... by the Court that the balance found due from the said ... Alexander Barks as such administrator as aforesaid... classed in the fifth class of demands against the Est... of the said Alexander Barks deceased, and paid accordingly. |
PAGE 162 - 4 Apr 1849 |
Estate of John Masters, deceased --- Final Settlement of Alexr. Barks, administrator. Jacob Barks administrator of the Estate of Alexander Barks, deceased who was administrator of the ... Estate of the said John Masters, deceased comes and ... presents a Final Settlement the said Alexander Barks a...instration of said Estate by which he is charged w... the sum of Two Thousand Five hundred and Seventeen ... dollars and Thirty cents and is credited with the sum ... of One Thousand Eight hundred and Twenty Seven dollars... and Sixty Two cents. Ordered by the Court that the balance ... found due from the said Alexander Barks as such administrator as aforesaid be classed in the fifth class of demands against the Estate of the said Alexander Barks deceased, and paid accordingly. |
Edwin White vs. Edwin B. Dean admr. of the Estate of Charles B.N. McCabe, deceased The palintiff comes and files his demand, and the defendand appears and... pg. 163 the service of a notice herein and... his set off in this cause for the sum of Seventy Five dollars and One cent, and this cause is submitted to the Court who after hearing the testimony offered doth find that the said Charles B. McCabe in his lifetime at the time of his death did owe the said palintiff the sum of Seventy Five dollars and eighteen cents, and the Court further finds that said plaintiff did owe the said defendant the sum of Twenty Five dollars and Eighteen cents a part of his set off herein filed which leaves a balance due from said defendant to said palintiff of the sum of Fifty dollars the residue of his debt. It is therefore considered and adjudged that said plaintiff recover against said defendant that sum of Fifty dollars for this debt together with the cost of this suit, and that this judgement be of the fifth class. And it is Ordered by the Court that said administrator have a credit in his inventory for Seventy Five dollars and one cent the amount of the set off filed in this cause. |
PAGE 163 - 5 Apr 1849 |
Estate of Jacob Crytes, deceased --- Final Settlement William C. Harty administrator of said Estate comes and makes proof of notice of his intention to make Final Settlement of his administration of said, and preceeds to make said Settlement and is charged with the sum of One hundred and pg. 164 Sixty Six dollars and Thirty Three cents and is cre... by the sum of One hundred and Sixty Five dollars... Sixty One cents, which leaves a balance in the... of said administrator of the sum of Seventy ... cents. Ordered that he be discharged from f... Settlement as such administrator. |
PAGE 164 - 5 Apr 1849 |
John Harty vs. Edwin B. Dean admr. of the Estate of Charles B.N. McCabe, deceased The palintiff comes and files his dem... and the defendant appears and wiaves notice herein, and f... his set off in this cause for the sum of One hundred and ... Fifty Three dollars and Ninety Four cents and this cause ... submitted to the Court, who after hearing the testimony offer... doth find that the said Charles B.N. McCabe in his lifet... at the time of his death did owe the said palintiff th... sum of Twenty Seven dollars, and the Court further find... that the said palintiff doth owe the said defendant... sum of One hundred and Two dollars a part of his set off filed in this cause, which exceeds the plaintiffs debt the sum of Seventy Five d...ars. It is therefore considered and adjudged that said defendant recover aginst said palintiff the sum of Seventy Five dollars for his debt together with cost of suit; and the said defendant now here acknowledges full satisfaction of this judgement by said palintiff having executed his note for said amount. It is Ordered by the court that said administrator have a credit on his inventory for the sum of Sevnty Eight dollars to amount recieved from his sett off in this cause. |
Robert C. Atwood vs. Henry H. Bedford admr. of the Estate of Nathaniel Harler, deceased The parties appear and the defendant waives the service of a notice herein, ... pg. 165 and the Court after hearing the Testimony offered doth consider and adjudge that said plaintiff recover against said defendant the sum of Ten dollars and Forty Two cents for his debt together with the cost of this suit and that this Judgement be of the First class. |
PAGE 165 - 5 Apr 1849 |
Daniel Harty, Jr. vs. Edwin B. Dean admr. of the Estate of Charles B.N. McCabe, deceased The plaintiff comes and files his demands, and the defendant appears and wives notice herein, and files his set off in this cause and this cause is submitted to the Court who after hearing the testimony offered does find that the said Charles B.N. McCabe in his lifetime at the time of his death did owe the said plaintiff the sum of Thirty dollars and the Court further finds that said plaintiff doth owe the said defendant the sum of Eleven dollars. It is therefore considered by the Court that said defendant recover against said plaintiff the sum of Eleven dollars the residue of his debt aforesaid together with cost of suit and the said defendant now here acknowledge full satisfaction of this Judgement by the said plaintiff having executed his note for suit amount. It is Ordered by the Court that said administrator have a credit on his inventory for the amount reduced from his off set which is Thrity dollars. |
Estate of William Bryant, deceased --- 3rd Annual Settelement Thomas M. Adams, admistrator of said Estate comes and presents his Third Annual Settlement and is charged with the sum of Eighty Seven dollars and Twenty cents, and is credited by pg. 166 the sum of Five dollars and Forty cents per v... No. 12 to 16 inclusive, which leaves a balance in... hands of said administrator of the sum of ... Eighty One dollars and Eighty cents. |
PAGE 166 - 5 Apr 1849 |
Estate of Lawson Sitz, deceased --- 3rd Annual Settlement Thomas M. Adams administrator of said E... comes and presents his third annual settlement and is ... with the sum of Seventy Eight dollars and Sixty ... and is credited by the sum of Seven dollars and F... Six cents per vouchers No. 18 to 20 inclusive, which ... a balance in the hands of said administrator of the s... of Seventy One dollars and Fourteen cents. |
Estate of Richard Corbett, deceased And now at this time comes Solomon G. Kitchen Guardian of Cyntha Ann Corbett and on his motion it is Ordered that James Grigery administrator of said Estate be notified to appear at the next Term of this Court and show cause why his Final Settlement as such administrator should not be set aside. |
Estate of Richard Corbett, deceased And now at this time comes Solomon G. Kitchen Guardian of Cyntha Ann Corbett and now pg. 167 on his motion, it appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that the sum of Fifty Three dollars and Eighty Five cents of assets remained in the hands of said administrator on final Settlement of his said administration, and that the said Cyntha Ann Corbett is entitled to the one third part of said amount. It is therefore ordered that the said James Gregory administrator as aforedaid make distribution and payment to the said Solomon G. Kitchen the Guardian of said Cyntha Ann Corbett of the sum of Seventeen dollars and Eighty Eight and one third cents. |
PAGE 167 - 5 Apr 1849 |
James N. Whitelaw and Thomas Johnson parters under the name, form and style of Whitelaw and Johnson vs. Edwin B. Dean admr. of the Estate of Charles B.N. McCabe, deceased The palintiffs come and file their demand, and the defendant appears and wives the service of a notice, and files his et off in this cause and the Court after hearing the testimony offered doth answer and adjudge that said palintiffs recover against said defendant the sum of Thirty Four dollars and Fifty cents for their debt together with costs of suit and that this judgement be of the fifth class. Order by the Court that the administrator of said Estate has a credit on his inventory of the sum of Three dollars and Seventy Five cents the amount of this sett off filed in this cause. |
James N. Whitelaw and Thomas Johnson parters under the name, form and style of Whitelaw and Johnson vs. Edwin B. Dean admr. of the Estate of Charles B.N. McCabe, deceased The parties appear and the defendant waives the service of a notice herein, and the Court after hearing the Testimony offered doth consider and adjudge that said plaintiff recover against said pg. 168 defendant the sum of Six dollars and Ninety Eight and ... fourths cents for their debt together with the cost of ... suit and that this Judgement be of the first class. |
PAGE 168 - 5 Apr 1849 |
Andrew Mayland vs. Edwin B. Dean admr. of the Estate of Charles B.N. McCabe, deceased The plaintiff comes and files his ... demand, and the defendant appears and waives ... Service of a notice herein, and files his set off in ... and the Court after hearing the testimony offered doth ...consider and adjudge find that said plaintiff recover agains... the said defendant the sum of Four dollars and E... One cents the residue of his debt together with the ... of this suit and that this judgement be of the fifth class. Ordered by the Court that said administrator have a credit on his inventory for Twelve dollars, the amount of his off set filed in this case. |
J.B. Kistner & Co. vs. George Sifford adminr. of the Estate of John F. Sifford, deceased The parties appear and the defendant waives the service of a notice herein, and the Court after hearing the Testimony offered doth consider and adjudge that said plaintiff recover against said defendant the sum of Four dollars for his debt together with the cost of this suit and that this Judgement be of the fifth class. |
Levi W. Tankersley vs. Henry H. Bedford admr. of the Estate of Emery Hill, deceased The parties appear and the defendant waives the service of a notice herein, and the Court after hearing the Testimony offered doth consider and adjudge that said plaintiff recover against said defendant the sum of Eight dollars and Twenty cents for his ... together with the cost of this suit and that this Jud... be ... as expense of ad.... |
PAGE 169 - 5 Apr 1849 |
Levi W. Tankersley vs. Henry H. Bedford admr. of the Estate of Jacob Kinder, deceased The parties appear and the defendant waives the service of a notice herein, and the Court after hearing the Testimony offered doth consider and adjudge that said plaintiff recover against said defendant the sum of Three dollars and Forty Two cents for his debt together with the cost of this suit and that this Judgement to be paid as expense of administration. |
Estate of Samuel D. McPhetors, deceased --- On Petition for Sale of Real Estate to pay debts Elizabeth McPhetors administratrix of said Estate comes and files her petition and affidant praying for the sale of the following discribed Real Estate for the payment of the dets of said Estate, towit, The South West quarter of the North East quarter of Section No. Two in Township No. Twenty Six North of Range No. Ten East Containing Thirty Eight acres and Forty Seven hundreths lying and being in Stoddard County, Mo., and it appearing to the satisifaction of the Court that there is not sufficient personal Estate to pay the debts of said deceased. It is therefore Ordered that all persons interested in said Estate be notified of said application, and unless the contrary be shown on or before the first day of the next Term of this Court to be held at the Court house in the Town of Bloomfield in this County on the first Monday of July next an Order will be made for the sale of the whole or so much of said Real Estate as will pay the debts of said deceased, and it is further Ordered by the Court that said administrator give notice of the same posting up ten written hand bills at ten of the most public places in this County at least Twenty days before the first day the next Term of this Court. |
PAGE 170 - 5 Apr 1849 |
George W. Tankersley vs. Edwin B. Dean admr. of the Estate of Charles B.N. McCabe, deceased The plaintiff comes and files ... demand, and the defendand appears and waives ... service of a notice herein, and files his set off in the ... cause for the sum of Seven dollars and the cause be submitted to the Court, who after hearing the testimony offered doth find that the said defendant... doth owe said plaintiff the su... Thirty Nine dollars and Nine cents, and the cost... further find that said palintiff did owe the said d... the sum of Seven dollars the amount of his set of... filed in this cause, which leaves a balance due for ... said defendant to said plaintiff of the sum of ... Two dollars and Nine cents. It is therefore considered and adjudged by the Court that said paintiff recover ... aginst said defendant the sum of Thirty Two d... and Nine cents for the residue of his debt together with th... cost of this suit, and that this judgement be of the ... class. Ordered by the Court that said administrator ... a credit on his inventory for the amount of the set off ... filed in this cause. |
John C. Walker vs. Edwin B. Dean admr. of the Estate of Charles B.N. McCabe, deceased The parties appear and the defendant waives the necesity of a notice herein, and the Court after hearing the Testimony offered doth consider and adjudge that said plaintiff recover against said defendant the sum of Four dollars and Thirty Three cents for his debt together with the cost of this suit and that this Judgement be of the fifth class. |
James Rhodes vs. Edwin B. Dean admr. of the Estate of Charles B.N. McCabe, deceased The parties appear and the def... waives the service of a notice herein, and the Court ... pg. 171 after hearing the Testimony offered doth consider and adjudge that said plaintiff recover against said defendant the sum of Ten dollars and Fifty cents for his debt together with the cost of this suit and that this Judgement be of the second class. |
PAGE 171 - 5 Apr 1849 |
William Priest vs. Robert Giboney administrator of the Estate of Robert Mann, deceased The parties appear and the defendant waives the service of a notice herein, and the Court after hearing the Testimony offered doth consider and adjudge that said plaintiff recover against said defendant the sum of Four dollars for his debt together with the cost of this suit and that this Judgement be of the fifth class. | James Rhodes vs. Henry Miller admr. of the Estate of John Miller, deceased The parties appear and the defendant waives the service of a notice herein, and the Court after hearing the Testimony offered doth consider and adjudge that said plaintiff recover against said defendant the sum of Five dollars for his debt together with the cost of this suit and that this Judgement be of the fifth class. |
Saunders Walker vs. Jacob Barks admr. of the Estate of Alexander Barks, deceased The parties appear and the defendant waives the service of a notice herein, and the Court after hearing the Testimony offered doth consider and adjudge that said plaintiff recover against said defendant the sum of Five dollars and Fifty cents for his debt together with the cost of this suit and that this Judgement be of the fifth class. |
PAGE 172 - 6 Apr 1849 |
Aaron Culbertson vs. Edwin B. Dean admr. of the Estate of Charles B.N. McCabe, deceased The parties in their proper p... appear and by agreement the judgement rendered on ... Second day of the Term of this Court in favor of said ... plaintiff is set aside recinded and helf for naught. |
Estate of Charles B.N. McCabe, deceased Ordered by the Court that the adm... istrator of said Estate have a credit an... his inventory for one note on Aaron Culbertson for the sum of Three dollars ... Three cents dated Sixth April 1847 and payable to Boyer G... |
Edwin White vs. David B. Miller, administrator of the Estate of Jacob H. Stark, deceased The parties appear and the defendant waives the service of a notice herein, and the Court after hearing the Testimony offered doth consider and adjudge that said plaintiff recover against said defendant the sum of thirty dollars and Eighty Seven and one half cents for his debt together with the cost of this suit and that this Judgement be of the fifth class. |
Estate of Elizabeth Fletcher, deceased And now at this time comes Absalom Farris, Jr. administrator of said Estate and on his motion his Final Settlement is continued to the Next Term of this Court. |
PAGE 173 - 6 Apr 1849 |
James Nations vs. Edwin B. Dean admr. of the Estate of Charles B.N. McCabe, deceased The plaintiff comes and files his demand and the defendant appears and waives the service of a notice herein, and files his set off to the plaintiff demand in this cause, and this cause is submitted to the Court, who after hearing the testimony offered doth find that said defendant doth owe the said plaintiff the sum of Thirty Four dollars and Thirty Four cents for his debt, and the Court doth further find that said plaintiff did owe the said Charles B.N. McCabe in his lifetime at the time of his death the sum of Thirty Eight dollars the amount of defendant set off filed in this cause, which exceeds the plaintiffs debt by the sum of Three dollars and Sixty Two cents. It is therefore considered and adjudged that said defendant recover against said plaintiff the sum of Three dollars and Sixty Two cents the residue of his set off aforesaid, together with the cost of this suit; whereupon comes the said plaintiff and acknowledges full satisfaction of this judgement. Ordered by the Court that said administrator have a credit on his inventory for Thirty Four dollars and Thirty Eight cents, the amount of the plaintiffs claim here in allowed. |
Estate of Nathaniel Harler, deceased --- Final Settlement of Charles B.N. McCabe administration of said Estate. Edwin B. Dean administrator of the Estate of Charles B.N. McCabe, deceased, who was administrator of the Estate of Nathaniel Harler, deceased, comes and makes Settlement of the said McCabe's administration of said Estate, and is charged with the sum of Five hundred and Thirty Seven dollars and Sixty Three cents and is credited by the sum of One hundred and Seventy One dollars and Fifty Nine cents, which leaves a balance with which he is chargable of the sum of Sixty Six dollars and Four cents. |
PAGE 174 - 6 Apr 1849 |
Jonas Eaker vs. Henry H. Bedford, admr. of the Estate of Nathaniel Harler, deceased The parties appear and the d...ant waives the service of a notice herein, and the Court ... after hearing the Testimony offered doth consider and adj... that said plaintiff recover against said defendant the... sum of Four dollars for his debt together with the ... of this suit and that this be in the class of expense ... administration. |
Henry Miller vs. Henry H. Bedford, admr. of the Estate of Nathaniel Harler, deceased The parties appear and the defend... waives the service of a notice herein, and the Court after the Testimony offered doth consider and adjudge that said ... plaintiff recover against said defendant the sum of One ... dollars and Twenty Five cents for his debt together with ... the cost of this suit and that One dollar of this judgement be ... paid as expense of administration and the balance be ... of the fifth class. |
James Nations vs. Henry Miller admr. of the Estate of John M. Miller, deceased The parties appear and the defendant waives the service of a notice herein, and the Court after hearing the Testimony offered doth consider and adjudge that said plaintiff recover against said defendant the sum of Two dollars and Ninety Four cents for his debt together with the cost of this suit and that this Judgement be of the fifth class. |
Isaac Hobbs vs. Edwin B. Dean admr. of the Estate of Charles B.N. McCabe, deceased The plaintiff comes and files his demand pg. 175 and the defendant appears and waives the service of a notice herein, and files his set off to the plaintiff demand in this cause, and this cause is submitted to the Court, who after hearing the testimony offered doth find that said defendant doth owe the said plaintiff the sum of Six dollars and Eighty cents for his debt, and the Court doth further find that said plaintiff did owe the said Charles B.N. McCabe in his lifetime at the time of his death the sum of Six dollars and Twenty Five cents the amount of defendant set off filed in this cause, which exceeds the plaintiffs debt by the sum of Fifty Five cents. It is therefore considered and adjudged that said defendant recover against said plaintiff the sum of Fifty Five cents the residue of his set off aforesaid, together with the cost of this suit; whereupon comes the said plaintiff and acknowledges full satisfaction of this judgement. Ordered by the Court that said administrator have a credit on his inventory for the sum of $6.25/100, the amount of his set off filed in this cause. |
PAGE 175 - 6 Apr 1849 |
James D. Denney vs. Edwin B. Dean admr. of the Estate of Charles B.N. McCabe, deceased The plaintiff comes and files his claim and the defendant appears and waives the service of a notice herein, and files his set off to the plaintiff demand in this cause, and this cause is submitted to the Court, who after hearing the testimony offered doth find that said defendant doth owe the said plaintiff the sum of Thirteen dollars for his debt, and the Court doth further find that said plaintiff did owe the said Charles B.N. McCabe in his lifetime at the time of his death the sum of Thirteen dollars the amount of defendant set off filed in this cause. It is therefore considered that said defendant recover against said plaintiff his cost of this suit expended. Ordered that said administrator have a credit on his inventory for $13.00/100, the amount of his set off filed in this cause. |
PAGE 176 - 6 Apr 1849 |
Jacob Barks vs. Jacob Barks admr. of the Estate of Alexander Barks, deceased The plaintiff comes and files his dem... whereupon the court appoints Richard Wall to defend... cause, who enters his appearance herein and waives the... service of a notice and the Court after hearing the test...ey offered doth consider and adjudge that said palint... recover against said defentant the sum of Nineteen d...ars and Fifty Six cents for his debt together with the c... of this suit and that this judgement be of the Fifth class. |
Charles G. Hawkins vs. Edwin B. Dean admr. of the Estate of Charles B.N. McCabe, deceased The plaintiff comes and files his ... demand and the defendant appears and waives the ... service of a notice herein, and files his set off to ... the plaintiff demand in this cause, and this cause is submitted... the Court, who after hearing the testimony offered doth fi... that said defendant doth owe the said plaintiff the ... of nine dollars for his debt, and the C... further find that said plaintiff did owe the said Char... B.N. McCabe in his lifetime at the time of his death the... sum of Twenty One dollars the amount of defendant set off ... is alledged, which exceeds the plaintiffs debt by the sum of ... Twelve dollars. It is therefore considered and adjudged that said defendant recover against said plaintiff the sum of Twelve dollars the residue of his set off aforesaid, together with the cost of this suit. Ordered by the Court that said administrator have a credit on his inventory for the sum of Nine dollars. Rec'd of Charles G. Hawkins Fourteen dollars and Fifty Two cents in full of this Judgement, December 3, 1852. |
Henry Wooty vs. Edwin B. Dean admr. of the Estate of Charles B.N. McCabe, deceased The plaintiff comes and files ... his demand and the defendant appears ... pg. 177 the service of a notice herein, and files his set off to the plaintiff demand in this cause, and this cause is submitted to the Court, who after hearing the testimony offered doth find that said defendant doth owe the said plaintiff the sum of Twenty dollars and Seventy Two cents for his debt, and the Court doth further find that said plaintiff did owe the said Charles B.N. McCabe in his lifetime at the time of his death the sum of Twenty dollars and Seventy Two cents the amount of defendant set off filed in this cause, which exceeds the plaintiffs debt by the sum of Five cents. It is therefore considered and adjudged that said defendant recover against said plaintiff the sum of Five cents the residue of his debt fund as aforesaid, and by agreement each party is to pay one half the cost in this cause. Ordered by the Court that said administrator have a credit on his inventory for the sum of $20.72/100, the amount of his set off filed in this cause. |
PAGE 177 - 6 Apr 1849 |
Estate of Charles B.N. McCabe, deceased Edwin B. Dean administrator of said Estate comes and on his motion it is ordered that he be authorized to see at private sale one lot of rent corn belonging to said Estate. |
Oliver Creath vs. Edwin B. Dean admr. of the Estate of Charles B.N. McCabe, deceased The plaintiff comes and files his demand and the defendant appears and waives the service of a notice herein, and files his set off to the plaintiff demand for the sum of $47.35/100, and this cause is submitted to the Court, who after hearing the testimony offered doth find that said defendant doth owe the said plaintiff the sum of Thirty eight dollars and Five cents for his debt, and the Court doth further find that said plaintiff did owe the said Charles pg. 178 B.N. McCabe in his lifetime at the time of his death the sum of Thirty Nine dollars and Fifty five cents apart of ... defendants set off filed in this cause, which exceeds the plain... debt by the sum of One dollar and Fifty c... It is therefore considered and adjudged that said defendant reco... against said plaintiff the sum of One dollar and Fifty c... together with the cost of this suit; whereupon comes th... said defendant and acknowledges full satisfaction of this judgement. Ordered by the Court that said admin...trator have a credit on his inventory for the sum of 45..., a part of his set off here filed. |
PAGE 178 - 6 Apr 1849 |
Estate of Alexander Barks deceased And now at this time comes Jacob Barks the administrator of said Estate, and on his motion it is ordered that the hiring out of the Sla... and the renting of the farm belonging to said Estate for the ... present year be approved. |
Henry Miller admr. of the Estate of John M. Miller, deceased vs. Edwin B. Dean admr. of the Estate of Charles B.N. McCabe, deceased The parties appear and the defendant waives the service of a notice herein, and the Court after hearing the Testimony offered doth consider and adjudge that said plaintiff recover against said defendant the sum of Three dollars and Sixty Five cents for his debt together with the cost of this suit and that this Judgement be of the fifth class. |
Orson Bartlett vs. Henry H. Bedford admr. of the Estate of Nathaniel Harler, deceased The parties appear and the defendant waives the service of a notice herein, and the Court after hearing the Testimony offered doth consider and adjudge that said plaintiff recover against said defendant the sum of Twenty One dollars ... and Fifty Eight cents for his debt together with the cost of ... and that this Judgement be of the fifth cla.... |
PAGE 179 - 6 Apr 1849 |
Orson Bartlett vs. Henry H. Bedford admr. of the Estate of Nathaniel Harler, deceased The parties appear and the defendant waives the service of a notice herein, and the Court after hearing the Testimony offered doth consider and adjudge that said plaintiff recover against said defendant the sum of Two dollars for his debt together with the cost of this suit and that this Judgement be paid as expense of administration. |
Estate of Charles B.N. McCabe, deceased And now at this time comes Edwin B. Dean administrator of said Estate, and on his motion it is ordered that he be authorized to lease for the present year the house and lot in Bloomfield belonging to said Estate. |
Estate of Emery Hill, deceased --- On Petition for Sale of Real Estate to Pay Debts Henry H. Bedford administrator debonis non of said Estate comes and files his petition and affedant praying for the sale of the following described Real Estate for the payment of the debts of said Estate ToWit, Lot number forty two lying and being in the Twon of Bloomfield in this County and it appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that there is not sufficant personal Estate to pay the debts of said deceased. It is therefore ordered that all persons interested in said Estate be notified of said application. And unless the contrary be shown on or before the first day of the next term of the Court to be held at the Court house in the Town of Bloomfield in this County on the 1st Monday of July next, an order will be maide for the sale of the whole or so much of said Real Estate as will pay the debts of said deceased. And it is further Ordered that said administrator give notice of the same by posting up ten written hand bills in ten of the most public places in this County at least twenty days before the first day of the next term of this court. |
PAGE 180 - 6 Apr 1849 |
Estate of Charles B.N. McCabe, deceased Ordered by the Court that the administrator of said Estate be authorized to take notes for all accounts due said Estate. |
Estate of Charles B.N. McCabe, deceased Ordered by the Court that the bond given by Edwin B. Dean administrator of said Estate be rejected, and it is further ordered that said administrator give a new bond for the sum of Twelve Thousand Six hundred dollars with sufficient Security on or bef... the first day of the next Term of this court. |
Estate of Emery Hill, deceased Ordered by the Court that the bond of Henry H. Bedford administrator of said Estate be and it is hereby approved. |
Estate of Robert Mann, deceased Ordered by the Court that the bond of Robert Giboney administrator of said Estate be and it is hereby approved; and it is further Ordered that the Letters of Administration granted by the Clerk of this Court in vacation to said Robert Giboney be and they are hereby affirmed. |
Estate of Jordan Lacey, deceased Ordered by the Court that the bond of John Gunnels administrator of said Estate be and it is hereby approved; and it is further Ordered that the Letters of Administration granted by the Clerk of this Court in vacation to said John Gunnels be and they are hereby affirmed. |
PAGE 181 - 16 Apr 1849 |
Estate of Alexander Barks, deceased Ordered by the Court that the Letters of Administration granted to Jacob Barks on said Estate by the Clerk of this Court in vacation be and they are hereby affirmed; and it is further Ordered that the bond of said administrator be rejected and that the said Jacob Barks give other and further security to his bond as such administrator on or before the first day of the next Term of this Court. |
Estate of John Masters, deceased Ordered by the Court that the Letters of Administration granted to Oliver Masters on said Estate by the Clerk of this Court in vacation be and they are hereby affirmed; and it is further Ordered that the bond of said administrator be rejected and that the said Oliver Masters give other and further security to his bond as such administrator on or before the first day of the next Term of this Court. |
Estate of Sarah Masters, deceased Ordered by the Court that the Letters of Administration granted to Oliver Masters on said Estate by the Clerk of this Court in vacation be and they are hereby affirmed; and it is further Ordered that the bond of said administrator be rejected and that the said Oliver Masters give other and further security to his bond as such administrator on or before the first day of the next Term of this Court. |
Esatate of Logan Sifford, deceased Ordered by the Court that the Letters of Administration granted to Peter Proffer, Jr. on said Estate by the Clerk of this Court in vacation be affirmed; and it is further Ordered that the bond of said administrator be approved. |
PAGE 182 - 16 Apr 1849 |
Estate of John Sifford, deceased Ordered by the Court that the Letters of Administration granted to George Sifford on said Estate by the Clerk of this Court in vacation be affirmed; and it is further Ordered that the bond of said administrator be approved. |
Estate of James Bailey, deceased Ordered by the Court that the Letters of Administration granted to Elizabeth Bailey on said Estate by the Clerk of this Court in vacation be affirmed; and it is further Ordered that the bond of said administrator be approved. |
Estate of Jacob H. Stark, deceased Ordered by the Court that the Letters of ... Administration granted to Daniel B. Miller on said ... Estate be and they are affirmed; and it is further Ordered that the bond of said administrator be appro... |
Estate of Caleb Sifford, deceased Ordered by the Court that the Letters of Administration granted to Miles Goforth on said Estate by the Clerk of this Court in vacation be affirmed; and it is further Ordered that the bond of said administrator be approved. |
Estate of Nathaniel Harler, deceased Ordered by the Court that the bond given by Henry H. Bedford administrator debonis non of said Estate be and it is hereby approved. |
Esate of Samuel Sifford, deceased Ordered by the Court that the Letters of Administration granted to Mary Sifford on said Estate by the Clerk of this Court in vacation be affirmed; and it is further Ordered that the bond of said administrator be approved. |
PAGE 183 - 16 Apr 1849 |
Estate of Sophia Adeline Adams --- 1st Annual Settlement Robert Miller Guardian of the said Sophia Adeline Adams comes and presents his First Annual Settlement and is charged with the sum of Forty dollars and is credited by the sum of Eight dollars and Ninety Five cents per vouchers No. 1 to 2 inclusive which leaves a balance in the hands of said Guardian of the sum of Thirty One dollars and Five cents. |
Estate of Alexander Barks, deceased Ordered by the Court that the inventory appraise bill and sale bill returned by the administrator of said Estate be approved. |
Estate of William Rush, deceased Ordered by the Court that the inventory appraise bill and sale bill returned by the administrator of said Estate be approved. |
Estate of William Rush, deceased Ordered by the Court that Alfred Rush Executor of the Last Will & Testiment of said deceased do file in this Court on or before the first day of the next Term thereof, an inventory of said Estate with the proper affidant thereto attached. |
Estate of Samuel D. McPheters, deceased Ordered by the Court that the inventory appraise bill and sale bill returned by the administrator of said Estate be approved. |
Estate of William Barnes, deceased Ordered by the Court that Grainville Caldwell administrator of the said Estate do file in the office of the Clerk of this Court on or before the first day of the next Term thereof, and inventory and appraise bill of said Estate with proper affidants thereto attached. |
PAGE 184 - 16 Apr 1849 |
Estate of Nathaniel Harler, deceased Ordered by the Court that the inventory, app...aise bill and sale bill returned by Charles B.N. McCabe... administrator of said Estate be approved. |
Estate of Jonas Masters, deceased Ordered by the Court that the inventory app... bill and sale bill returned by the administrator of said ... Estate be approved. |
Estate of James Ellege, deceased Ordered by the Court that the inventory appr... bill and sale bill returned by the administrator of said ... Estate be approved. |
Estate of Jordon Lacy, deceased Ordered by the Court that the inventory appraise... bill and sale bill returned by the administ...ator be approved. |
Estate of Charles B.N. McCabe, deceased Ordered by the Court that Edwin B. Dea... administrator of said Estate do attach to the inventory of ... said Estate a proper affidant. And it is further Ordered ... that his sale bill and appraise bill of said Estate be appro... |
Estate of Sarah Masters, deceased Ordered by the Court that the inventory filed by Oliver Masters administrator of said estate be approved. |
Estate of John Masters, deceased Ordered by the Court that the inventory filed by Oliver Masters administrator of said estate be approved. |
Estate of Samuel Sifford, deceased Ordered by the Court that the inventory and appraise bill filed by Sarah Sifford administrator of said estate be approved. |
PAGE 185 - 16 Apr 1849 |
Estate of Robert Mann, deceased Ordered by the Court that the inventory and appraise bill filed by Robert Giboney administrator of said estate be approved. |
Estate of Absalom Farris, Senr., deceased And now at this time comes Solomon G. Kitchens on behalf of Jemima Farris, and moves the Court to revoke the Letters of Administration hereto for granteded to Absalom Farris, Jr. on said Estate, which motion is by the Court over ruled. |
17 Apr 1849 Estate of William Bryant, deceased And now at this time, on motion it is Ordered that Thomas M. Adams administrator of said Estate have until the next Term of this Court to make his report of the sale of the Real Estte of said Estate. |
Estate of John G. Gray, deceased And now at this time on motion of Nancy Y. Gray the widow of said deceased, it is ordered that Letters of Administration be granted to her, on said Estate and that she give bond in the sum of Four hundred and fifty dollars, whereupon the said Nancy Y. Gray presents her bond for said amount with Wilson Gray and John M. Gray as her Securities which bond is approved by the Court. And it is further Ordered by the Court that William W. Norman and Henry Sifford, Sr. be approved witnesses to accompany and assist said administratrix in opening and examining the money and papers of said deceased. |
PAGE 186 - 17 Apr 1849 |
Estate of John D. Carlock, deceased --- 3rd Annual Settlement Joseph B. Davis administrator of... Estate comes and presents his third Annual Sett... and is charged with the sum of One hundred S... dollars and Forty Seven cents, and is credited by the... of Thirty Tree dollars and Ninety Eight cents per v... 6 to 9 inclusive which leaves a balance in the hands of ... said administrator of the sum of Seventy dollars ... Forty Nine cents. |
Miles Goforth admr. of the Estate of Caleb Sifford, deceased vs. Leonard Sifford And now at this time comes the said M... Sifford administrator of the Estate of Caleb Sifford, deceased, and on his motion and affidant filed, it is ... Ordered that Leonard Sifford be notified to appear... before this Court, forthwith, at the Court house in the Town... of Bloomfield in this County, and answer to a charge of ... haveing cancealed or embezzeled certain goos and chattle... belonging to the Estate of the said Caleb Sifford, deceased... |
18 Apr 1849 Estate of Caleb Sifford, deceased And now at this time comes Leonard Sifford one of the heirs of Calib Sifford, deceased, and on his motion it is ordered that the Letters of Administration heretofore granted on said Estate, to Miles Goforth be and they are hereby revoked, vacated and held for naught. And on further motion of the said Leonard Sifford, it is ordered that Letters of Administration pg. 187 on said Estate be granted to him, and that he give bond in the sum of Four hundred dollars, whereupon the said Leonard Sifford presents his bond for said amount with Daniel Sifford, Solomon G. Kitchen, Henry Miller & Robert Giboney as his Securities, which bond is by the Court approved. And it is further Ordered by the Court that Jonas Eakers & James Nations be appointed witnesses to accompany and assist said administrator in opening and examining the money and papers of said deceased and making an inventory of the same. |
PAGE 187 - 18 Apr 1849 |
Given Owen Guardian of Thomas R. Griffiths comes and presents his bond for the sum of Five hundred dollars with Martin B. Hodge, Henry H. Sadler, Elijah Hill & William W. Owen as his Securities which bond is by the Court approved and Ordered to be filed which is done accordingly. |
Estate of Pride Bradshaw, deceased Ordered by the Court that the probate of the Last Will & Testiment of said deceased taken by the Clerk of this Court in vacation be and the same is hereby approved. |
Estate of Conrad Kinder, deceased Ordered by the Court that Joseph Bollinger administrator of said Estate make Final Settlement of his said administration of said Estate at the Next Term of this Court or show cause why he does not make such Settlement. |
2 Jul 1849 Estate of Christian Gross And now at this time comes Michael Shrum Guardian of Christian Goss, and on his motion... Annual Settlement is continued to the next Term of this Court. |
PAGE 188 - 2 Jul 1849 |
Ordered by the Court that Lucinda Brown of the age of twelve years be apprenticed to Travis O. Smith until she arrive to the age of sixteen years. |
Estate of Melchesidec Gibson, deceased Ordered by the Court that Ransom Ladd, here accepting, be appointed administrator of said Estate, and that he give bond for the sum of Eight hundred dollars. Whereupon the said Ransom Ladd presents his bond for said amount with Harry Miller & Elijah Hill as his Securities which bond is by the Court approved and ordered to be filed which is done, And it is further Ordered by the Court that James A. Cooper & John N. Mitchell be appointed to accompnay and assist said administrator in opening and examining the money and papers of said Estate and making an inventory of the same. |
Israel Bozarth vs. Israel Bozarth admr. of the Estate of Josiah Bolton, deceased The said Israel Bozarth ... pg. 189 and presents his claim against said Estate, and the Court after hearing the testimony offered doth consider and adjudge that the said Israel Bozarth recover against the Estate of the said Josiah Bolton, deceased the sum of Five dollars for his debt together with cost of suit and that this Judgement be paid as expense of administration. |
PAGE 189 - 2 Jul 1849 |
Lewis Sifford vs. George Sifford administrator of the Estate of John F. Sifford, deceased --- Debt on Account The parties appear and the defendant waives the service of a notice herein, and the Court after hearing the Testimony offered doth consider and adjudge that said plaintiff recover against said defendant the sum of Twenty Six dollars and Twenty Five cents for his debt together with the cost of this suit and that this Judgement be of the fifth class. |
Jonathan Thomsbery vs. John Gunnels admr. of the Estate of Jordon Lacey, deceased The parties appear and the defendant waives the service of a notice herein, and the Court after hearing the Testimony offered doth consider and adjudge that said plaintiff recover against said defendant the sum of Three dollars for his debt together with the cost of this suit and that this Judgement be of the fifth class. |
Estate of Conrad Kinder, deceased And now at this time comes Joseph Bollinger, admr. of said Estate and on his motion it is ordered that he have until the next January Term of this court to make Final Settlement of his administration of said Estate. |
Jacob Catron vs. Edwin B. Dean admr. of the Estate of Charles B.N. McCabe, deceased --- Debt on Note The parties by their attornies appear and this cuase is submitted to the Court pg. 190 and the Court after hearing the testimony offered doth ...der and adjudge that said palintiff recover against ... defendant the sum of Seven dollars for his debt an... the further sum of Twenty Three dollars and ten cents for... damages for the detrution of said debt together with the... of this suit, and that this Judgement be of the fifth class. |
PAGE 190 - 2 Jul 1849 |
Estate of William Barnes, deceased And now at this time on motion of Granville Coldwell admr. of said Estate, it appearing to the s..ction of the Court from the Inventory and appraise bil... filed, that said Estate does not exceed the amount ... by law to the widow as her dower, and that said Estate ... been paid to the widow of said deceased, as per receipt f... It is therefore Ordered that all further advertisments ... Settlements be dispensed with unless further Esate d ... or this court order the administration to proceed. |
Edwin B. Davis vs. Edwin B. Dean admr. of the Estate of Charles B.N. McCabe, deceased --- Debt on Account The plaintiff comes and files his ... whereupon the Court appoints Solomon G. Kitchen to defend... Estate who waives the service of a notice herein, and the Court after hearing the Testimony offered doth consider and adjudge that said plaintiff recover against said defendant the sum of Twenty Five dollars for his debt together with the cost of this suit and that this Judgement be of the first class. |
Jonathan Bozarth Guardian of Sarah Ann Lacy comes and presents his bond as such Guardian for the sum of Two hundred and Sixty Six dollars with Stephen Bozarth, James McCrory & Bryant Bozarth as his securities which bond is by the Court approved and Ordered to be filed which is done. |
Jonahan Bozarth Guardian of Chism Lacy comes and presents his bond as such Guardian for the sum of Two hundred and Sixty Six... pg. 191 dollars with Stephen Bozarth, James McCrory & Bryant Bozarth as his Securities which bond is by the Court approved and ordered to filed which is done. |
PAGE 191 - 2 Jul 1849 |
Estate of Alexander Barks, deceased And now at this time comes Jacob Barks administrator of said Estate, and presents a new bond as said administrator for the sum of Four thousand Dollars with William A. Whitehead, Elijah Hill & Michael Shrum as his Securities which bond is by the court approved and Ordered to be filed which is done. |
Henry H. Bedford vs. Edwin B. Dean admr. of the Estate of Charles B.N. McCabe, deceased --- Debt on Account The parties appear and the defendant waives the service of a notice herein, and the Court after hearing the Testimony offered doth consider and adjudge that said plaintiff recover against said defendant the sum of Fifty dollars for his debt together with the cost of this suit and that this Judgement be paid as expense of administration. |
H.H.M. Williams vs. Edwin B. Dean admr. of the Estate of Charles B.N. McCabe, deceased --- Debt on Account The parties appear and the defendant waives the service of a notice herein, and the Court after hearing the Testimony offered doth consider and adjudge that said plaintiff recover against said defendant the sum of Fifteen dollars for his debt together with the cost of this suit and that this Judgement be paid as expense of administration. |
Estate of Charles B.N. McCabe, deceased And not at this time comes Edwin B. Dean administrator of said Estate pg. 192 and makes known to this Court his wish to resign as his Pet... of administraton on said Estate and it appearing to... satisfaction of the Court that the said Edwin B. Dean has... duly published according to law a notice of his inten... to apply to this Court to resign his said Letter of Adm...tration. It is therefore Ordered that the said Ed... B. Dean administrator as aforesaid be permitted ... to resign his said Letters of Administration on said Est... and that his power as such administrator now cease. |
PAGE 192 - 2 Jul 1849 |
Jonathan Bozarth vs. John Gunnels admr. of the Estate of Jordon Lacy, deceased The parties appear and the defen... waives the service of a notice herein, and the Court after hearing ... the Testimony offered doth consider and adjudge that said... plaintiff recover against said defendant the sum of F... dollars for his debt together with the cost of this suit ... and that this Judgement be of the fifth class. |
James Nations vs. George Harris admr. of the Estate of Jesse Cloar, deceased The parties appear and the defendant waives the service of a notice herein, and the Court after hearing the Testimony offered doth consider and adjudge that said plaintiff recover against said defendant the sum of Two dollars and Forty Eight cents for his debt together with the cost of this suit and that this Judgement be of the Sixth class. |
Estate of John Masters, deceased And now at this time comes Oliver Masters administrator of said Estate and presents a new bond as such administrator for the sum of Five Thousand dollars with James Grigory, John Beasley, Elijah Hill, Michael Shrum & Jacob Barks as his Securities which bond is by the Court approved. And Ordered to be filed which is done. |
PAGE 193 - 2 Jul 1849 |
Estate of Sarah Masters, deceased And now at this time comes Oliver Masters administrator of said Estate and on his motion it appearing to the satisfaction of the court that the original bond given by said administrator is sufficant. It is therefore Ordered that said bond be approved, and that said administrator be discharged from a rule of this Court made at the last time thereof requiring him to give a new bond as such administrator with other and further security. |
Estate of Elias Jordon, deceased And now at this time comes John H. Daugherty, administrator of said Estate, and on his motion it is Ordered by the Court that he have the further time of twelve months to make his Final Settlement of his said administration. |
Estate of Charles B.N. McCabe, deceased Ordered by the court that Henry H. Bedford here accepting, be appointed administrator debonis non of said Estate, and that he give bond in the sum of Eight Thousand dollars as such administrator. |
Mathew Thompson vs. John Gunnels admr. of the Estate of Jordon Lacy, deceased The parties appear and the defendant waives the service of a notice herein, and the Court after hearing the Testimony offered doth consider and adjudge that said plaintiff recover against said defendant the sum of One dollar and Sixty Five cents for his debt together with the cost of this suit and that this Judgement be of the fifth class. |
Estate of James Elleage, deceased --- 1st Annual Settlement Sarah Elleage administrix of said Estate comes and presents her First Annual Settlement and is charged with the sum of Two hundred and pg. 194 Thirty Five dollars and Two cents, and is credited by ... sum of Two hundred and Twenty dollars and Seventy Five ... per vouchers No. 1 to 8 inclusive, which leaves a balance ... the hands of said administratrix of the sum of F... dollars and Forty Five cents. |
PAGE 194 - 2 Jul 1849 |
Daniel B. Miller, admr. of the Estate of Jacob H. Stark, deceased vs. Sarah Elleage admrx. of the Estate of James Elleage, deceased The parties appear and the defend... waives the service of a notice herein, and the Court after ... hearing the Testimony offered doth consider and adjudge th... said plaintiff recover against said defendant the sum ... Twenty Nine dollar for his debt together with the cost ... of this suit and that this Judgement be of the second class. |
Abraham Sitz vs. Jacob Barks admr. of the Estate of Alexander Barks, deceased The parties appear and the defendant waives the service of a notice herein, and the Court after hearing the Testimony offered doth consider and adjudge that said plaintiff recover against said defendant the sum of One hundred and Forty Two dollars and Twenty Three cents for his debt together with the cost of this suit and that this Judgement be of the fifth class. |
Robert C. Atwood vs. Daniel B. Miller, admr. of the Estate of Jacob H. Stark, deceased The parties appear and the defendant waives the service of a notice herein, and the Court after hearing the Testimony offered doth consider and adjudge that said plaintiff recover against said defendant the sum of Eight dollars for his debt together with the cost of this suit and that this Judgement be of the first class. |
PAGE 195 - 2 Jul 1849 |
Estate of John Langdon, deceased It appearing to the Satisfaction of the Court that David Huddleston the administrator of said Estate is not a resident of this State. It is therefore Ordered that the Letters of Administration granted to the said David Huddleston on said Estate be revoked, and that his authority as such administrator cease. And it is further Ordered that Solomon G. Kitchen here accepting, be appointed Administrator debonis non of said Estate, and that he give bond in the sum of Three hundred and Ten dollars. |
3 Jul 1849 Pearce Jones vs. Robert Giboney admr. of the Estate of Robert Mann, deceased The parties appear and the defendant waives the service of a notice herein, and the Court after hearing the Testimony offered doth consider and adjudge that said plaintiff recover against said defendant the sum of Four dollars and Twelve and one half cents for his debt together with the cost of this suit and that this Judgement be of the fifth class. |
PAGE 196 - 3 Jul 1849 |
John H. Daugherty admr. of the Estate of Elias Jordon, deceased vs. Henry H. Bedford admr. of the Estate of Elizabeth Jordon, deceased The parties appear and ... defendant waives the service of a notice herein, and ... cause is continued to the next Term of this Court. |
Orson Bartlett vs. George Sifford, admr. of the Estte of John F. Sifford, deceased --- Debt by Note The parties appear and the def... waives the service of a notice herein, and the Court ... hearing the Testimony offered doth consider and adjudge... that said plaintiff recover against said defendant the ... sum of Forty Two dollars and Sixteen cents for his debt ...the further sum of Two dollars and Seventy Four cents for his damages for the detention of said debt, together ... with his cost and charges by him laid out about his said ... in this cause expended, and that this Judgement be of ... fifth class. |
Orson Bartlett vs. George Sifford, admr. of the Estte of John F. Sifford, deceased --- Debt Accounting The parties appear and the defendant waives the service of a notice herein, and the Court after hearing the Testimony offered doth consider and adjudge that said plaintiff recover against said defendant the sum of Thirteen dollars Seventy Two cents for his debt together with the cost of this suit and that this Judgement be of the fifth class. |
Estate of Absalom Farris, Senr., deceased And now at this time comes Jemima Farris, Solomon G. Kitchen & John Beasley and moves the Court to grant to them Letters of Administration on said Estate which motion is by the Court over... |
PAGE 197 - 3 Jul 1849 |
Ordered by the court that Joseph Masters, here accepting, be appointed Guardian of the person and Estate of John Masters, a insane person, and that the said Joseph Masters give bond in the sum of Two hundred and Fifty dollars as such Guardian on or before the next Term of this court. |
Mary Mayburn vs. George Sifford, admr. of the Estte of John F. Sifford, deceased The parties appear and the defendant waives the service of a notice herein, and the Court after hearing the Testimony offered doth consider and adjudge that said plaintiff recover against said defendant the sum of Fifty dollars for her debt together with the cost of this suit and that this Judgement be of the fifth class. |
Estate of Joseph Beckwith, deceased It appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that David Huddleston the administrator of said Estate is not a resident of this State. It is therefore Ordered by the Court that his Letters of Administration on said Estate be revoked. |
Estate of Joseph Beckwith, deceased Ordered by the Court that Eliza J. Beckwith, here accepting be appointed administratrix of said Estate, and that she give bond in the sum of Two hundred and fifty dollars, wherefore the said Eliza J. Beckwith presents her bond for said amount with Oliver Creath & Solomon G. Kitchen as her securities which bond is by the Court approved. |
Estate of John G. Gray, deceased And now at this time comes Nancy Y. Gray administratrix of said Estate, and presents an inventory and appraise bill of said Estate which is approved by the Court, and it appearing to the satisfaction of pg. 198 the Court that said Estate does not exceed the amount... allowed by law to the Widow as her dower. It is therefore Ordered ... that the said Nancy Y. Gray widow of said deceased be ... allowed said Estate as her dower, and that she be dis... from further Settlement as such administratrix as ... unless further Ordered by this Court. |
PAGE 198 - 3 Jul 1849 |
Estate of Logan Sifford, deceased And Now at this time, on motion of Peter Pro..., admr. of said Estate, it appearing to the satisfact... the Court from the inventory appraise bill and sale... of said Estate here filed and approved by the Court that ... Estate does not exceed the amount allowed by law... widow as her dower, and that said Estate has been paid to the widow of said deceased, as per reciept filed. It is therefore... Ordered that all further advertisment and settlement be ... dispensed with unless further Estate be discovered or this court Orders the administration to proceed. |
Adrian B. Owen vs. George Harris admr. of the Estate of Jesse cloar, deceased The parties appear and the defendan... waives the service of a notice herein, and the Court after ... hearing the Testimony offered doth consider and adjudge that said ... plaintiff recover against said defendant the sum of Six dollars for his debt together with the cost of this suit and that this Judgement be of the Sixth class. |
Estate of John Hill, deceased And now comes Joshua Mabery administrator of said Estae and says he has no Annual Settlement to make. |
Orson Bartlett vs. David B. Miller admr. of the Estate of Jacob H. Stark, deceased The parties appear and the ... pg. 199 defendant waives the service of a notice herein, and the Court after hearing the Testimony offered doth consider and adjudge that said plaintiff recover against said defendant the sum of Seventy Four dollars and Twenty One cents for his debt together with the cost of this suit and that Three dollars and Eighty Four cents of this Judgement be of the first class and the balance of said Judgement be of the fifth class. |
PAGE 199 - 3 Jul 1849 |
Jesse C. Riddle vs. Daniel B. Miller admr. of the Estate of Jacob H. Stark, deceased The parties appear and the defendant waives the service of a notice herein, and the Court after hearing the Testimony offered doth consider and adjudge that said plaintiff recover against said defendant the sum of Twenty dollars for his debt together with the cost of this suit and that this Judgement be of the fifth class. |
Jacob Hobbs vs. Daniel B. Miller admr. of the Estate of Jacob H. Stark, deceased The plaintiff comes and files his demand and the defendant appears and waives the service of a notice herein, and files his set off in this cause for the sum of Six dollars and fifty cents, and the Court after hearing the testimony offered doth consider and adjudge that said plaintiff recover against said defendant the sum of Forty One dollars and Fifty Four cents for the balance due on his debts, together with the cost of this suit, and this Judgement be of the fifth class. Ordered that said administrator have a credit on his inventory for $6.50/100 the amount of his set off here filed. |
Estate of David Wilfong, deceased And now at this time on motion of Benjamin F. Phillips administrator of said Estate. It appearing... pg. 200 to the satisfaction of the Court from the inventory and... bill filed, and approved by the court that said Estate d... exceed the amount allowed by law to the widow as her dower, ... that the said Estate has been paid to the widow of siad decea... per receipt here filed. It is therefore Ordered that all fur... advertisements and Settlements be dispensed with unless fur... Estate be discoved, or this Court Orders the administration ... proceed. |
PAGE 200 - 3 Jul 1849 |
Estate of Joseph Beckwith, deceased --- Final Settlement of David Huddleston, administrator. And now comes David Huddleston late ad... said Estate, and prestents his Final Settlement of his ... administration and is charged with the sum of Four ... hundred and Sixty One dollars and Thirteen cents, and is credited by the sum of Three hundred and Forty Nine ... dollars and Five cents per vouchers No. 21 to 40 inclus... and his commission, which leaves a balance in the hands of ... David Huddleston of the sum of One hundred and Tw... dollars and Eight cents, which amount he is Ordered to pay over to Eliza J. Beckwith the present admin... trix of said Estate, Whereupon the said David ... dleston presents the reciept of the said Eliza J. Beck... for said sum of One hundred and Twelve dollars and Eight cents which is filed herein Court. It is therefore Ordered that the said David Huddleston be discharged from ... further Settlement, and liabilities as such administrator. |
Henry Sitz vs. Pride R. Bradshaw, admr. of the Estate of Fields Bradshaw, deceased The parties appear, and on motion ... of the plaintiff this cause is continued the next term of this court as on affedant filed, at the cost of the said plaintiff. |
Estate of William Rush, deceased --- 1st Annual Settlement And now comes Alfred Rush executor of the last... pg. 201 Will & Testiment of said William Rush deceased and presents his first Annual Settlement and is charged with the sum of Three thousand Five hundred and Eighteen dollars and Eighty Five cents and is credited by the sum of Nineteen dollars and Eighty cents per vouchers No. 1 and 2 which leaves a balance in the hands of said Executor of the sum of Three Thousand Four hundred and Nineteen dollars and Five cents. |
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