RAGSDALE 1870-1920 Mari Gussin

RAINEY 1840-present Joel Rainey

RALSTON/ROLSTON1881-? Sue Ralston Reid

RAMSEY 1850-Present Pat Ramsey Chitty
Pamela Robinson

RANDOLPH Robert Pryor

RANKIN 1880-1917 Renee Kerr
Paula Marie Rankin Fox

RAY 1860-present Patsy Rice Boren
Betty Dickerson

RAWLINGS DSHopmann@aol.com

RAZER 1725 - 2002 Marilyn (Razer) Billington

Sharon Allgood

REAMS1890 to present Janet

REED 1872 - Present Nelda Pessell
donna dippold

REES/REESE 1850-1900 Bill Reese

RENNIER 1959 Joyce

Sharon Allgood

RICE ? - 1850 Brenda Rogers, Smith

RICHARD 1930 hutchinson patricia

RICHARDSON 1850 - 1900 Karen

RIDDLE 1840-1860 Frances Willess
Steven A. Bridges
Lynn Pankonin
Joel Rainey
Loline Bradshaw Carter
martin pierce
Jean Riddle Pittman
Sandy Gaines Sams

RIDDLES 1850-1900 Sue (Dowda) Farmer

RILEY 1890--1972 Nathan R. Riley

RISTER 1890-1900 possibly earlier Steve

ROBERTS 1800's Patricia Duggins Shell
Kim Link Joyce

ROBERTSON 1874-1914 Sue Eskew
Sandy Gaines Sams
Ray A. Robertson

ROBY/ROBEY 1860-1870 Deborah Robey

ROBINETT 1840 - now corbmaril@AOL.com

ROBINSON 1874-1914 Sue Eskew

RODD jean

RODGERS early 1800-s to early 1900-s Sherry Warren
Cathy L. Rodgers
jeanetta gardner
Debbie Anderson

RODNEY, RAMSEY 1800's Dorris McKinney

ROGERS early 1800-s to early 1900's Sherry Warren

ROLLMAN 1900'S-1960'S Pat Ramsey Chitty

ROMINES about 1872 untill 1909 Gerald Avance

ROSE 1900:2003 Karen

ROSS 1890's-1940 Carl David Caldwell
Steve Erwin


ROUSSEL 1880 - 1970 Bob  Roussel

RICE 1860- 1970 Patsy Rice Boren

RUBLE Linda Lott

RUSCHE 1880 Bonnie Birchfield

RUSHIN about 1880 John D Rushin

RYALL Patricia Foster

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This page created and place here May 2000
by:Mary Hudson