Record Book of Wills in the County of Stoddard, Missouri
Book A, pg. 1
In the name of the most high god amen. I John Barnheart of the County of
Stoddard in the State of Missouri being of a sound and disposing mind and perfect
health at this time but Knowing the great uncertainty of life And that all men are
born to die do make ordain publish and declare this to be my last will and
First I recommend my Sole to God who gave it hoping for mercy through his
Sun Jesus Christ. Secondly I request that my body may be decently burried after a
Christian manner by my Executrix hereinafter mentioned.
Thirdly It is my will and desire that all my just debts should be paid.
Fourthly I give and bequeath to such of my Children here in after named one dollar each to be paid to them out of my effects by my Executrix that is to say to Henry Barnheart one dollar. To Orleans Barnheart one dollar, to Lucian Barnheart one dollar. To Leroy Barnheart one dollar. To William Fletcher Barnheart one dollar. To Cynthia Barnheart one dollar. To Harland Barnheart one dollar and also an infant child now about six months old which I have had by Ruthy Minyard a female woman who has lived with me a number of years and who is the mother of most of the children mentioned above one dollar. Fifthly I give and bequeath to Ruthey Minyard who has lived with me so long and she is the mother of all my children mentioned above except two all of my property of every Kind and description what so ever including my improvements, hogs, horses, cattle, money, household and Kitchen furniture, farming utensil and negros or land should I here after purchase any to her and her heirs forever. It being by will and desire to give to the said Ruthy everything I may be possesed of at the time of my death after paying my Just debts and the Legacies to my Children mentioned above this I do from a sense of ....and of gratitude for the many Kind and useful acts she has performed for me she has lived with me a number of years is the mother of most of my children and has aided me in making what {torn}I have.
Sixthly I do hereby nominate constitute and appoint the said Ruthy Minyard sole Executrix of this my Last will and testament and it is my will and desire that she may not be compelled to give any securities as such Executrix. In testimony where of I have here unto Set my hand and seal this second day of Aprile 1835.
-signed- John Barnheart -his mark-
Signed Sealed published and declared in the presence of us:
Field Bradshaw
Alexander Calwell
Frederick Hendrickson
Recorded in my office September the twenty Eight one thousand Eight hundred and thirty seven. James Eaker, Clerk.
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