Record Book of Wills in the County of Stoddard, Missouri
Book A, pg. 2 & 3
State of Tennessee, Gipson County
Be it Remembered that heretofore to Witt on the fifteenth of September at a court of pleas and quarter sessions held forsaid County of Gipson at a court house in the town of Trenton on the 5 Monday in September 1836 present holding said court the worshipful Joseph B. Delwill BB ...Sampson The... ... ... Simeon Cart... Hughs M.
Quin ... Jeremiah H. Hengin Henry Hunt John mi... A.D. Davidson W.B.G.
Kiningworth John C. Gill R. William Stone Benion Crawford John T. Thomas John
D. Davis.
Nancy Crockett applied to same court for Letters testamenting upon all the goods and chattels rights and credits which where of Pattonon Crockett Late of this County deceased which for reasons appearing to the said Court where granted the said applicant upon entry into Bond and Security according to law which was according to wit the said will and testament of Pattonon Crockett was the day duly sworn in afor court by the William Stone and Asher Stone who being requested ...tution to the Execution as requested where of stated that the said testator was of sound mind and disposing memory and on motion Nancy Crockett was appointed Executrix and duly qualified as such and Entered into bond and security as Required sure these are therefore to authorize and require of said Nancy Crockett that now forthwith inter in and upon the administration of all and singular the goods and chattel rights and credits which where of the said Pattonon Crockett Late of said county of Gibson deceased and make true disposition and return thereof according to law. In witness whereof I Thomas Fite Clerk of said court hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said Court at office 15 day of October 1836
-signed- Tho. Fite Clk
Recorded October 19th 1837 Jonas Esken Clerk
This Indenture made this 11th day of June in the year of Our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty five between Wm. Webb of the County of Gipson and State of Tennessee of the first part and Nancy Crockett of said County of the second part witnesseth that whereas a marriage is shortly intended to be had and solemnized between the same William Webb and Nancy Crockett and the said William Webb being in debt more than he is this then able to pay and in order to prevent the property of the said Nancy Crockett from being liable for payment of the same William Webbs debts provided the intended marriage takes place the said William Webb doth covent and agree with the said Nancy Crockett his intended wife to give up and relinquish all the right title and claim to all the property that she has of Every description that would Otherwise come into his hands after said marriage takes place for her own special use and benefit and for the Benefit of her family and the said William Webb doth further covenant and agree with the said Nancy Crockett provided said intended marriage shall take place never to take any in making use of any part of her Estate that now hers or that she may hereafter acquire in any way without her consent or for the use and benefit of her family and that no part thereof shall ever be liable for the debts of the said William Webb in anyway what ever in Testamony whereof we have here unto set our hands and affixed our seals this day and year above written signed in presence of William Stone, Asher Stone
-signed- William Webb Nancy Crockett
pg 4
The State of Tennessee, Gipson County
Personally appeared before me John W. Crockett clerk of the circuit Court of Said County Asher Stone one of the Subscribering witnesses to the within insterment who being first duly sworn deposeath and saith that he was acquainted with the within named William Webb and Nancy Crockett and that they acknowledged the within in his presents to be there act and deed for the purposes therein setforth witness my hand at office this 21 September AD 1835.
J.W. Crockett Clk
Record October the 19th 1837 Jonas Eaker Clk
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