Record Book of Wills in the County of Stoddard, Missouri
Book A, pgs.24-26
State of Missouri, County of Stoddard
To all men whom these presents shall concern. Greetings. Know ye that Thomas Conyers of the State and County aforesaid do make this my last will and Testament revoking all others --
First, I do Will that My body be decently buried and My Soul to God Who give it. After all my first debts are paid, I do Will and bequeath unto My beloved wife Sarah Conyers all My Real Estate, houses and farms for the Support of her and family until Sale can be made of my tract of land in the State of Tennessee. I do Will all my household and Kitchen furniture, My farming utensils My Waggon and harness, My two Sorrel Mares and all my Stock of Cattle and hogs unto My beloved Wife Sarah Conyers during her life. I do will that so soon as May be convenient that private Sale be made of My land in Tennessee and that the proceeds there of be apptred as follows viz that one half the money if necessary for the Support of My wife and family and that Son Clinton P. Conyers have seven dollars and that my daughter Mary Jane Conyers have the sum of Twenty five dollars and that my daughter Elizabeth Ann Graves the Sum of Eighteen dollars, and that My daughter Martha S. Conyers have the Sum of Seventy five dollars, and that My Son James H. Conyers be paid the Sum of Seventy five dollars and that my Son Frederick A. Conyers have the Sum of Seventy five dollars and that my Son William F. Conyers have the Sum of Seventy five dollars to be paid out of the proceeds of of the said land - I do will and bequeath to my beloved daughter Mary Jane Conyers My Grey Mare - I do further Will that at the death of my Wife that My tract of land that I live on I do Will to My youngest Son William F. Conyers, and that at the death of my wife that the remainder of My Estate real and personal be equally divided between all my heirs and legal representatives their names being
........ Clinton P. Conyers, Joseph M. Conyers, Mary Jane Conyers, Elizabeth Ann Graves, Martha S. Conyers, James H. Conyers, Fredrick A. Conyers, and William F. Conyers & that the money of each of the Minors be laid out in land --
I do further appoint Clinton P. Conyers my legal Executor to execute this My last Will and testament September the 16th 1846
signed - Thomas Conyers
At the request of the Testator I have written his name to this will Thomas M. Adams
Thomas M. Adams, Hiram A. Shook, William Gunnels
I Thomas M. Adams do Solemnly swear that Thomas Conyers now deceased did on the 16th day of September in the year of Our Lord Eighteen hundred and forty six publish the within forgoing as his last will and testament that he was then of sound and disposing mind and memory, that I Subscribed the name of the testator to said will at his request. And that I Subscribed my name as a witness to the said will at his request and in the presence of said testator and also in the presence of Hiram A. Shook and William Gunnels the other subscribing witnesses to the within will, and that the said testator then and there declared the same to be his last will and testament.
Signed - Thomas M. Adams
Sworn to and subscribed before the undersigned, clerk of the county Court of Stoddard County in the State of Missouri the 25th day of August AD 1847 -
Reuben P. Owen Clerk
State of Missouri, County of Stoddard
I Hiram A. Shook do Solemnly swear that Thomas Conyers now deceased, did on the sixteenth day of September in the year of Our Lord Eighteen hundred and forty six, publish the within and forgoing as his last will and testament, that he was then of sound and disposing mind and memory, that Thomas M. Adams Subscribed the name of the testator to the said Will at his request and in the presence of said testator. And I Subscribed my name as a witness to the said will at the request and in the presence of said testator, as also in the presence of Thomas M. Adams and William Gunnels the other subscribing witnesses to said will, and that the said testator then and there declared the same to be his last will and testament.
Signed - Hiram A. Shook
Sworn to and subscribed before the undersigned, clerk of the county Court of
Stoddard County in the State of Missouri this 3ed day of September AD 1847 -
Reuben P. Owen Clerk
Received for Record September 4th AD 1847 and Recorded same day
Reuben P. Owen Clerk County court, Stoddard County, Mo.
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