Record Book of Wills in the County of Stoddard, Missouri
Book A, pgs. 29 & 30
I Benjamin Taylor of the County of Stoddard and State of Missouri do hereby make this My last will and testament, making and disannulling all former Wills made by me. first after my funeral expenses are defrayed and just debts paid. Second to Jacob Taylor's heirs their equal proportion of my Real Estate and personal property counting in the receipts of any or their Inventory filed in for the same. Third to Mary Cline her equal shear of My Real and personnel property counting in the receipts if any or her Inventory filed in for the same. Fourth, Elizabeth Snider her equal part of my Real and personnel property counting in the receipts of my or the inventory filed in for the same. Fifth, to Abraham Taylor his equal shear of My Real and personal property counting in the receipts if any on his Inventory filed in for the same. Sixth Isaac Taylor one dollar. Seventh, Susanah Lawrence her equal Shear of my Real and personal property, counting in the receipts if any or his Inventory filed in for the Same. Eight, Nancy Link her equal Shear of My Real and personal property counting in the receipts of my or her Inventory filed in for the Same. Ninth to Rachael Maples one dollar, and her son Lawson Taylor one dollar, to Charloty Layton one dollar, to Marlinda R. Maples one dollar, and to Mary Maples one dollar. Tenth, I will and bequeath that my Negro Slave Bob be free if he treats me well through life and conducts himself well otherwise, and at my death gives Security for his good behavior and that he has his clothing. Eleventh and lastly I do appoint John Link and Abraham Taylor My Executors of said Estate Given under my hand and seal this twenty Second day of May Ano domin One Thousand Eight hundred and forty eight; and Signed in presence of Test-----
Benjamin Taylor
Horatio Lawrence
John Lawrence - his mark
B.G. Hardin
State of Missouri, County of Stoddard
We Horatio Lawrence and Benjamin G. Hardin do Solemnly swear that Benjamin Taylor now deceased, did in the twenty Second (22) day of May in the year of Our Lord Eighteen hundred and forty eight (1848) published the within and foregoing as his last will and testament, that he was then of Sound and disposing mind and Memory, that he Subscribed the Same in Our presence and that we Signed Our Names as Witnesses to the Same at the request and in the presence of the Said testator, and also in the presence of each other and that said testator then and there declared the Same to be his last Will and testament .
Rasha Lawrence
B.G. Hardin
Sworn to and Subscribed by the undersigned Clerk of the county court of Stoddard county in the State of Missouri the 22nd April AD 1850.
Reuben P. Owen Clerk
Received for Record and Recorded the 22nd day of April AD 1850.
Reuben P. Owen Clerk
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