Record Book of Wills in the County of Stoddard, Missouri
Book A, pgs. 32 & 33
I George K. Dowdy of Stoddard County in the State of Missouri, do make and publish this my last will and testament hereby revoking and making void all former wills by me at anytime heretofore made. First, I direct that as it has pleased God to intrust me with I dispose of the Same in the following manner, to wit, I direct first that all the first claims and expenses be paid by my executor. First I appoint my beloved Sons Chiles M. Dowdy and James M. Dowdy of the County and State above written, executors of this my last will and testament and effectuate this my intention. I hereby vest my executors with full power and authority to dispose of my Real estate and individual property as follows, first I give and bequest to my son Gibson Dowdy, over and above what he has had, My black Girl Edny which I hold as a slave now in my possession in the County and State afor said. And also my deceased Son William C. Dowdy thre heirs George William to have One hundred and fifty dollars and Watson T. Dowdy One hundred and fifty dollars, Fanny Dowdy one hundred and Fifty dollars, and his widow Lucy L.T. Dowdy one dollar over and above the former I gave them in Kentucky. And also my beloved Son Chiles M. Dowdy my slave Milton by name, now my slave at present in the County of Stoddard and State of Missouri, Over and above what he has had. And to my Son Silas Dowdy my black woman Chaney which is in my possession now in Stoddard County, State of Missouri as a slave, over and above what I have gave him. And to my daughter Sarah Dowdy the sum of two hundred and fifty dollars over and above what she has had and to my Son Henry P. Dowdy my two black girls Mindy and Hager by name now in my possession in the County and State above written Over and above what he has had from me, and to my Son Lewis H. Dowdy my black girl Thamey and my boy Samuel Arthur which I own as Slaves now in the County and State above written, over and above what I have given him; And to my son Balaam E. Dowdy I give my black woman Catherine and her son Andrew over and above what he has had now in my possession in the County and State above written which I hold as Slaves. And to my Son James M. Dowdy I give my black man Samuel and his daughter Lucy over and above what he has had, which I hold as Slaves now in the County and State above written. And I further give to my Sons Balaam E. and James M. Dowdy my claim of land in Stoddard County and State of Missouri, known and designated on the duplicate as follows, lying and being in Section eight, township twenty five Range Eleven containing two hundred and one acres together with its appurtenance, house hold and Kitchen furniture, And I further declare and direct that the Save of my Real and personal estate this bequeath to my said heirs shall be in lieu of their several legacies, and I hereby make and ordain my worthy Sons Chiles M. Dowdy and James M. Dowdy executors of this my last will and testament and after their several share is receive all the notes, accounts and surplus Is collected the balance shall be equally divided amongst my specified heirs, and this to be enforced after my decease. In witness whereof I the testator have here unto set my hand and seal this the second day of August in the year of our Lord eighteen hundred and fifty two.
signed George K. Dowdy
Signed sealed published and declared by the above named George K. Dowdy as
his last will and testament in the presences of said testator and in the presents of
each other who have here unto subscribed Our names
Allen Dowdy
S. Brand
State of Missouri, county of Stoddard
We Allen Dowdy and Solomon Brand do Solemnly swear that George K. Dowdy
now deceased did on the Second day of August in the year of Our Lord Eighteen
hundred and fifty two publish the within and fore going as his last will and
testament that he was then of sound and disposing mind and memory, that Allen
Dowdy Subscribed the name of the said testator to Said will at the request in the
presences of said testator and that we signed Our names as witnesses to said will at
the request and in the presences of said testator and also in the foresame of each
other and that said testator then and there declared the Same to be his last will and
Allen Dowdy
S. Brand
Sworn to and Subscribed before the undersigned Clerk of the county Courts of
Stoddard county in the State of Missouri this 10th day of August AD 1852.
Reuben P. Owen Clerk
Recorded August 10th AD 1852
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