Record Book of Wills in the County of Stoddard, Missouri
Book A, pgs. 34&35
Sept. 20th AD 1852
I James Sitton of the Township of Castor in the county of Stoddard in the State of Missouri being in a infirm State of health and Sensible too of my liability to Sudden death at the Same time being according to my own apprehensions of Sound Mind and being anxious to Make a Suitable disposition of My real and personal Estate, do Make and ordain this my last will and testament.
It is My will that all my Just debts and the charges of My funeral be paid and discharged by My Executor here in after named and appointed Out of My Estate as Soon as conveniently may be after My decease and I leave the charges of My funeral to the direction of my Said Executor --- I give devise and dispose of My Estate real and personal (Save what Shall be necessary for the payment of My just debts and funeral charges) in the following Manner --- I give and grant to My Son Harvey Sitton the Sum of one dollar lawful Money I give and grant to my daughter Louisa Webb the Sum of one dollar lawful money -- I give and grant to my daughter Calindra Yount one dollar lawful Money. I give and grant to My Son Andrew Jackson Sitton the Sum of one dollar lawful money. I give and grant to My Son Isaac the Sum of one dollar lawful Money. I give and grant to My Son William Sitton the Sum of one dollar lawful Money. I give and grant to My Son James Sitton the Sum of one dollar lawful Money. I give and grant to My daughter Amanda Sibly the Sum of one dollar lawful Money. I give and grant to My Son John Sitton all My Real and Personal Estate lying and being in the county of Stoddard State of Missouri, To Wit, The South East quarter of the South West quarter of Section no. Fourteen in Township no. Twenty five North of Range no. Ten East containing forty one acres and twenty one hundredths of an acre more or less also the South East quarter of the North West quarter of Section No. Twenty three in Township No. Twenty five North of range No. Ten east containing forty one acres and four hundreds of an acre Except twelve acres off of the South East corner Sold to James Sprinkles Provided My Son John pays the legacies herein mentioned and also that he Maintain My beloved wife Rebecca in a comfortable and decent manner as long as She may live. If My Said Wife Rebecca Should Marry again then and in that case the obligation binding My son John to be nul and void -- It is my will and desire that everything is carried on in and about the farm as much as possible in the Same manner & way as it is now done---I give and grant to my beloved wife Rebecca her wearing apparel also the Sum of one dollar lawful Money--I nominate and appoint My son John Sitton to be Executor of this My last will and Testament.
John Sitton Signed by John Tippen at the request of the Testator he not deeming
himself able to write inteligibly.
John Tippen
James C. Sprinkle
State of Missouri, County of Stoddard
We John Tippen and James C. Sprinkle do Solemnly Swear that James Sitton now deceased did on the 20th day of September AD 1852 publish the within and foregoing as his last his last Will and testament that he was Then of sound and disposing Mind and Memory that John Tippen one of the Subscribing witnesses to said will, Subscribed The Name of Said testator and that we the said John Tippen and James C. Sprinkle signed our names as witnesses to Said will at the request and in the presence of Said testator, and also in the presence of Each other, and that the Said testator then and there declared the Same to be his last will and testament.
John Tippen
James C. Sprinkle
Sworn to and Subscribed before the undersigned Clerk of the County Court of
Stoddard county in the State of Missouri this 27th day of October AD 1852.
Reuben P. Owen Clerk
Received for Record and Recorded the 27th day of October AD 1852
Reuben P. Owen Clerk
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