Record Book of Wills in the County of Stoddard, Missouri
Book A, pg. 37
The last will and testament of Aaron Elsworth.
Know all men by these presents that I Aaron Elsworth of the County of Stoddard
and State of Missouri, being weak in body but Sound in mind do make ordain and
declare this instrument to be My last Will & testament hereby revoking all others
that have heretofore been made at anytime--1st I Bequeath My Body to the Earth
and My Soul to God who gave it. 2. After all My just debts are paid which are few.
I bequeath the remainder as follows 3. I bequeath to my beloved wife Elizabeth
Ellsworth all of My ready money Notes and accounts Horses and Mules with
Cattle Sheep and Hogs household and Kitching furniture with farming utinsels
during her natural life, or widowhood. 4th Then to my Son Joseph Elsworth one
dollar. 5th To My daughter Rutha Mathews one dollar, 6. To my Son George
elsworth one dollar, 8. To my daughter Cylinda Elsworth one dollar 9. To my
daughter Susannah Elsworth one bell and furniture also one cow and calf 10th I
bequeath to my Son Rufus Elsworth all my land and appertances in any way
belong if not disposed of in order to raise and support the minor children at the
death or expiration of widowhood of My wife Elizabeth Elsworth 11 - I bequeath
to My daughter Elizabeth Jane Elsworth one bed and furniture and one cow and
calf 12. To My daughter Rebecca Ellsworth one bell and furniture and one cow
and calf 13th Lastly I appoint My beloved Wife Elizabeth Elsworth as
administratrix of this My last Will and testament.
In testimony I have Set My hand and affixed My Seal this 6th day of March Anno Dommi 1852.
Signed - Aaron Elsworth
Jordan Garner
Alvis B. Riddle
State of Missouri, county of Stoddard
We Jordan Garner and Alvis B. Riddle do Solemnly Swear that Aaron Elsworth
now deceased did on or about the Sixth day of March AD 1832 publish the within
& foregoing as his last Will and testament, that he was then of Sound and disposing
mind and memory and that we Signed our names as witnesses to the same at the
request and in the presence of the testator and that the Said testator then and there
declared the Same to be his last Will and testament.
Jordan Garner
Alvis B. Riddle
Sworn to & Subscribed before the undersigned Clerk of the county of Stoddard
county in the State of Missouri this 5th day of January AD 1853
Reuben P. Owen Clerk
Received for Record and Recorded the 5th day of January AD 1853
Reuben P. Owen Clerk
*Note: a #7 listing was not there, it was mis-numbered.*
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