Record Book of Wills in the County of Stoddard, Missouri
Book A, pgs. 39&40
Know all men by these presents that I Joseph Rea of Stoddard County State of Missouri being in a very low state of health but of sound and disposing mind and memory do make and publish this my last will and testament hereby revoking and setting aside all former wills by me at any time heretofore made 1st I desire that all my just debts and funeral expenses be fully paid 2nd I will and bequeath unto my beloved wife Ann Rea all the balance of my estate both real, personal or mixed Books, papers, ... of Debt and money to have, hold, use and contract during her natural life or widowhood for the purpose of Supporting herself and family but in case my said wife should Marry then It is my Will that at her Marriage all my Said estate as above set forth or whatever may be remaining at the time of her Marriage May be equally divided between my said Wife Ann Rea and my children whose names are as follows to wit, Sarah Ann Rea, Mary Jane Walker, Elizabeth Evaline Rea, David Marshall Rea, Joseph Washington Rea, Nancy Minerva Rea, Andrew Jackson Rea, & Virginia Caroline Rea. but if my said wife should remain my widow during her natural life I desire that she recp. All my said property as first above directed and and that the division among my said children be not made unto after her death. It is also My will and desire that no appraisement be made of any my property but that it remain in the possession of my beloved wife. And I further direct that no publick sale of any of my Property be made during the lifetime or widowhood of My said Wife but that my executor Executrix sell at private sale a Sufficiency of my personal property to pay my just debts and funeral expenses. I do hereby appoint my beloved wife Ann Rea my executrix to in... this my last will and testament and I desire that she be not required to give bond provided the law will ... of ... without .... Bond. I testimony whereof I the said Joseph Rea have hereunto signed my name and affixed my seal this 18th day of September AD 1855.
Signed - Joseph Rea - his mark
Signed, Sealed and ex... in presence of us, the date above written
David Lewis
Bennett Springfield - his mark
David Lewis one of the Subscribing witnesses to the foregoing will do hereby State
that I Subscribed the name of the testator to said will at his request and in his
Signed - David Lewis
State of Missouri, County of Stoddard
We David Lewis and Burnett Springfield do Solemnly Swear that Joseph Rea
now deceased did on the 18th day of September AD 1855 published the within and
foregoing as his last Will and testament, that he was then of Sound and disposing
mind and memory, that David Lewis one of the Subscribing witnesses to said will
Subscribed the name of said testator to said will at the request and in the presence
of said testator and that we the said David Lewis and Burnett Springfield signed
our names as witnesses to the said will at the request and in the presence of the said
testator and this in the presence of each other and that the Said testator then and
there declared the Same to be his last Will and testament.
David Lewis
Burnett Springfield- his mark
Sworn to & Subscribed before the undersigned Clerk of the county of Stoddard
county in the State of Missouri this 27th day of September AD 1855
Reuben P. Owen Clerk
Received for Record and Recorded 27th day of September AD 1855
Reuben P. Owen Clerk
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