Record Book of Wills in the County of Stoddard, Missouri
Book A, pgs. 44 & 45
Know all Men by these presents that I James Williams of the county of Stoddard and Duck Creek township in the State of Missouri make and publish this My last will and testament hereby revoking and making void all former wills by me made at any time heretofore . And first I desire that my body be decently buried recommending my soul to an all merciful God who gave it. Secondly I direct that all my Just debts be paid as soon after my death as possible out of the first money that shall come to the hands of my executor hereafter to be named from any portion of my estate real or personal. Thirdly I direct that an inventory be made of my property both real and personal the same time appraised as the law directs but trusting to a good God and hoping to have a Sufficient sum of Money to pay any just debts I direct that My Executor shall not make any sale of my property real or personal. Fourthly I give will bequeath devise and make over unto my beloved wife Hulda Williams during her natural life or widowhood one half of my entire estate both real and personal she having the right to Select her half and at her death the Said one half of My estate I will and bequeath unto Martha Williams, Monna Williams, Isaac Williams, Nancy Williams, Hulda Williams and my other child or children she may have after me to share equally between them all of the above named having equal shares Fifth I will devise and bequeath the other half of my estate both real and personal that is to say the half left after my said beloved wife Hulda Williams selects her one half unto Mary Williams and James T. Williams heirs of my Son William Williams deceased the part their father would be entitled to if their Father Said William Williams deceased was now living and Eli Williams, Elizabeth Girly late Williams, Sally Lacewell late Williams and in case of her demise before me I desire her share shall go to and belong to the heirs of her body or if She survives me but
.............. dies I desire her portion of my estate shall belong to the heirs of her body alone Montgomery Williams, Andrew Williams, James Williams, Junior, Campbell Williams, David Williams and John Williams there share and share alike. Subject to the Specifications aforesaid all taking equally. I further will and bequeath household and Kitchen furniture unto my beloved wife Hulda Williams independent of the one half of my property willed and devised to her as aforesaid. And do hereby make and ordain my well beloved and trusty friend William G. Phelan and my well beloved wife Hulda Willams Executors of this my last will and testament In witness I James Williams the testator, have to this my will written on one sheet of paper Set my name and Seal this 27th day of Jul AD 1855
signed - James Williams
Signed Sealed and delivered in the presence of us who have Subscribed in the
presences of each other and in the presence of the testator who we saw sign the
forgoing and Known to be Sound of mind and disposing Memory.
Olin Clubb
William G. Phelan
State of Missouri, County of Stoddard
We Olen Clubb and William G. Phelan do Solemnly Swear that James Williams
now deceased did on or about the 27th day of July AD 1855 publish the within and
forgoing as his last will and testament and that he was then of Sound and Disposing
mind and memory that he signed his name to said will in our presence and that we
Signed our names as witnesses to said will at the request and in the presence of the
said testator and also in the presence of each other and the said testator then and
there declared the same to be his last will and testament.
Olin Clubb
William G. Phelan
Sworn to and Subscribed before the undersigned clerk of the Stoddard County
Court of Stoddard county of Missouri this 16th day of February Ad 1856
Reuben P. Owen Clerk
Received for Record and Recorded the 16th day of February AD 1856.
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