Record Book of Wills in the County of Stoddard, Missouri
Book A, pgs. 66-71
Probate Court Depositions on Will of William O. Knight
John McMillan of Lawful age being duly Sworn according to law deposes and says
Question - where do you live Mr. McMillan in what county
Answer - In Stoddard County
Quest - If you have ever Known William O. Knight State when and for what length of time.
Ans -- the first time that I Saw William O. Knight to the best of My recollection was about
fifteen years ago.
Quest. Where did you first Know him
Ans -- At Adrian B. Owens in Stoddard County about four or five Miles from here and have
Known him More or less ever Since untill about two years ago.
Quest -- how did your acquaintance with him begin
Answer -- If I recollect right I was introduced to him and his Mother by A.B. Owen at his house.
Quest -- State what occurred with you and him from that time till the present.
Ans -- About 14 years ago his Mother was at that time living about 1 and quarter of a mile West
of A.B. Owens on a piece known in that Neighborhood as the Old Man Owens place and I called
on the Old Lady and requested her to let Mr. W.O. Knight come to School to Me the Old Lady
told Me that his health would not bear confinement. I told her that I would allow him the
privilege of going out as often as he pleased provided She would let him go. I think I told the Old
Lady afterwards that I would not make any change for his Portion he came to School to me
Something over a week and less then a Month. I dont no exactly, I cant tell the exact year. I
think it was Some 13 or 14 years ago. I think It was in the Summer or fall Season. During the
time of his coming to school I tried to teach him his letters, he knew Some of them When he came
to School to one I don't recollect how many he learned from me I don't think he knew more than
half of them
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when he quit School.
Quest -- State why you asked him Mother to let him come to School to you.
Ans -- partly through curiosity and partly fro the purpose of adding to his enjoyments
Quest -- State what was the curiosity you mentioned.
Ans -- I wanted to Know whether his mind was Sufficiently Strong to take an education.
Quest -- Describe the Manner and conduct of William O. Knight, while he was under your
charge as a pupil.
Answer -- He was very attentive to the rules of the School and to his lessons.
Quest -- State whether he learned rapidly or otherwise.
Ans -- he learned very Slowly
Quest -- What did he learn
Ans -- I do not Know that he learned more than three or four letters while he came to me. When
he come up to his lesson he would pay very strict attention like a child and Sound anxious to learn
then and to please his teacher.
Quest -- State his ability to learn as a pupil
Ans -- He was very dull to learn
Quest -- State whether you asked him any question in order to ascertain his mental capacity and
if So what were they
Ans. I dont recollect now about what questions I examined him on his letters and in Conversation
I had With him. What They were now, I do not recollect.
Quest -- State whether you examined him throughly or only Slightly
Ans -- I examined him carefully & throughly as far as I thought it necessary
Quest -- what was the result of your examination
Ans -- I come to opinion that he may not be capable of receiving much instruction.
Quest -- If you know State Whether at that time he was able to tell the day of the week
Ans -- I do not know whether he was or not. I dont know whether he was able to tell the
Number of days in a week or not understandingly. I do not know whether or not he was able to
tell the day of the Month understandingly I without someone telling m... I do not Know whether
or not he could tell the year. Quite likely he might {word covered}
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his own age. But Whether he could understand its meaning or not I cannot Say -- I think he
could tell the name of his father and I think he knew the name of his Mother. I have no doubt of
it he could tell his own Name he told me it was William Knight or Willie.
Quest -- State Whether you ever asked him any questions tring to draw forth answers different to
the testimony already given by you. And if So What were their answers.
Answer -- I have asked him questions with the object of ascertaining his Mental powers, but
what those questions were, I have no recollection of at this time.
Quest -- were those questions put at him at one or Several times.
Ans -- I expect it was at several times
Quest -- State whether you Satisfied yourself from that examination what his mental power was.
Ans -- I think I did. I think he had a mind about as Strong as the common run of our children
from five to ten years of age.
Quest -- State whether he was easy influenced or otherwise and if So by what means.
Ans -- He was very easily influenced by kind treatment what effect a different kind of treatment
would have had on him I do not know.
Question -- Please describe him Physically
Ans -- I think he was a man not quite as tall as I am with a very low forehead lower than
common now of people. The expression of his eyes & his posture indicated a think mind. It think
at least it does so to me. I thought all his features indicated a week mind especially his vocal
Quest -- State the character of his conduct toward his fellow pupils
Answer -- he was kind in his treatment to the other children and seemed anxious to please them
and he on friendly terms I don't think he took much and in their play but he looked on and seemed
to be pleased at the others. I dont recollect of his playing much with the boys he usually seemed
to Be disposed to stay most of the play time with the
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girls or myself
Quest -- State whether he ever brought play things to the School.
Ans -- I dont think he ever did
Quest -- State Whether you ever observed in him any taste for pictures, playthings, or ordinary
amusements for children
Answer -- I have no particular recollection of it
Quest -- State how he amused himself when not employed
Ans -- he amused himself Mostly in company with girls in Joking of them and bragging upon
their beauty and how he loved them.
Quest -- What was his manner towards the girls was it rough or gentle.
Answer -- It was gentle and decent
Quest -- What was his age at that time
Ans -- I am not able to tell his age, but he must have been a man in age at that time.
Quest -- State the age of the female pupils with whom he associated.
Ans -- the age of the females. Some of them, from fourteen to fifteen years. I do not Know that
I can Say that he associated with them though he was anxious to do So, they usually tried to get
Shet of him.
Quest -- How was he treated by his fellow pupils girls and boys.
Ans -- They treated him with More Kindness than they did each other.
Quest -- State Whether you ever remarked any reason for that Kind of treatment
Answer -- It was partly from My Own request I Suppose and partly from the Weakness of Mind
Quest -- State Whether he was in the habit of Sleeping in School
Ans -- I do not think that there was any peculiarity about in that respect
Quest -- State Whether his habits boy were Sluggish or active
Ans -- He was not in the habit of taking Such action in exercise the other Children in the School
room he was very content not to make a noise or Walk too rapidly across the house
Quest -- State whether you Saw him frequently during your acquaintance with him.
Ans -- I Seen him frequently for the first four or five years of my acquaintance with him.
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Quest -- Whether during his life you paid special attention to his conversation and conduct
Ans -- I did
Quest -- State your purpose for doing so
Ans -- It was because he manifested a friendly feeling towards Me and I had a friendly feeling for
Quest -- Was he Sickly or healthy
Ans -- I am of the opinion he was Sickly
Quest -- State the Character of his Sickness if you Know
Ans. I dont know what the character of his Sickness was
Quest -- State whether he could talk as intelligibly as other people
Ans -- he could not
Quest -- If you know State the reason
Ans -- from what I Supposed it was Some defect in his Mouth or palate
Quest -- In your conversation with William O. Knight what was the character of his remarks
Answer -- In My conversation with him I never discussed any matters that required any thought
of Mind to answer I spoke to him More like I would to a child that I was desirous of pleasing than
to a man.
Quest -- What was the character of his remarks
Ans -- In Some of his remarks he Seemed what he did Know to be mixed up with Witticism
Quest -- What was the Notions of that Wit
Ans -- His remarks were generally about the girls or Some of his Neighbors his cousins or
Question -- Was his remarks pure or obscene
Ans -- they were pure. I never heard anything obscene about them -- I dont think he was given
to Such.
Quest -- If you know State Whether he was Letudiuous or inclined to Sexual passions
Ans -- I dont think there was any letury mixed with his notions. Of them was I did not remark it
Question -- was he Physically Strong or weak
Ans -- I took him to be weak inclined to be weekly
Question How was he mentally weak {word covered} a very weak Mind.
Quest -- State Whether he had Sufficient Mental capacity to learn and remember his letters of the
Ans -- By a Long course of instruction I think he had mental powers Sufficient to Learn them but
it would take a long time is my opinion under this circumstances. I think he would get So after a
while that he would remember them.
Quest -- State Whether he could count
Ans -- I dont recollect whether I ever examined him as to that
Quest -- Could he have been taught to count do you think
Ans -- I am at a loss for an answer I think if he could it would oraly been by rote
Quest -- State what degree of attention he Seemed to give Surrounding Occurrences
Ans -- When his friends, or those with whom he was in company were interested, he seemed to
be So to. I think it was More from Sympathy than any way also. I dont think he comprehended it
in full unless it was Something very easily understood.
Quest -- State whether he ever talked with you about his property.
Ans -- i have heard him Shamed about Negro Sam -- he told me that he was his Sam. I dont
know that I ever heard him Say how he came to own him if he did I dont recollect it Now --
Quest -- State whether during your acquaintance with him he could tell the names and the
numbers of months in a year.
Answer -- I dont recollect that I tested him that matter. I was in doubt on My Mind whether he
John McMillan - signed
Sworn to & Subscribed in open court this 24th day of June AD 1838
Reuben P. Own Clerk
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