Record Book of Wills in the County of Stoddard, Missouri
Book A, pgs. 75 & 76
Probate Court Depositions on Will of William O. Knight
William C. Harty of lawful age being duly Sworn according to Law deposes and says
Quest. State where you live if you please Mr. Harty
Answer-- I live about three miles from this in Stoddard County.
Quest -- If you Know William O. Knight State during what length of time and whether you
knew his family.
Ans -- I knew him for Seven or Eight of the last years of his life probably longer. I think his
mother the Same length of time I knew him. They lived a portion of the time about 3 or 4 miles
South of Me and a portion of the time in about half a mile of me. They was at my house a good
many times I have no recollection of his being with his Mother Mr. Crytes or some other person.
I did not know of his having any business. Sometimes he would Stay a good portion of the day
he went home when the family went. I have no recollection of his doing anything when there.
Sometimes he would walk about and Sometimes he Staid the house I think the most of the time
where he was out of doors he associated with the men and when about the house he was with his
mother. I dont think he never went home by himself but one time. One time he was there and left
and the negro boy Sam became uneasy about him and quit his work and {word covered}
pg. 76
to hunt home I dont Know whether he had went home or not to the house, this was in the field
when he left.
Quest -- If you know any reason why he did not go home alone State it.
Ans -- I have heard his mother Say She was fearful for him to travel about alone for fear he
would get lost.
Quest -- State Whether any person was come after him to take him home
Ans -- I dont think he ever came to my house and Stayed any longer than Some of the family.
Quest -- State his business or occupation
Ans -- I dont think I ever Saw him do any thing except to fetch a bucket of water or an armful of
Wood or Something, So he has been living in a half mile of me for some tree or four years next
before his death, My Testimony & dates especially to the last three or four years just before his
Wm C. Harty
Sworn to & subscribed in open court this 25th day of June AD 1858.
Reuben P. Owen Clerk
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