Record Book of Wills in the County of Stoddard, Missouri
Book A, pgs. 76-79
Probate Court Depositions on Will of William O. Knight
Robert P. Paramore of Lawful age being Duly Sworn according to Law deposes and Says-
Quest. -- What is your residence & occupation
Ans -- Residence in the County and town have been pro {there must be a sentence missing here
from the copy} practicing Physician for the last 6 or 7 years.
State what length of time.
Ans. I never went through a regular course of Study of Medicine in my life the reading of
medicine has been a portion of my Study through life since I was eighteen years of age and for the
last 6 or 7 years I have devoted My time to the practice of medicine. I have had some
acquaintances with William O. Knight Since the Winter of 1850 & 1851. I have Saw him
frequently since that time up to a Short time before his death, my first acquaintance I had with him
was in the Same House. When he came to Town he would most generally come to Mr. Owens
office and My office and there the peculiarity of the young man let me to cultivate an
acquaintance with him. I saw him frequently and, I was only partially acquainted with him. I
think in the Spring of 1852 I prescribed for him. I did not visit him as his Physician.
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only called in to See him. I examined So as to Satisfy Myself as to the indications of the disease.
He was then Laboring under the Symptoms of the then attack. Was Billious Attack. I found then
from an examination of him and conversation with his Mother that he had been diseased for
several years. The cause of consulting with his mother, was there being an impediment in his
Speech. Particular when he was Sick. He was always complaining when in my company of Some
aliment or derangement as nigh as I can recollect. I examined his tongue, and found a peculiarity
about it his tongue presented an uneven Surface and larger than ordinary. I think his tongue was
considerable larger than usual or ordinary tongues. Nearly filling the cavity of the mouth. My
opinion was that the thickness of the Tongue was the cause of the defect in his Speech. It was
difficult matter to me to understand him. We had to ask him frequently 2 or 3 times before I
could understand him. I dont know as I can find Language to describe his habits of body or
manner of Walking as no two Men have the Same Manner or Walking or Moving.
Question -- Describe the expression of William O. Knights countenance.
Answer -- At times rather calm. Nothing attracting or repulsive. Had one of those peculiar
countenances. That is looked at and easily forgotten.
Question -- State the color and expression of his eyes.
Answer-- he had rather a listless or vague expression of the eyes.
Question -- was the habit of the body active or sluggish.
Answer -- they were disposed to be Sluggish beyond an ordinary degree. Moved Slowly from
place to place & walked Slowly.
Question -- If you know State Whether or not he could count.
Answer -- I do not know
Question -- do you recollect any of the conversation you had with him.
Answer -- Dont recollect any particular conversation I had with him.
Question -- State Whether or Not you know any of his conversation if So what was it.
Answer -- I never had Much conversation with him except that already Stated in reference to
pain and ailments.
Question -- State whether you found those complaints fact or only imaginary.
Answer -- I treated them as though I Supposed they were only imaginary from the fact that it
was my asking him how do you do he would commence telling me about some pain or ailment,
{word covered}
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met or not.
Answer -- I did frequently but not ... his answer.
Question -- from your conversation were you able to ascertain the operation of his mind.
Answer -- I dont know whether or not I am
Question -- State if you Know - upon what his mind dwells if so what.
Answer -- his mind Seemed to dwell upon his bodily ailments as much as nay thing else. There
were but two Subjects upon which I Ever noticed the operation of his Mind. The other Subject
was Seeing how as meeting he was one of the Most different little creations I ever saw in My
life-- in seeing him at Meeting the Whole time of Singing or prayre his eyes was continually going
appeared to be engaged in what ever exercise was going on his Mind Seemed to be intent at that
place during prayres he knelt when the congregation knelt and also up when they did appeared to
be devotional. I saw him frequently Standing but did not hear his voice form the general Motion
of his lips; he Sang; when the rest Sang and When the preacher preached he appeared to be
preaching from the Motion of his lips. When I was close to him I heard his voice frequently most
generally in prayre. Cannot Say whether or not I heard his voice during preaching; away from a
place of Worship I have heard him Speak of religion Matters he Said he wanted to join Macomes
Church (a preacher in this country) and his Mother he Said wanted him to join another church. I
Supposed to join an Iron Jacket Baptist Church, the faith of which Church was predistinarian. I do
not know whether he joined any Church or not, this conversation occured 3 or 4 years ago. A
considerable time the last 3 years of his life I was with him very little if he Stated any reason for
wanting to join Macoms Church it was from personal regard for Macome rather childish. I
supposed a child of 7 or 10 years of age would express the... as intelligible as he did ... saw him
engaged in my ...
Question -- If you Know whether he was qualified to transact any business State What business it
{word covered} I dont Know of his being qualified to transact
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any business.
Question -- State whether you Would Made any bargain Contract or done any business with
William O. Knight
Answer -- I would not have been Willing to have made any bargain of any importance without
consulting his friends.
Question -- Why
Answer -- Because I considered him we all imbecile and Easily over reached.
Question -- If you Know any thing about the Manner existing Between him and his Mother
Answer -- where I have Seen him and his Mother together in the Store ... Have seen her buy any
thing a, Say it was for William and hand it to him. I Saw her have a handkerchief on the counter
and asked him Whether he liked Such Such in One or Not and he left entirely to his Mother. She
frequently treated him as a mother would have treated a child of 8 or ten years of age.
Cross Examination
was not Subpoenaed here as a witness in this cause or in this court.
Question -- If you had any conversation with any person or persons Whether the last Six Months
as to the Capacity of his Mind if So who were the parties.
Answer -- I have Spoken of him More than once as to whom I dont recollect at this time I
Recollect conversations with Mr. O'Dell he intimated to me that they would want My Testimony
in this cause and I told him I know nothing that would be of any importance in this cause.
Question -- What is the difference between an Idiot, a Lunatic and an amoucmaniac. William O.
Knight was within the presence of any of the three terms.
Answer -- I understand an Idiot is a person entirely destitute of reason; a lunatic is a person
Laboring under mental aberration; of anamm.... when Mind is Sane on Subjects and on others ...
deranged. I dont consider he was within the parti... Of either of the three.
Robert P. Paramore
Sworn to & Subscribed in open court this .... day of June AD 1858
Reuben P. Owen Clerk
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