Record Book of Wills in the County of Stoddard, Missouri
Book A, pgs. 87-89
Common Wealth of Kentucky
Know all Men by these presents, that I James Dunn being Weak in boddy but of
sound Mind Make this My last Will and testamony, I will to my beloved wife
Sarah Dunn My tract of land being and lying in the County of Stoddard and state
of Missouri (designated as follows) Lot No (2) two, and South half of Lot No One
of N West quarter Section No 30; in Township No. 27 North of Range N 9 East.
Containing one hundred and twenty three acres and fifty one ... Hundredths. It is
My will and desire that she shall dispose of the said land as she may hereafter see
proper. I desire that My just debts if any be paid out of my personal property if
there should be anything left after all my just debts is paid. I will all of the
remainder to My wife Sarah Dunn, In testimony whereof I have hereunto affixed
my Mark to my Name in the presents of the subscribing witnesses, this the 20th day
of October 1860.
James Dunn - his mark
J.H. Dodds
F.M. Algee
Dedamus Potestatum ....
Pg. 88
The deposition of Josiah H. Dodds taken on the 11th March 1861 at the office of the Clerk of Fulton Circuit County do read as evidence exparte to the said Will to be recorded in the Stoddard County Court Mo.
Question 1st
State what you may Know as to Who was the attesting witnesses to a paper
now here shown to you purporting to be the last will and testament of James Dunn.
If you state that you were one of the Subscribing witnesses then say whether or not
you were in the presence of the testator when you signed your name as a witness --
and State further the condition and state of the Mind of the said James Dunn, when
you subscribed the instrument and at whose request you attested the Will of J.
Dunn now shown me -- I was in the presence of the testator when I signed my
Name as witness to the will -- I attested the will at the request of the testator he
was in very feeble health -- seeming by afflicted with dropsey -- he was of Sound
mind as much so as I ever Knew him in his life.
J. H. Dodds
Also the deposition of Frank Algee taken at the same time & place for the same purpose Mentioned in the Captrora. State what you may Know as to who was the attesting witnesses to the {word covered} shown you purporting to be the last will & testament
pg. 89
of Jas. Dunn.
If you state that you was one of the subscribing witnesses -- then say whether or
not you were in the presence of the testator when you syned your name as a witness
to the will -- and state further the condition & state of Mind of the said Jas Dunn
when you Subscribed the instrument & at whose request you attested the Will.
Answer -- I know who was the attesting witnesses Mr. J. H. Dodds & Myself
attested the will here shown us -- I was in the presence of the testator when I
syned the will, and syned the same at his request -- he was bidely quite feeble but
of sound Mind.
F. M. Algee
State of Kentucky, Fulton County
I John C. Gardener clerk of the Fulton Circuit Court, duly elected and qualified and
to whom came the annexed commission do certify that the foregoing depositions of
J.H. Dodds & Francis M. Algee were taken before me, and was to prescribed by
them in my presence at the time and place and in the action mentioned in the action
the said J.H. Dodds & Frances M. Algee being first sworn by me that the
evidence they should give in the action should be the Truth the whole truth and
Nothing but the truth and their evidence was reduced to writing by me in their
presences and that the said Witnesses reside in Fulton County, Ky and the said
depositions was taken March 11th 1861 between the hours of 11 oclock AM & 2
oclock PM
In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affiexed the seal of my office this the 11th day of March 1861.
John C. Gardner Clk of the Fulton Circuit Court.
State of Kentucky, Fulton County
I John T. Trent Clerk of the county Court for the county aforesaid Certify that Jno. C. Gardner whose genuine signature appears to the foregoing Certificate is & was at the date thereof Clerk of the Fulton Circuit court duly elected & qualified & that said court is a court of record and that all his acts as such are entitled to full faith & Credit In testimony whereof I hereunto set My Name & affix the seal of said court this 11th day of March John T. Trent Clerk
Received for record and recorded March 19 AD 1861
Van W. Hale Clerk
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