Record Book of Wills in the County of Stoddard, Missouri
Book A, pgs. 94&95
I Christopher Bess of the County of Stoddard in the State of Missouri do Make
and publish this My last will and Testament.
First I desire that all My just debts Should be paid by my Administratrix here
in after to be appointed as Soon as she conveniently can after my death. I give and
bequeath to My beoved Son Andrew A. Bess the Sum of five dollars having
heretofore given him from time to time Several amounts of Money and property.
I also give and bequeath unto My beloved wife Christina Bess absolutely
and forever Subject to her Sole and only control to dispose of, Sell alone as to her
May Seem fit -- All My Negroes (To Wit) Cynthia, Dave, Mary, Frone, Mack,
Martha and Mary the Sister of the Said Dave and Sam and the increase of the
Said Negroes.
I further give and bequeath unto My Said beloved wife Christina Bess all
my Hogs, Cattle, horses, Money for hand notes and accounts household and
Kitchen furniture and all My personal property of Every description and where ever
Situated to her absolute use and benefit forever.
I further give and devise unto My Said beloved wife Christina Bess all and
every Messerage Lands Tenements and hereditament with the appurtenance where
of I am seized in for situate lying and being in the county of Stoddard in the State of
Missouri and now in the town and occupation of Myself To have and to hold all
and Every to Said Messnays lands and tenements hereditaments with the
appurtenances to her the Said Christina Bess her heirs and assigns forever with full
power to sell Convey or n any wise dispose of the same as She may deem fit
Finally I give and bequeath to My said beloved wife Christina Bess all my
property real personal and mixed forever absolutely to her Sole and only use and
behoof. And I hereby appoint my said Beloved wife Christina Bess My Sole
Executrix of this my last will and testament hereby revoking all former wills by me
It is further My Express will and I do desire that My Said Executrix shall not
be required to give any bond or make any Sale or have My property appraised
Merely filing an Inventory in the proper office all my property being hers.
In witness where of I have here unto set my hand this 14th day of January
Christopher Bess - his mark
Signed by making his mark and declared by the above named Christopher Bess to
be his last will and Testament in the presence of us who at his {word covered}
and in his presence have Subscribed our names as witnesses
pg. 95
thereto Both of the County of Stoddard in the State of Missouri.
William G. Phelan
Green L. Poplin
State of Missouri, County of Stoddard
In Vacation of the Court
Be it remembered that on the 16th day of November AD 1863 personally appeared
before the undersigned Adrian B. Owens Clerk of the county Court of The County
and State aforesaid William G. Phelan and Green R. Poplin the Subscribing
witnesses to the annexed will of Christopher Bess and being by me first duly
Sworn depose and say that the Said Christopher Bess the testator Subscribed the
Same by Making his Mark in their presence and published the Said will or
instrument of writing as his last will, that he the Said testator was at the time of
publishing his Said will, of Sound Mind and More than twenty-one years of age;
and that they the Said deponents attested the Said will as witnesses hereto by
Subscribing their names to the Same in the presence of said testator.
William G. Phelan
Green L. Poplin
In witness whereof I Adrian B. Owen Clerk of the county Court of the
county of Stoddard and State aforesaid have Subscribed and affixed my Private Seal
(there being as yet no seal of office provided) at office in Bloomfield county and
State aforesaid the 16th day of November AD 1863.
Adrian B. Owen Clerk
Will of Christopher Bess registered in Will Book B.
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