Record Book of Wills in the County of Stoddard, Missouri
Book A, pgs. 95-97
State of Missouri, County of Stoddard
Know all Men by these presents that I Nicholas Hale hereby Make and desire this
to be My last will and Testament, hereby revoking and annulling all other and
former wills by me made or Executed (To Wit) Knowing the uncertainty of life and
feeling that to a certainty that death will soon come upon me and being at this time
of a Sound and disposing Mind I therefore will that all My funeral Expenses, and
also my just debts be paid first & 2 ly I hereby will and bequeath that at My death
all the Estate both real and personal that it has pleased God to bless Me with to My
dearly beloved wife Mary Hale to be hers to use and make use of during her
Natural life, and at her death it is my will & I hereby bequeath To My beloved
grand Son James Lafayette Hale all of the rest and residue of Said property which
May remain at her death of the Estate to be his and his heirs forever, All of My
Children are dead Except Hannah Walker, John B. Hale & Sarah Draper, and
their descendants in a better as is it regards this worlds goods than I am able to
Make... I therefore ... making any bequests of any of them.
Pg. 96
3rd ly I give and bequeath to My daughter Hannah Walker ten cents to be paid by
My Executor without Suit.
4th ly I give and bequeath to my Son John B. Hale one dollar.
5th ly I give and bequeath to My daughter Sarah Draper one dollar and lastly I
hereby Make, constitute and appoint My Grand Son Henry H. Bedford My
Executor to Execute this My last will and Testament, hereby revoking and annulling
all former by Me Made as aforesaid, hereby ratifying and publishing this and No
other as My last Will & Testament.
In Testimony whereof I have hereunto Signed My Name and Affixed My
Seal this the Fifth day of September AD 1860.
Nicholas Hale - his mark
Signed Sealed published and and declared by the above named Nicholas Hale as
and for his last will and Testament in the presence of the under Signed who at his
request have Signed the Same as Witnesses thereto the day and date above written.
Witnesses -
H.H. Bedford
J.W. Nation
State of Missouri, county of Stoddard
Be it remembered that on This the 21st day of January AD 1864 before Me Adrian
B. Owen Clerk of the County Court within and for the county of Stoddard and State
Aforesaid personally appeared Henry H. Bedford who being by Me duly Sworn,
upon his oath deposith and Says that he was present and Saw Nicholas Hale sign
the foregoing instrument purporting to be the last will and testament of him the Said
Nicholas Hale and heard him publish and declare the Same to be his last Will and
testament and that at the time of Signing the Same The Said Nicholas Hale was of
Sound and disposing Mind, and that this deponent and J.W. Nation the other
attesting Witness Subscribed their Names there to as Witnesses to the Same in the
presence of the Testator and in the presence of each other at request of the Said
Nicholas Hale.
Henry H. Bedford
Sworn to and Subscribed before Me the date above Written
Adrian B. Owen Clerk
State of Missouri, County of Stoddard
I Adrian B. Owen Clerk of the county court of Stoddard Court having Examined the
foregoing instrument of writing purporting to be the last will of and Signed by
Nicholas Hale by Making his Mark, and the testimony of Henry H. Bedford and
of the witnesses above named do adjudge and declare the Said instrument of writing
to be the last will and testament of Nicholas Hale deceased.
....... I have hereunto Set My hand and affixed
pg. 97
The Seal of Said county Court of Stoddard County at office in Said county this 20th
day of January AD Eighteen hundred and Sixty four
Adrian B. Owen Clerk
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