Record Book of Wills
in the County of Stoddard, Missouri
Book B, p. 104-106
Last Will and Testament of Minnie A. Sielert.
State of Missouri, County of Stoddard
February the 8 A.D. 1884
In the Name of god Amen. I Minnie A. Sielert being Feeble in body and
con... of the fact that I am Speedily Passing away but being of Sound Mind and
disposing Memory do Make and constitute this My last will and testament. 1st I
Comand My Sole to God. 2nd I desire to be decently burried and the Expenses
thereof Paid out of My Estate.
3rd I Give and bequeath to My Infant Son John Allen Sielert one dollar.
4th I Give and bequeath to My husband George W. Sielert one dollar.
5th I give and bequeath to My Dearly beloved Mother all of the Remainder of My
Personal Property of Every Kind and description
pg. 105
To her Sole use and benefit.
6th I Give and bequeath to My Mother Elizabeth Hallis all of My real Estate lying
and being in Stoddard County in the State of Missouri and described as follows to
The South west quarter of the North west quarter in Section (No.12) Twelve
in Township (No. 26) twenty Six North of Range (No. 9) East Containing thirty
nine acres of land More or less to have and to hold During her Natural life and at
her death to decend to My Son John Allen Sielert and to the heirs of his body but
Should he be without issue I to decend from him to My brothers and Sisters and to
their heirs.
I do hereby appoint Cary P. Hallis My Sole Executor of this My last will and
testament In witness whereof I have hereunto Set My hand and affixed My Seal.
Minnie A. Sielert
We attest the above and foregoing will by Subscribing our names hereto as
witnesses at the Request and In the Presents of Minnie A. Sielert this the 8th day of
February 1884
M.G. Smithson
Eliza A. Warshaw
State of Missouri, County of Stoddard
Probate Court of Stoddard County In Vacation
In the Matter of Proving the last will and Testament of Minnie A. Seilert late of
Stoddard County deceased.
On this day the 12th day of March 1884. Before Me P.G. Wilson Judge of the
Probate Court within and for said County personally came M.G. Smithson and
Eliza A. Warshaw being by me first duly Sworn on their oaths Say that they were
present and Saw Minnie A. Sielert signed the foregoing instrument Purporting to
be her last will and testament and heard her Publish and declare the Same to be her
last will and Testament And that at the time of Signing and Publishing the Same
the Said Minnie A. Sielert was of Sound and disposing Mind and that the
deponents Subscribed their names thereto as witnesses to the Same in the Presence
and at the request of the Said testatrix and in the Presence of Each other.
M.G. Smithson
Eliza A. Warshaw
Sworn to and Subscribed before me This 12th day of
pg. 106
March A.D. 1884.
P.G. Wilson
Judge of the Probate
State of Missouri, County of Stoddard
In Vacation
In the Probate Court of Stoddard county
J.P. Wilson Judge of the Probate court of Stoddard County having Examined
the foregoing Instrument Purporting to be the last will of Minnie A. Sielert and
Signed by her the Said Minnie A. Sielert and having heard the Testimony of M.G.
Smithson and Eliza A. Warshaw Subscribing witnesses thereto in relation to the
Execution of the Same do declare and adjudge Said Instrument to be the last will
and testament of the Said Minnie A. Sielert late of Stoddard County Deceased. In
Testimony whereof I have hereunto Set My hand and affixed the Seal of the
Probate Court of Stoddard county at office in Bloomfield this 12th day of March
A.D. 1884.
P.G. Wilson Judge of Probate
Book C, pg. 159- Letters of Administration
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