Record Book of Wills
in the County of Stoddard, Missouri
Book B, p. 106-108
Last Will and Testament of Quinby R. Bryant.
I Quinby R. Bryant of the county of Stoddard in the State of Missouri do
Make and publish this My last will and testament.
1st. I give and bequeath to My wife Eliza Bryant her heirs and assigns all My Real
Estate Situated in the county f Stoddard in the State of Missouri to wit: the South
west quarter of the North west quarter of Section twenty three (23) Township
Twenty five (25) North of Range ten (10) East in the district of land Subject to Sale
at Jackson Missouri. Forty one acres and four one hundredths of acre and the
South west quarter of the North west quarter of Section No. Twenty three in
Township Twenty five (25) North of range ten (10) East Containing forty one acres
and 4/100 less Eleven and acres off the South Side to have and to hold to her the
Said Eliza Bryant, whom I hereby appoint My Sole executrix of this My last will
and testament hereby Revoking all former wills by Me made. In witness whereof I
have hereunto Set My hand this 18th day of August 1882.
Quinby R. Bryant - his mark
Signed and declared by the above named Quinby R. Bryant
pg. 107
To be his last will and testament in the Presence of us who at his Request and in his
Presence have Subscribed our names as witnesses thereto.
R.J. Dodd
S.A. Wilson
J.N. Wilson
State of Missouri, County of Stoddard
Probate Court of Stoddard County In Vacation
In the Matter of Proving the last will and Testament of Quinby R. Bryant late of
Stoddard County deceased.
On this day the 15th day of September 1884 before Me P.G. Wilson Judge of
the Probate Court within and for said County personally came. R.J. Dodd and who
being by me first duly Sworn on his oath Says that he was present and S.A. Wilson
and J.N. Wilson was present and Saw Quinby R. Bryant sign the foregoing
instrument Purporting to be his last will and testament and heard him Publish and
declare the Same to be his last will and Testament And that at the time of Signing
and Publishing the Same the Said Quinby R. Bryant was of Sound and disposing
Mind and that the deponents Subscribed his name to as witnesses to the Same in
the Presence of the testator and In the presence of S.A. Wilson and J.N. Wilson
who in the presence of and at the request of the testator Subscribed the Same as
witnesses thereto.
R.J. Dodd
Sworn to and Subscribed before me This 15th day of September A.D. 1884.
J.B. Williamson
Probate Clerk
State of Missouri, County of Stoddard
Probate Court of Stoddard county In Vacation
In the matter of Proving the last will and Testament of Quinby R. Bryant late of
Stoddard County Deceased.
On this 16 day of September 1884. Before Me P.G. Wilson Judge of the
Probate court within and for Said County personally came. S.A. Wilson who being
by me duly Sworn on his oath Says that he was present and Saw Quinby R.
Bryant sign the foregoing instrument Purporting to be his last will and testament
and heard him Publish and declare the Same to be his last will and Testament And
that at the time of Signing and Publishing the Same the Said Quinby R. Bryant
pg. 108
was of Sound and disposing Mind and that the deponent Subscribed his Name
thereto as witnesses to the Same in the presence and at the Request of the Said
testator and in the presence of R.A. Wilson and J. N. Wilson who In the presence
of and at the Request of the testator Subscribed the Same as witnesses thereto.
S.A. Wilson
State of Missouri, county of Stoddard
In vacation In the Probate court of Stoddard County
I P.G. Wilson Judge of the Probate Court of Stoddard county having
Examined the foregoing Instrument Purporting to be the last will and testament of
Quinby R. Bryant and Signed by him the Said Quinby R. Bryant and having
heard the testamony of B.J. Dodd and S.A. Wilson Subscribing Witnesses thereto
in relation to the execution of the Same do declair and adJudge Said Instrument to
be the last will and testament of the Said Quinby R. Bryant late of Stoddard
County deceased in testamony whereof I have hereunto Set My hand and affixed
the seal of the Probate court of Stoddard County at office in Bloomfield this the 16
day of September A.D. 1884.
P.G. Wilson
Judge of Probate
Book C, pg. 161- Letters of Administration
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