Record Book of Wills
in the County of Stoddard, Missouri
Book B, p. 11&12
Know all men by these presents that I George Askew of the County of Stoddard
and State of Missouri, do make, Publish and declare this my last will and Testament
on Earth. Revoking all other Wills made by me at any other times. Viewing the
uncertainty of Life and the certainty of death and being of Sound Mind and
disposing Memory dispose of my Property both Real and personal in the following
manner To Viz.
First My debts to be paid and their balance to go and remain the property of
my beloved wife during her natural life and after her decease to be divided between
My two daughters Evaline Dowdy and Elisabeth Hawkins share and Share alike,
as to Susan Pasley I will her the sum of Five dollars in cash above what I have
already given her in the way of advancements and that Balaam E. Dowdy be and is
hereby made and constituted My lawful and lone Executor of this my last will &
Testament. And after my decease I want him to sell off Enough of My property to
pay all my debts if there is not money and notes Enough to pay Said debts. And my
request is that my Slaves be divided and not Sold after the widows decease.
In Testimony whereof I have here unto Subscribed My name and affixed My
Seal this 22 day of November AD 1862.
George Askew
We the undersigned witnesses Signed the above will in the presence of the testator
and by his request and Signed his name by his request this 22nd day of November
AD 1862.
Chiles M. Dowdy
William Singleton - his mark
John Simmons - his mark
State of Missouri, county of Stoddard
In the county Court of Stoddard county Missouri February Term AD 1864
Be it remembered that on this 10th day of February AD Eighteen hundred and Sixty
four Personally appeared in Open Court Chiles M. Dowdy one of the Subscribing
Witnesses to the annexed will of George Askew and being first duly Sworn in
Open Court the said Chiles M. Dowdy deposes and says that the said George
Askew the testator produced the said will or instrument of writing and in his
presence declared the Said instrument of writing to be his act and published the
Same as his last will that the said testator was, at the time of publishing Said will of
Sound mind and over twenty one years of age, and that the deponent attested Said
will as a witness thereto by Subscribing
pg. 12
his name to the Same, in the presence of Said testator. Affiant further States that
William Singleton and John Semmons, the other Subscribing witnesses to said
Will Subscribed their names there to by making their marks, in the presence and at
the request of the Said testator and also in the presence of this affiant. This affiant
further Sates that the residence of the Said William Singleton and John Semmons
the other Subscribing witnesses are unknown to this affiant.
Chiles M. Dowdy
Sworn to and Subscribed in open court this 10th day of February AD 1864.
Adrian B. Owen Clerk
Filed for Record and Recorded the 10th day of May 1865.
Adrian B. Owen Clerk
Book C, pg. 37 -Letters of Administration, George Askew, Balaam Dowdy
Book C, pg. 49-Release of Balaam Dowdy
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