Record Book of Wills
in the County of Stoddard, Missouri
Book B, p. 12&13
Last Will and Testament of Jefferson Z. Story deceased September 10th 1865
To Whom it May Concern Jefferson Z. Story being about to depart this life and having no one on Earth that is more deer to me than my two little boys it is My last Will and request that Mr. Gersham Allen take them and all of the property, money and Valuables which I have in my possession or duw me and do the best he can with them and raise my little boys in the natural admonition of the Lord.
Jefferson Z. Story
James E. Story & Mark Shar...
William Campbell - his mark
State of Missouri, county of Cape Girardeau
In the Cape Girardeau Court of common Pleas - In vacation
Be it remembered that on this Fifteenth day of January in the year of our Lord one
thousand Eight hundred and Sixty Six before me Edmond Engelmann Clerk of the
cape Girardeau Court of common pleas within and for the county and State
aforesaid personally appeared William W. Campbell and William H. Story who
being by me duly Sworn Says that they were present and Saw Jefferson Z. Story
Sign his Mark on the foregoing instrument purporting to be the last will and
Testament of him the Said Jefferson Z. Story and heard him publish and declare
the Same to be his last will and testament and that at the time of Signing the Same
the said Jefferson Z. Story was of sound and disposing mind and over the age of
twenty one years old. The said William W. Campbell States that he and William
H. Story and other attesting witnesses
pg. 13
were present and Subscribed their names thereto, as witnesses excepting William
H. Story. Who did not Sign his name thereto, in presence of the testator, and Each
other and at the request of the Said Jefferson Z. Story. And the Said William H.
Story further States that he was present and Saw the testator and witnesses Sign
Said instrument of Writing in the presence of Each other but did not think it
necessary to Sign his name thereto.
William Campbell - his mark
William H. Story - his mark
Sworn to and Subscribed before me this 15th day January AD 1866
Edward D. Engelman Clerk
State of Missouri, County of Cape Girardeau
I Edward D. Engelmann Clerk of the Cape Girardeau Court of Common Pleas,
within and for the County and State aforesaid, having Examined the foregoing
instrument of writing purporting to be the last will of and Signed by Jefferson Z.
Story. And the testimony of William W. Campbell and William H. Story the
witnesses above named do adjudge and declare the Said instrument of Writing to be
the last Will and testament of Jefferson Z. Story deceased.
In testimony whereof I have hereunto Set my hand and Seal of Said court, of
the county & State aforesaid. At office in the City of Cape Girardeau this 15th day
of January Ad 1866.
Edward D. Engelmann Clerk
State of Missouri, County of Cape Girardeau
I Edward D. Engelmann Clerk of the Cape Girardeau Court of Common pleas,
Within and for the County and State aforesaid, do hereby certify that the above,
within and foregoing is a full true and complete copy of the last will and Testament
of Jefferson Z. Story deceased with the probate thereof as the Same appears on
Record of wills Book 4 pg 246 & 247 remaining in My office.
Witness My Signature and Seal of Said court affixed thereto at office in the
City of Cape Girardeau County and State aforesaid this 29th day of January AD
Edward D. Engelmann Clerk
Filed for Record and Recorded the 2nd day of February AD 1866
Adrain B. Owen Clerk
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