Record Book of Wills
in the County of Stoddard, Missouri
Book B, p. 125-126
Name is spelled both ways Dempsey and Dumphrey
Last Will and testament of Louiza Jane Dempsey.
I Louiza Jane Dempsey of the county of Stoddard in the state of Missouri of
Missouri do make and publish this my last will and testament.
1st. I give and bequeath to my niece Luella A. Gussett all my household Goods and
other personal property remaining after paying my necessary funeral expences; with
the exception of my family bible and one leather or leather covered trunk which will
bible and trunk I give and bequeath to my nephew John B. Pentercast.
I further give and devise to my niece Luella A. Gussett her heirs and assigns all my
real Estate situate in Dexter in the county of Stoddard and state of Missouri
described as follows: All of Lots Thirty two (32) and Thirty three in Willers
addition to Dexter to have and to hold the same to her the said Luella A. Gossett
her heirs and assigns for Ever. I hereby appoint Luella A. Gossett my sole
Executrix of this my last will and testament hereby revoking any former will by me
In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand this the 2" day of October A.D.
Louiza J. Dumphrey
Signed and sealed by the above named Louisa Jane Dumphrey to be her last will
and testament in the presence of us who at her request and in her presence have
subscribed out names as witnesses thereto.
W.P. Sprinkles, Dexter, Mo.
C.D. Bailey, Dexter, Mo.
Chris N. Stakes, Dexter, Mo.
Pg. 126
Proof of Will
State of Missouri, County of Stoddard
In the Probate Court in vacation
Be it Remembered that on this the 8" day of September A.D. 1886 before
me P.G. Wilson Judge of the probate Court held in and for the county and State
aforesaid, personally appeared Wm. P. Sprinkles and Columbus D. Bailey, who
are the subscribing witnesses to the annexed will of Louiza Jane Dumphrey
deceased being by me first duly sworn depose and say That the said Louiza Jane
Dumphrey the Testatrix subscribed the same in their presence and published and
declared said will or Instrument of writing to be her last will and testament and that
at the time of signing the same she the said testatrix was of sound and disposing
mind and more than twenty one years of age, and that said deponents attested said
will as witnesses thereto by subscribing their names to the same in the presence of
the testatrix and of Each other and at the request of the said testatrix.
C.D. Bailey
W.P. Sprinkles
Sworn to and Subscribed before me this 8th day of September A.D. 1886.
P.G. Wilson
Judge of Probate
State of Missouri, County of Stoddard
In the Probate Court in vacation
I P.G. Wilson Judge of the Probate court of Stoddard County State of
Missouri having Examined the foregoing Instrument purporting to be the Last Will
of Louiza Jane Dumphrey, deceased and having heard the testimony of C.D.
Bailey and Wm. P. Sprinkles subscribing witnesses thereto in Relation to the
Execution of the same do declare and adjudge said Instrument to be the Last Will
and testament of the said Louiza J. Dumphrey deceased late of Stoddard County,
Missouri. In Testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal
of said court at office in Bloomfield this 9th day of March A.D. 1887
P.G. Wilson
Judge of Probate Court
Book C, pg. 167- Letters of Administration
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