Record Book of Wills
in the County of Stoddard, Missouri
Book B, p. 179-181
Know all men by these Presents that I Alexander Wilson of Stoddard County
Missouri being of sound and disposing mind and memory do make this my last will
and testament. And as to worldly estate and all the property real or personal of
which I shall die seized or possessed or to which I shall be entitled at the time of
my decease I devise, bequeath and dispose of in the following manner "to wit" All
of my just debts and funeral expenses shall first be by my executor here in after
named be paid out of my estate as soon after my decease as convenient.
I give devise and bequeath to my wife Jane Wilson all my personal affects
remaining after my debts are paid and the use improvement and income of my land
described as follows to wit; The South Half of the North West quarter and the
North half of the South West quarter and the North half of the South East quarter
of Section Six (6) Township Twenty Seven (27) North of Range Ten (10) East
containing Two hundred and forty acres to have and to hold during the tenure of her
natural life.
I give devise and bequeath to my son John Wilson the retention or remainder
of the following land to wit: The North East quarter of the South West quarter and
the North Half of the South East quarter of Section Six (6) Township Twenty seven
(27) North of Range Ten (10) East and all the profits income and advantage that
may result there from from and after the decease of my wife; to have and hold the
same to him his heirs and assigns from and after the decease of my said wife to his
and their use forever.
I give devise and bequeath to my Son Eli Wilson the retention or remainder
of the following land to wit; The North West quarter of the south West quarter and
the South half of the North West of Section Six (6) Township Twenty seven (27)
North of range Ten (10)
pg. 180
East, and all the profits income and advantage that may result there from and after
the decease of my wife Jane Wilson to have and to hold the same to him, his heirs
and assigns from and after the decease of my said wife to his and their use forever.
All the rest and residue of my estate real personal and mixed of which I shall
die seized and possessed or to which I may be entitled at the time of my decease
from and after the decease of my wife I give devise and bequeath to be equally
divided between and among my three children John Wilson, Eli Wilson and
Rebecca A. Breeden.
And I do nominate and appoint my son John Wilson to be the executor of
this my last will and testament.
In testimony where of I have hereunto subscribed my name this the 21st day
of October 1889.
Alexander Wilson - his mark
Signed sealed and declared by the said Alexander Wilson as and for his last will
and testament in the presence of us who at his request and in the presence of each
other have subscribed our names as witnesses thereto.
Wm. A. Singleton
William C. Hill
G.W. McDavid
Recorded Dec 4, 1894
Proof of above Will
State of Missouri, County of Stoddard
In the Probate Court
Be it Remembered that on this the 30th day of November A.D. 1894 before
me Thos. Connelly Judge of the probate Court held in and for the county and State
aforesaid, personally appeared Wm. H. Singleton, William C. Hill and G. W.
McDavid who are the subscribing witnesses to the annexed will of Alexander
Wilson deceased and being
pg. 181
by me first duly sworn depose and say That the said Alexander Wilson the
Testator subscribed the same in their presence and published and declared said will
or Instrument of writing to be his last will and testament and that at the time of
signing the same he the said testator was of sound and disposing mind and more
than twenty-one years of age, and that said deponents attested said will as witnesses
thereto by subscribing their names to the same in the presence of the Testator and
of each other and at the request of the said testator.
Wm. H. Singleton
William C. Hill
G.W. Wilson
Sworn to and Subscribed before me this 30th day of November A.D. 1894.
Thomas Connelly
Judge of Probate
By F.A. Brannock
Probate Clerk
Recorded Dec 4 1894
Certificate of Probate of Will
State of Missouri, County of Stoddard
In the Probate Court
I Thomas Connelly Judge of the Probate court of Stoddard County State of
Missouri having Examined the foregoing Instrument purporting to be the Last Will
of Alexander Wilson and having heard the testimony of Wm. H. Singleton,
William C. Hill and G. W. McDavid subscribing witnesses thereto in Relation of
the Execution of the same do declare and adjudge said Instrument to be the Last
Will and testament of the said Alexander Wilson deceased late of Stoddard
County, Missouri.
In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said
court at office in Bloomfield this 4th day of December 1894.
Thos Connelly
Judge of Probate
Recorded Dec 4 1894
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