Record Book of Wills
in the County of Stoddard, Missouri
Book B, p. 19&20
The Last will and Testament of John Batchelor.
I Will that George W. Batchelor the son of John Batchelor be the legal owner of
a certain portion of my real Estate that is to say the South West quarter of the South
West quarter of Section No. (29) Twenty Nine North of Range No. (10) Tenn East
containing forty acres and also the North West quarter of the North East quarter and
the North East quarter of the North West quarter of section (32) Thirty-two in
Township (27) Twenty seven North of Range (10) Tenn East containing Eighty
acres also 65 Sixty-five Dollars in cash all the rights privileges of the above
described land but Title to be defered until after the death of said Father and
Pg. 20
I John Batchelor will that Francis M. Batchelor son of John Batchelor have a
Title to the following Described Real Estate to wit the South West quarter of the
South West quarter of section No (5) five in Township No (26) Twenty Six Range
10 Tenn East containing Forty acres also the West half of the North West quarter of
Section No (8) Eight in Township No (26) twenty Six North of Range 10 East
containing Eighty acres also 100 one hundred Dollars in cash to have and to hold
title defered untill after the deaths of Said Father and Mother.
I John Batchelor bequeath to Andrew J. Batchelor and Thomas J. Batchelor the
old homestead containing Two hundred and Eighty one acres to be equally divided
by 2 disinterested persons between Andrew J. Batchelor and Thomas J.
Batchelor and after such division has been made of said land if one half prove to be
of greater Value than the half it is to be equalize by the one received in cash to the
amount estimated title defered untill after the death of Father and Mother.
All perishable property belonging to John and Jane Batchelor at their decease is to
be equally divided between George W. Batchelor, Francis M. Batchelor,
Andrew J. Batchelor and Thomas J. Batchelor if any of the aforesaid heirs shall
waste or destroy any of the perishable property belonging to the aforesaid Estate
during the natural life time of either of the parents shall be prosecuted according to
law and said offender be made a amenable for any and all damages that may have
occurred or any other person that may not be named therein shall be subject to the
penalty of the law if any one or more of the heirs have cultivated the land on the old
homestead for the benefit of the Father or Mother and they Should die all the
present crop shall belong to the cultivator of the farm and to no one else in witness
whereof I do subscribe my name as Testator this 27th day of August 1867.
John Batchelor
We attest the above and foregoing as witnesses in the presents of the Testator John
Batchelor this the 27th day of August 1867
Lewis H. Virden
G.T. White
Filed for Record and Recorded this Ninth day of October AD 1867
Henry Renner Clerk
Book C, pg. 87- Letters of Administration
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