Record Book of Wills
in the County of Stoddard, Missouri
Book B, p. 192-193
I William Scism of Stoddard County Missouri being of sound mind do make and
publish this my last will and testament. All of my just debts and expenses are to be
paid as soon as possible after my death by my executor -- hereinafter named and
all my real and personal estate remaining to be divided and apportioned as follows:
To Elizabeth Scism my Daughter all my household furniture beds and bedding, all
farming utensils wagons and harnesses all produce of the farm, also three horses
and three cows to be selected by her, also all hogs and all sheep. Also ready money
on hand to the amount of one hundred (100) dollars. I also bequeath and devise to
said Elizabeth Scism 160 acres of land in Stoddard Co., Missouri described as
follows; The South Half of the North West quarter and the North half of the South
West quarter 1/4 of Section No. 3 in Township No. 26 Range No. 10 East to the
heirs of my deceased daughter Sally Lane as follows: To Alpha Lane five (5)
dollars, to Ida Lane five (5) dollars, to Samuel Lane five (5) dollars and to the two
minor children of Henderson Lane deceased whose names are now unknown to
me two and 50/100 Dollars Each. To the Heirs of my deceased son George Scism
as follows: To Bertha Harper, Martha Scism, Ada Scism and Chester Scism
Sixty (60) dollars each. To my son Samuel Scism one (1) dollar to my son
William D. Scism one (1) dollar all the above bequest to be paid out of my
personal property as far as possible and if not sufficient balance to be provided by
sale of Real Estate. All the balance of my estate to be divided among all my heirs
according their interest in the same as determined by law. I appoint Samuel Scism
to be my executor to carry out the provisions of this will authorize and empower
him to sell my or all real estate or personal property not described in this will
according to his best decision to carry out the provisions of the same: In testimony
whereof I have set my hand this 14th day of April 1897.
William Scism - his mark
witness ....
We the undersigned witnesses declare that the above instrument was signed by
William Scism in our presence on the day above written and declared to be his last
will and testament; Signed by us in the presence of said William Scism and in the
presents fo each other this 14th day of April 1897.
Ernst Weber of Bloomfield, Mo.
Lacey Bernard of Bloomfield, Mo.
H.M.V. Patterson of Bloomfield, Mo.
Pg. 193
Proof of Will
State of Missouri, County of Stoddard
In the Probate Court
Be it Remembered that on this the 23rd day of August A.D. 1897 before me
D. Wilcox Clerk of the probate Court held in and for the county and State aforesaid,
personally appeared Ernst Weber, Lacey Bernard and H.M.V. Patterson who
are the subscribing witnesses to the annexed will of William Scism deceased and
being by me first duly sworn depose and say That the said William Scism the
Testator subscribed the same in their presence and published and declared said will
or Instrument of writing to be his last will and testament and that at the time of
signing the same he the said testator was of sound and disposing mind and more
than twenty-one years of age, and that said deponents attested said will as witnesses
thereto by subscribing their names to the same in the presence of the Testator and
of each other and at the request of the said testator.
Ernst Weber
Lacey Bernard
H.M.V. Patterson
Sworn to and Subscribed before me this 23rd day of August A.D. 1897.
D. Wilcox
Clerk of Probate
Certificate of Probate of Will
State of Missouri, County of Stoddard
In the Probate Court
I D. Wilcox Clerk of the Probate court of Stoddard County State of Missouri
having Examined the foregoing Instrument purporting to be the Last Will of
William Scism and having heard the testimony of Ernst Weber, Lacey Bernard
and H.M.V. Patterson subscribing witnesses thereto in Relation of the Execution
of the same do declare and adjudge said Instrument to be the Last Will and
testament of the said William Scism deceased late of Stoddard County, Missouri.
In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said
court at office in Bloomfield this 23rd day of August 1897.
D. Wilcox
Clerk of Probate
Recorded this 23rd day of August 1897.
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