Record Book of Wills
in the County of Stoddard, Missouri
Book B, p. 194-196
In the name of God Amen.
I Sarah D. Jones of Bloomfield, Stoddard County, Missouri age 70 years,
being in feeble health but sound and disposing mind and memory, realizing the
certainty of death, do make and publish this my last will and testament.
First. I request that my funeral be conducted under the direction of my beloved
children in a manner suitable to my means and position in life and that a suitable
monument or stone be placed at my grave to mark my last resting place, the cost of
which shall be considered as funeral expenses.
Second. That all my just debts be paid including my funeral expenses out of my
personal estate.
Third. I give and bequeath to each of my beloved children Edwin A. Jones, Mrs.
Lillie McAnally and Robert E.C. Jones, each one fourth (1/4) undivided interest
in my real estate described as follows: Two Thirds (2/3) of lot No. Ninety three (93)
in the town of Bloomfield described as follows - Commencing at the South East
corner of said Lot No. Ninety Three (93) thence North One hundred and Ninety
Eight (198) feet to place of beginning - also beginning at the North West corner of
Lot No. Ninety Three (93) in the town of Bloomfield thence East Nine (9) rods and
fifty (50) links thence South Nine (9) links thence East two (2) rods and ten (10)
links, thence South two (2) rods and Seven (7) links thence twelve (12) rods, thence
North five (5) rods to the beginning. Also Lot No. One (1) in Block E in Morris
addition to the town of Bloomfield. Also Lot 98 in Bloomfield.
Four. I will to the children of my deceased between them one eighth (1/8)
undivided interest in the above and afore mentioned real property, and to Alice
Josephine Jones who has resided with me as a member of my family since her
early childhood the other one eighth (1/8) undivided interest in the above and afore
mentioned real estate. And I also will to said Alice my bed and bedding and one
trunk known as Mary's trunk to be delivered to her by my executor.
Fifth. I will to my son Robert E.C. Jones to be this my absolute property in fee
simple at my death that piece or parcel of land hereon and designated as Lot No.
Ninety Two (92) in the town of Bloomfield.
Pg. 195
Sixth. I will and bequeath to my grand daughter, Allie McAnally one wall picture,
also to my grand daughter Eliza Hollis one wall picture; besides her share as one of
the heirs of my deceased son W.H.C. Jones.
Eighth. I constitute and appoint Robert E.C. Jones and John H. McAnally
executors of this my last will and testament and I hereby revoke all former wills by
me made and declared. In witness whereof I hereto subscribe my name this 18th
day of December 1896.
Sarah D. Jones
The Foregoing instrument was at the date hereof signed and declared by said Sarah
D. Jones to be her last will and testament in the presence of us, who at her request,
and in her presence and in the presence of each other have signed our names as
witnesses thereto, this 18th December 1896.
C.A. Moseby
M.I. Phelan
Proof of Will
State of Missouri, County of Stoddard
In the Probate Court
Be it Remembered that on this the 8th day of October A.D. 1897 before me
R. W. Thompson Judge of the probate Court held in and for the county and State
aforesaid, personally appeared C.A. Moseby and M.J. Phelan who are the
subscribing witnesses to the annexed will of Sarah D. Jones deceased, and being
by me first duly sworn depose and say That the said Sarah D. Jones the Testator
subscribed the same in their presence and published and declared said will or
Instrument of writing to be his last will and testament and that at the time of signing
the same she the said testator was of sound and disposing mind and more than
twenty-one years of age, and that said deponents attested said will as witnesses
thereto by subscribing their names to the same in the presence of the Testator and
of each other and at the request of the said testator.
C.A. Moseby
M.I. Phelan
pg. 196
Sworn to and Subscribed before me this 8th day of October A.D. 1897.
R.W. Thompson
Judge of Probate
Certificate of Probate of Will
State of Missouri, County of Stoddard
In the Probate Court
I R. W. Thompson. Judge of the Probate court of Stoddard County State of
Missouri having Examined the foregoing Instrument purporting to be the Last Will
of Sarah D. Jones deceased signed by Sarah D. Jones and having heard the
testimony of C.A. Moseby and M.I. Phelan subscribing witnesses thereto in
Relation of the Execution of the same, do declare and adjudge said Instrument to be
the Last Will of Sarah D. Jones deceased late of Stoddard County, Missouri.
In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said
court at office in Bloomfield this 8th day of October 1897.
R.W. Thompson
Judge of Probate Court
Filed and recorded this 8th Oct 1897.
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