Record Book of Wills
in the County of Stoddard, Missouri
Book B, p. 23&24
In the name of God Amen.
I James Hodges being weak in body but of Sound and despising mind and
memory do make and publish this my last will and testament hereby revoking all
other wills.
First, I will my Soul to God who gave it and my body be buried in Christian
Second. I will that all my just debts be paid.
Third. I will and bequeath to my Son James F. Hodges one horse valued at One
hundred and twenty five dollars to be purchased from the proceeds of my Estate.
Fourth. I will and bequeath to Emily Porche the sum of one dollar out of my Estate.
Fifth. The Ballance of my Estate real personal and mixed I give an bequeath to
Mahala Miller, Francis M. Hodges, Sarah J. Riddle, Manerva C. Jump, Diltha
Cumi Hamilton, James F. Hodges & Mary E. Hodges to be divided Equally
between them share and share alike.
Sixth. I do hereby appoint John C. Miller & Calvin Riddle Executors of this his
last will and testament.
Given under his hand and seal this nineteenth day of January 1868.
James Hodges
John D. Smith signed the testators name to this his will at the request and in the
presence the late above written.
J.D. Smith
W. A. McFarlen
State of Missouri, County of Stoddard - In Vacation of Probate Court
Be it remembered that on this 24th day of January AD 1868 Personally appeared
before the undersigned Henry Renner Clerk of the Probate Court in the county and
State aforesaid, John F. Smith and William A. McFarlen the Subscribing
witnesses to the annexed Will of James Hodges and being by me first duly Sworn,
the said John D. Smith deposes and says that he Signed the name of James
Hodges the testator to the annexed will, by his direction, at his request in his
presence; and that the said John D. Smith and William A. McFarlen depose and
say that the said James Hodges, the testator in their presence produced the said
instrument of writing declared the said instrument of writing to be his act and
published the Same as his last will, that the said testator was at the time of
publishing his said will of sound mind and more than twenty one years of age and
that the said deponents attested the said will as witnesses thereto be subscribing
their names
Pg. 24
to the Same in the presence of the testator.
J. D. Smith
W.A. McFarlen
In witness where of I Henry Renner clerk of this Probate Court of the County of
Stoddard and State of Missouri, have hereunto subscribed my name and affixed the
Seal of Said Court at office in the County aforesaid this 24th day of January AD
Henry Renner Clerk
Filed & Recorded January 24th 1868
H. Renner, Clerk
Book C, pg. 58- Letters of Administration
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