Record Book of Wills
in the County of Stoddard, Missouri
Book B, p. 232-233
In the Name of God - Amen.
I John Hester of Stoddard County Missouri being of Sound and disposing
mind, but being old and in feeble health, and realizing the certainty of death and the
uncertainty of life, do make and publish this my last will and testament.
First - I Will that all my just debts be paid including my funeral expenses out of my
personal Estate.
Second - I will and bequeath to my other sons by my former marriage, Lewis
Hester, Willis Hester and Eli Hester, one dollar each to be paid out of my
personal estate, within one year after my death, by my executor, hereinafter named.
Third - I will and bequeath to my beloved wife, Mary Hester, during her life time
to dispose of as she may deem best, all the rest, residue and remainder of my
property both land and personal property, and at her death, to be equally divided
between my beloved children, by said Mary Hester, as follows:
Almeta intermarried with Geo. W. Miller
Mary Isabella, intermarried with Thomas Gilbert,
Laura Ann, intermarried with Ax Mossman,
Cora May intermarried with Thomas Mossman and
my beloved son William Henry Hester.
Fourth, I constitute and appoint my beloved wife Mary Hester to be the Executor
of this my last will and testament.
In witness whereof, I have hereto subscribed my name this 4th day of April
John Hester - his mark
The foregoing instrument was at the date thereof signed and declared by the said
John Hester to be his last will and testament, in the presence of us, who at his
request and in his presence, and in the presence of each other have subscribed our
names as witnesses thereto.
M.S. Phelan
W.C. Herrington
Filed {words covered} 1897 R.W. Thompson Judge of Probate
pg. 233
Proof of Will
State of Missouri, County of Stoddard
In the Probate Court
Be it Remembered that on this the 27th day of January A.D. 1897 before me
D. Wilcox Clerk of the probate Court held in and for the county and State aforesaid,
personally appeared M.S. Phelan and W.C. Herrington, who are the subscribing
witnesses to the annexed will of John Hester deceased, and being by me first duly
sworn depose and say That the said John Hester the Testator, subscribed the same
in their presence, and published and declared said will or Instrument of writing to
be his last will and testament and that at the time of signing, the said testator was of
sound and disposing mind, and more than twenty-one years of age, and that said
deponents attested said will as witnesses thereto, by subscribing our names to the
same in the presence of the Testator and of each other and at the request of the said
M.S. Phelan
W.C. Herrington
Sworn to and Subscribed before me this 27th day of November A.D. 1897.
D. Wilcox
Clerk of Probate
Filed 27th day of November A.D. 1897 D. Wilcox Clerk of Probate
The fore going Will and proof thereof were duly recorded this 21st day of June A.D.
1899. R.L. Allen, Clerk of Probate
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