Record Book of Wills
in the County of Stoddard, Missouri
Book B, p. 30&31
I Lucinda Lovelace Knowing the uncertainty of my existence on earth do make
and publish this my last will and testament To Wit First I want David G. Hicks to
have sole controle of my body after I am dead.
2nd I give to Charles Lovelace, William Lovelace and the heirs of Mellis Loper
one dollar each.
3rd I give will and bequeath unto Mary Nell Hicks the sincere love of a dying
4th I will to my daughter Ann E. Lovelace all my household and Kitchen furniture.
5th I give and will to Ann E. Lovelace, Edwin J. Lovelace and Rolla Lovelace all
my other property both personal and real to be equally divided between them to
have and to hold the same forever.
6th I constitute and appoint Joseph F. McDonald executor of this my last will and
testament and as I owe no debts I desire that he be not expected to provide bond for
the performance of his duties as such executor.
December 31st 1869.
Lucinda Lovelace - her mark
James A. McNelly
James P. Jones
pg. 31
Signed and declared by the above named Lucinda Lovelace to be her last
will and testament in the presence of us who at her request and in her presence have
subscribed our names as witnesses thereto.
John A. McNelly
James P. Jones
State of Missouri, county of Stoddard
Be it remembered that on this 13th day of January AD 1870 before me Caleb
B. Crumb Judge of Probate within and for the County of Stoddard personally
appeared James A. McNeely and James P. Jones who being by me duly sworn
upon their oath do say that they were present and saw Lucinda Lovelace sign the
forgoing instrument of writing to be the last will and testament of her the said
Lucinda Lovelace and heard her publish and declare the same to be her last will
and testament that at the time of signing said Lucinda Lovelace was of sound and
disposing mind and that we subscribed our names to thereto as witnesses to the
same in the presence of the testator and of each other at the request of the said
Lucinda Lovelace and our residence is in Stoddard County Missouri
J.S. A. McNeely
James P. Jones
Sworn to and subscribed before me C.B. Crumb Judge of Probate County of Stoddard I Caleb B. Crumb Judge of the Probate court of Stoddard County having examined the foregoing instrument of writing purporting to be the last will and testament of and signed by Lucinda Lovelace and the testimony of James A. McNeely and James P. Jones the witnesses above names; adjudge and declare the said instrument of writing to be the last will and testament of Lucinda Lovelace deceased.
In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said
Probate court of Stoddard county at office in said County this 13th day of January in
the year of our Lord one thousand eighty and seventy.
C.B. Crumb Judge of Probate
Filed for record and recorded this 13th day of January 1870
C.B. Crumb
Book C, pg. 111- Letters of Administration
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