Record Book of Wills
in the County of Stoddard, Missouri
Book B, p. 56-59
I Phillip Babb of the County of Stoddard and State of Missouri, Knowing the
certainty of Death, having demonstrated to me daily the uncertainty of life do make
and publish this my last will and testament.
1st I give and bequeath to my daughter Mary Hase ten cents to be paid to her by
my Executor herein after named.
2nd I give & bequeath unto my daughter Jane Beolin ten cents & to be paid to her
by my executor herein after named.
3rd I give and bequeath to my beloved Son Andrew J. Babb, to my beloved
Daughter Susan L. Long & to the bodily heirs of my beloved Daughter Elizabeth
Walker, deceased, all the rest and residue of my property be the the same real
personal or mixed to them & to their heirs and assigns forever. The Real Estate is
as follows, to wit: The South East quarter of the South West quarter of Section No.
Eleven (11) & the South East quarter of the North West Quarter of Section Number
Eleven. All in Township No. Twenty Six North of Range No. Eleven, containing
one hundred and sixty acres Situate in Said County. The Personal property in part
consisting of three Head of Horses, ten head of cattle, five head of sheep & about
fifteen head of hogs, together with all my household & Kitchen furniture.
4th It is my will that after my death all property be sold and converted into money
and the same divided between my son & daughter & the Heirs of my deceased
daughter. Share & Share alike.
5th I do hereby appoint my Son Andrew J. Babb my Sole Executor hereby
revoking all former wills by me made. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my
hand & seal this 13th day of Jul AD 1871.
Phillip Babb
Signed and declared by the above named Phillip Babb to be his last will &
Testament in the presence of us and at his request and in his presence have
subscribed our names as witnesses hereto.
G.G. Pollard
H.H. Bedford
Filed for probate this 19th day of October AD 1875
R.W. Christy Clerk
By C.L. Keaten D.C.
The State of Missouri, County of Stoddard
The State of Missouri To any Judge, Justice of the Peace or and Mayor or Chief
Magistrate of any city in the State of Missouri, Greetings.
Know ye that we hereby empower you to cause to come before you at a time and
place to be by you appointed, G.G. Pollard an attesting witnesses to the annexed
instrument of writing purporting to be the last will and testament of Phillip Babb,
deceased and then and there examined him, the said G.G. Pollard, on oath,
touching his knowledge of the execution of Said instrument, and of the condition of
the mind of the said Phillip Babb, at the time of the execution and publication of
the Same as his last will. reduce to writing and cause the same to be subscribed
and sworn to by said G.G. Pollard, and thereupon you shall certify the same under
your hand & the clerk of our County Court of our said county.
In Witness where of I R.W. Christy Clerk of Said County Court have hereto
set my name and affixed the Seal of said Court at office in Bloomfield this 19th day
of October AD 1875.
R.W. Christy, Clerk
By C.L. Keaten D.C.
State of Missouri, County of Mississippi
Pursuant to the authority given my the annexed commission issued by the Clerk of
the County Court of the County of Stoddard and State of Missouri I James M.
Brown Judge of the Probate Court within and for said county of Mississippi did on
the 25th day of October AD 1875 cause to come before me at my office in
Charleston in said county G.G. Pollard of the town of Charleston in said County
who being duly sworn on his oath State that Phillip Babb the testator to the writing
annexed to this & the commission thereto attached of his last will and testament and
that the said Phillip Babb was of Sound mind at the time of executing the same and
that he the said G.G. Pollard subscribed his name thereto as an attesting witness in
the presence of Phillip Babb.
G.G. Pollard
Sworn to and subscribed before me this 25th day of October AD 1875 and I certify that the foregoing testimony of the....{covered}
Said G.G. Pollard was by me reduced to writing and by him subscribed in my
presence in the day and year and at the place above written, and his testimony so by
me taken and certified is herewith returned.
In testimony whereof I have hereto set my hand and the seal of said court at office
in Charleston, this 25th day of October AD 1875
J.M.Brown Judge of Probate
State of Missouri, County of Stoddard
In the County Court Transacting Probate Business of Stoddard County.
In the Matter of proving the last will and testament of Phillip Babb, deceased late
of Stoddard County.
On this 12th day of November AD 1875 before me Clerk of the County Court
within and for said County, personally came Henry H. Bedford, who being by me
duly sworn, on his oath says that he was present and Saw Phillip Babb sign the
foregoing instrument purporting to be his last will and testament and heard him
publish and declare the same to be his last will and testament that at the time of
signing Phillip Babb was of sound and disposing mind and that this deponent
wrote said instrument as the last will and testament of said testator at the special
instance and request of said testator and subscribed his name as witness to the
same in the presence of and at the request of testator, and in the presence Geo. G.
Pollard a subscribing witness thereto.
H.H. Bedford
Sworn to and Subscribed before me this 12th day of November AD 1875.
R.W. Christy, Clerk
By C.L. Keaten D.C.
State of Missouri, County of Stoddard
In the County Court of Stoddard County, Missouri. I R.W. Christy Clerk of
County Court within and for said county, having examined the foregoing instrument
purporting to be the last will and testament of and signed by Phillip Babb, and
having seen and heard the testimony of Geo. G. Pollard and
pg. 59
Henry H. Bedford the subscribing witnesses thereto in relation to the execution of
the same, do declare and adjudge said instrument to be the last will and testament
of the said Phillip Babb, deceased, last of Stoddard County.
In Testimony whereof I have hereto set my hand and affixed the seal of Our
said county court, at office in Bloomfield this 12th day of November, AD 1875.
R.W. Christy, Clerk
By C.L. Keaten D.C.
Recorded in Book "B" of Wills at Pages 56 to 59 this 13th day of November AD
R.W. Christy, Clerk
By C.L. Keaten D.C..
Book C, pg. 127- Letters of Administration
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