Record Book of Wills
in the County of Stoddard, Missouri
Book B, p. 6-8
I Ranson Ladd of the county of Stoddard in the State of Missouri being of Sound
and disposing mind and being anxious to make a Suitable disposition of my Real
and personal Estate do make and ordain this my last Will and testament. It is my
Will that all my Just debts and the charges of My funeral be paid and discharged by
My Executors hereafter named and appointed out of My Estate as soon as
conveniently May be after my decease. I give an dispose of My Real and Personal
Estate (save what My be necessary for the payment of the Just debts and funeral
charges) in the following manner. I give to My son William Ladd the North West
quarter of the North East quarter of Section No. Seventeen on Township No.
Twenty five South of Range No. Ten East containing forty acres. I give to my three
Grand Sons John H. Ladd, William B. Ladd and Henry A. Ladd and to their
heirs the following Real Estate to wit The North East quarter of the South East
quarter of Section Thirty two (32) in township twenty five (25) North of Range
Nine (9) East containing forty acres. I give to My daughter Malinda Allen one
dollar. I give to my two grand children Judith M. Major and Adnin H. Majors
each one dollar. I give to my daughter Rachel Bridges one dollar. I give My Son
Francis Marion Ladd My Saddle and Rifle gun. I will that my two daughters
Rebecca Ann and Ester Ladd on their marriage or around of the age of twenty
one years be given out of my Estate each one horse Bridle and Saddle. I give to my
beloved Wife Jane Caroline Ladd all My personal property money debts and
chases in action (except what May be necessary for the payment of my last debts
and funeral expenses and such as I have not otherwise disposed) of by this My last
will and testament to have and enjoy during her natural life or widowhood her
support and for support and Education of my
pg. 7
Four youngest children Francis M., Robert S., Rebecca and Ester Ladd and after
the death or marriage of my said wife (which ever may happen) then that the
remainder of my said personal property Money & c. if any de..ed and go to My four
youngest children last above Named and to their heirs equally.
I do also give to My beloved wife Jane Caroline to have use and enjoy during her
natural life or widowhood my Homestead place consisting of the following Real
Estate to wit The South East quarter of the Sixth West quarter of Section eight (8)
and the North West quarter of Section No. Seventeen (17) in Township No. Twenty
five (25) North of Range No. Ten East containing one hundred & twenty acres.
Also the East fractional part of North West quarter of North West quarter of Section
No. 17 in Township No. 25 North of Range No. Ten East bonided as follows to wit
commencing at the South East Corner of Survey Nole made for William Neal
running thence East Six chain and twenty five links to a stake thence North Twenty
chains to a Stake thence West three chains to a Stake thence South ten degrees
West twenty one Chains and Eighty Seven links to the place of beginning
containing Nine acres and three Rods also the East half of the South West quarter
of the North West quarter of Section No. Seventeen in Township No. Twenty five
North of Range No. Ten East containing twenty acres and after the death or
marriage of my said wife (which ever event May first happen) It is My will that the
Said described Real Estate and appurtenances hereby given to her as above
mentioned decused and belong equally to my two sons Francis Marion Ladd and
Robert S. Ladd and to their heirs and assigns forever; It is my will that the
following described Real Estate Belonging to me be S.... for the following purpose
that is to say if it should be necessary for the support of my beloved wife during her
widowhood and for support and Education of my four youngest children remaining
with her at the time that the said land or Real Estate (to Wit) The West half and the
South East quarter of the South West quarter of section seventeen in township No.
Twenty five North of Range No. Ten East containing one hundred twenty acres be
sold by my Executor here after to be named and appointed and the proceeds thereof
to be used for the purpose aforesaid so far as may be necessary and in case it
should not become necessary to dispose of Said land for the use and purpose
aforesaid then and in that event it is my will that said land belong to my children
and their descendants in accordance with the statutes of the State of Missouri
regulating decents and distribution.
Pg. 8
And I hereby nominate constitute and appoint William A. Neal and Reuben P.
Owen Jointly and severally to be Executors of this My last Will and testament In
witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal and publish and declare this
to be my last Will and testament this 20th day of September AD Eighteen hundred
& Sixty four.
R. Ladd
Signed Sealed published and declared by the above named Ranson Ladd as and for
his last Will and testament in presence of us who at this request and in his presence
have subscribed our names as witnesses thereto
M.J. Merian
H.H. Sadler
State of Missouri, County of Stoddard
In vacation of the county Court
Be it remembered that on this 3rd day of November AD 1855 personally appeared
before the undersigned Adrain B. Owen Clerk of the county Court of the county
and State Aforesaid Matthew Merian and Henry H. Saddler the Subscribing
witnesses to the annexed will of Ranson Ladd and being by me first duly sworn
depose and say that the Said Ranson Ladd the testator subscribed the said in his
presence and published the Said will or instrument of writing as his last will and
that the Said testator was a the time of publishing his said Will of Sound Mind and
more than twenty one years of age and that they the Said deponents attested the
said will as witnesses thereto by subscribing their names to the same in the
presence of Said testator.
Matthew J. Merian
Henry H. Sadler
In witness whereof I Adrian B. Owen Clerk of the county court of the county of
Stoddard and State of aforesaid have hereunto subscribed my name and affixed the
seal of said county at office in the County aforesaid this 3 day of November 1865
Adrian B. Owen
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