Record Book of Wills
in the County of Stoddard, Missouri
Book B, p. 65&66
I James Bryant Wookey of the County of Stoddard in the State of Missouri do
make and publish this my last will and Testament.
I give bequeath and devise to my beloved wife Polly Matilda Wookey all
my personal and real estate of every name nature and Kind both in this country and
elsewhere, including all lands or monies due or to become due by right of heirship
to any estate in the Kingdom of Great Britain and I do hereby appoint her sole
Administratrix of this my last will and Testament hereby revoking all former wills
by me made.
In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand this 17th day of July AD
James Bryant Wookey
Signed and declared by the above named James Bryant Wookey to be his last will
and Testament in the presence of us, who at his request and in his presence and in
the presence of each other have subscribed our names as witnesses thereto
C.B. Crumb, of Bloomfield Missouri
Jacob Like - his mark, of Stoddard County Mo.
Orlando C. Jones of Bloomfield Mo.
State of Missouri, County of Stoddard
In vacation of the county court
Be it remembered that on the fourth day of April AD 1876 personally appeared
before the undersigned R.W. Christy Clerk of the county Court of the county and
State aforesaid C.B. Crumb and Orlando C. Jones two of the subscribing
witnesses to the annexed will of James Bryant Wookey and being by me first duly
Sworn, depose and say that the said James Bryant Wookey the testator subscribed
the same in their presence and published the Said Will or Instrument of writing as
his last will that he the said testator was at the time of Publishing his said Will of
Sound mind and more than twenty one years of age and that they the said
deponents attested the said Will as witnesses thereto by subscribing their names to
the same in the presence of said testator and in the presence of each other and at the
request of the said testator.
C.B. Crumb
O.C. Jones
Sworn to and Subscribed before me this fourth day
pg. 66
of April A.D. 1876.
R.W. Christy Clerk
By Stephen Chapman Deputy
State of Missouri, County of Stoddard
In vacation of the county Court
I R.W. Christy Clerk of the County Court within and for the County of Stoddard
and State of Missouri having examined the annexed instrument of writing
purporting to be the last will and Testament of and signed by James Bryant
Wookey and having seen heard and taken the testimony of C.B. Crumb and
Orlando C. Jones subscribing witnesses thereto in relation to the execution of the
same, do declare and adjudge said Instrument to be the last Will and Testament of
the said James Bryant Wookey deceased, late of Stoddard county, Missouri.
In Testimony whereof I have hereto set my hand and affixed the seal of our
said County Court at office in Bloomfield this fourth day of April A.D. 1876.
R.W. Christy Clerk
By Stephen Chapman Deputy
Filed April 4th A.D. 1876 and recorded in Register "B" of last wills and Testaments
at pages 65 and 66.
R.W. Christy Clerk
By Stephen Chapman Deputy
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