Record Book of Wills
in the County of Stoddard, Missouri
Book B, p. 82-83
Last Will and Testament of George Washington Barr.
In the name of God, Amen. I George Washington Barr of the County of
Stoddard, in the State of Missouri, aged Sixty four years, and being of sound mind,
do make and publish this my last will and Testament as follows: I wish my funeral
to be conducted according to my situation and condition in life, and the charges of
the same to be paid out of my personal estate. And I desire that, first One Hundred
dollars be deducted from my personal estate and paid to my youngest child Martha
Ellen Barr, for her kind attention and trouble in waiting on me during this my last
illness-- And the remainder of my property both Real Personal and mixed, to be
divided equally between my five children, named Henry Barr, Nancy Tomlinson,
Margaret Dickerson, Martha Ellen Barr, and Margaret Elizabeth Miller with
the following exceptions; That is to say, I desire the amount of Ninety five dollars
to be deducted from the distributive share of Henry Barr and equally divided
between them all. He having already received that amount from me-- and five
dollars to be deducted from the distributive share of Nancy Tomlinson and divided
equally between them all, she having already received that amount from me.
In Witness whereof I have hereunto subscribed my name this 17th day of
April A.D. 1878.
George Washington Barr
The foregoing instrument was at the date thereof signed by the direction of the
above named George Washington Barr to be his last will and Testament in the
presence of us who at his request and in his presence, and in the presence of each
other have subscribed our names as witnesses thereto.
Henry Phillips
of Stoddard County, Missouri
George Reed
of Stoddard County, Missouri
State of Missouri, County of Stoddard
In vacation of the Probate court.
Be it remembered, that on this 27th day of April A.D. 1878, before the undersigned
R.W. Christy Clerk of the county Court
pg. 83
within and for said county and state personally appeared Henry N. Phillips and
George Reed subscribing witnesses to the annexed will of George Washington
Barr, who being by me first duly sworn, depose and say that the said will or
instrument of writing was signed by the said Henry N. Phillips for the said George
Washington Barr in the presence of the said testator and at his request, and the
said testator published the said will or instrument of writing as his last will; that he
the said testator was at the time of publishing his said will, of sound mind and more
than twenty one years of age, and that they the said deponents attested the said will
as witnesses thereto, by subscribing their names to the same in the presence of the
said testator, and at his request and in the presence of each other.
Henry N. Phillips
George Reed
Sworn to and subscribed before me this 27th day of April 1878.
R.W. Christy Clerk
By Stephen Chapman Deputy
State of Missouri, County of Stoddard
In vacation of the Probate Court.
I R.W. Christy Clerk of the County Court within and for the county of Stoddard,
and State of Missouri, having examined the annexed instrument of writing
purporting to be the last will and Testament of and signed by George Washington
Barr and having seen, heard and taken the testimony of Henry N. Phillips and
George Reed subscribing witnesses thereto in relation to the execution of the same,
do declare and adjudge said instrument to be the last will and Testament of the said
George Washington Barr, deceased, late of Stoddard County, Missouri.
In Testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of the
County Court of said County at office in Bloomfield, this 27th day of April A.D.
R.W. Christy Clerk
By Stephen Chapman Deputy.
Filed and Record April 27th 1878
R.W. Christy Clerk
By Stephen Chapman Deputy
Book C, pg. 136- Letters of Administration
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