Record Book of Wills
in the County of Stoddard, Missouri
Book B, p. 95-97
In the name of God Amen. I David Evans of the county of Stoddard and in the
State of Missouri aged Sixty years, being of sound Mind Do Make and publish this
my last Will and testament as follows--
I request that my funeral be conducted under the direction of My Son James
G. Evans and in a manner Suitable to my Means and position in life and I direct
that My funeral charges the Expenses of administration on my Estate and All my
just debts be paid out of my personal Estate--
I give and bequeath to My beloved wife during her widowhood or her natural
life her Support or maintenance off of the following tract of land vis= The North
West qr of the South West qr of Section No. Sixteen in Township No. Twenty-Six
North of Range No. Ten East. This Said tract of land is to be cultivated managed
and controlled by My Son James G. Evans and all remaining or at the End of Each
year and not needed by my wife Shall belong to my son for his trouble in tending
the land and providing the needful Support for her off of it.-- And after my wifes
death or Marriage the Said forty acres of land Shall pass to my son James G.
Evans and payment of two hundred dollars as a purchase price therefor, or if he so
wishes, he May offer the Same for Sale to the highest bidder for cash and So
dispose of it, but in Either Event the money So realized Shall be Equally divided
with My other Effects among my children.
I further give and bequeath to my son James G. Evans the following Real
Estate The North East quarter of the South West quarter and the North west quarter
of the South west quarter. And the South half of the South West quarter of the
North West quarter and the South half of the South West quarter of the North West
quarter and the South half of the South West quarter the South East quarter of
Section Six Township No. Twenty-Six North of Range No. Eleven East.
Containing in all one hundred and ninety acres to hold and Enjoy absolutely in fee
Simple. But should the Said James G. Evans at the time of his death be Still the
holder of the above described lands it is then my desire that the land Shall pass to
the widow during her widowhood or until her death. And then pass absolutely to
the children of the Said James G. Evans all the rest residue and remainder of my
Estate real personal & Mixed. I give Devise and bequeath to all my children or
their heirs to be divided Equally
pg. 96
between them.
I appoint My Son James G. Evans executor of this my last will revoking any
former will by me made. And I authorize and Empower my Said Executor in the
Settlement of My Estate and of any debts due me to compromise Such debts and if
he thinks it advantageous to my Estate to accept in Satisfaction less than the full
amount thereof.
In witness whereof I have hereunto Subscribed my name this 27th day of May
A.D. 1878
David Evans - his mark
Stephen Chapman
The foregoing instrument was at the State thereof Signed and declared by the Said
David Evans to be his last will and Testament in the presence of us who at his
request and in his presence and in the presence of Each other have Subscribed our
names as witnesses thereto.
Stephen Chapman
of Bloomfield, Missouri
James W. Carmichael
of Bloomfield, Mo.
George Houck
Bloomfield Missouri
State of Missouri, County of Stoddard
Probate of Stoddard County
On this 23rd day of March A.D. 1880. Before me L. H. Mauldin Judge of the
Probate Court within and for the county of Stoddard aforesaid personally came
Stephen Chapman who being by me duly Sworn Said that he was present and Saw
David Evans Sign the foregoing instrument and heard him publish and declare the
Same to be his last will and Testament and at the time of publishing the Same the
Said David Evans was of Sound and Disposing mind and that this deponent and
James W. Carmichael and George Houck Subscribed their names there to as
witnesses to the Same in the presence of and at the request of the Testator and in
the presence of Each other.
Stephen Chapman
pg. 97
Sworn to and Subscribed before Me this 23rd day of March A.D. 1880
L. H. Mauldin
Clerk of Probate
State of Missouri, County of Stoddard
Probate Court of Stoddard County
On this 20th day of March A.D. 1880 before me L. H. Mauldin Judge of the
Probate Court within and for the County personally came James Carmichael who
being me duly sworn on his oath Says that they were present and saw David Evans
Sign the foregoing instrument and heard him publish and declare the Same to be his
last will and testament, and at the time of publishing the Same the Said David
Evans was of Sound and disposing mind and that this deponent and Stephen
Chapman and George Houck Subscribed their names thereto as witnesses to the
Same in the Presence of and at the request of the testator and in the presence of
each other.
J.W. Carmichael
Sworn to and Subscribed before Me this 23rd day of March A.D. 1880
L. H. Mauldin
Clerk of Probate
State of Missouri, County of Stoddard
For the Probate Court
I L.H. Mauldin Judge of the Probate Court of Stoddard County State of
Missouri, having examined the foregoing instrument, purporting to be the last will
of David Evans, Deceased. And Signed by the said David Evans and having
heard the testimony of James Carmichael and Stephen Chapman Subscribing
witnesses thereto in relation to the Execution of the same do declare and adjudge
Same instrument to be the last will and Testament of Said David Evans Deceased,
late of Stoddard County Missouri. In testimony whereof I have hereunto Set My
hand and affixed the seal of Said Court at office in Bloomfield this 23rd day of
March A.D. 1880.
L.H. Mauldin
Judge of Probate Court
Book C, pg. 144- Letters of Administration
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