Record Book of Wills
in the County of Stoddard, Missouri
Book C pg. 145-146
Bond of Surviving Partner
Know all men by these presents, That we Phillip Stewart as Principal and
William C. Harty and Charles H. Barham as securities are held and firmly bound
unto the State of Missouri in the Sum of Eight Thousand Dollars, for the payment
of which we bind ourselves and our heirs, executors and administrators firmly by
these presents.
Witness our hands and seals this 27th day of February A.D. 1881.
The Condition of the above obligation is that if Phillip Stewart Surviving partner of
the late firm of C.H. Stewart and Son Shall use due diligence and Fidelity in closing
the affairs of the late copartnership apply the property thereof towards the payment
of the partnership debts remain...{word covered}
pg. 146
render an account annually upon oath to the probate Court of Stoddard County
Whosoever by it thereto required of all the Partnership affairs in closing the property
owned by the late firm and the debts due thereto as well as what may have been
paid by the Survivor toward the Partnership debts and what my still be due and
owing therefor and pay over within two years unless a longer time is
allowed by the Said Probate Court to the Executor or administrator of the Said C.H.
Stwart the Excess if any there be beyond Satisfying the partnership debts and costs
and expenses in closing the affairs of the partnership then the above bond to be void
otherwise to remain in full force and effect.
Phillip Stewart
W.C. Harty
C.H. Barham
Approved the 28th day of February 1881
T.H. Mauldin
Judge of Probate Court
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