Record Book of Wills
in the County of Stoddard, Missouri
Book D Will 1
In the Name of God Amen.
Know All Men by these presence that I John L. Buck-of the-City-of-Bloomfield -in
the County of-Stoddard -and State of-Missouri
being of sound mind and realizing the certainty of death and the uncertain tenure of
life, and desiring to deal justly and impartially with all who have a claim over by
bounty, do make and publish this, my Last Will and Testament:-hereby revoking all former
Wills by me made.
First: I desire that my funeral be conducted under the direction of my beloved wife and children in a manner befitting my mode of life and consistent therewith.
Second: I desire that all my funeral expenses, and all my just debts be paid out of my estate and that my executor, out of the funds in his hands belonging to my estate, purchase and place over my grave a monument to be selected by my wife and children, the same to be such a monument, as they shall deem my labors and worth in their behalf justly entitles me.
Third: I give and bequeath to me beloved wife, Elizabeth Buck, the following described real Estate, Situate in the County of Stoddard, and State of Missouri, to wit: "My Home Place" in the city of Bloomfield, lying South and fronting on Bloomfield Avenue and extending back to the "Griff Glover property" in fee simple absolute.
I further give and bequeath to my beloved wife all our household and kitchen furniture, and all the appurtenances situated in or upon the aforesaid premises; our family horse and buggy and the sum of Fifteen hundred dollars in cash.
Fourth: I give and bequeath to my son, John Buck, Jr., the following described real estate, situate in the city of Minneapolis, in the State of Minn., to wit: Lots Nine (9) and Ten (10) in Block -- of Cahoon part, all the land I have in that City, in fee simple absolute. I further give and bequeath to my said son John Buck, Jr.,the sum of one thousand Dollars cash.
Fifth: I give and bequeath to my beloved son, Thomas L. Buck, the following real estate, situate in the city of Bloomfield, in the county of Stoddard and State of Missouri, to wit: "The Homer place", and being that certain piece or parcel of land lying just west of my home place and south of Bloomfield Avenue, in fee simple absolute. I further give and bequeath to my said son Thomas L. Buck, the sum of Two thousand Dollars in cash.
Sixth: I give and bequeath to my beloved daughter, Ada Buck, the following described real estate, situate in the County of Stoddard and State of Missouri, to wit: Commencing at the South West Corner of the South West quarter of the South West quarter of section thirteen in Township Twenty six (26), Range Ten (10) East running thence North 20 rods, thence east 40 rods, thence South 20 rods, thence West 40 rods to place of beginning. /pg.2/I give this land to my daughter Ada for the purpose of a house site, and it is my desire that if it should be found on investigation that the above described strip does not reach far enough up on the hill to make it suitable for a home that the commissioners herein after named shall add more land for that purpose. I further give and bequeath to my said daughter Ada the sum of Fifteen hundred Dollars in Cash.
Seventh: I make the above special request for the reason that I have heretofore advanced certain sums of money and property to my other children, to a sum equal, if not more, than the above amounts, and these sums are therefore made to them to equalize as far as possible the distribution of my estate among all my heirs, and is not made with any spirit or intentions of preferring, or desire on my part of preferring, one of the objects of my bounty above another.
Eighth: I give and bequeath to my beloved wife, Elizabeth Buck, and to my beloved children John L. Buck Jr., Thomas L. Buck, Ada Buck, Alice Homer, Charles Buck, J.B. Buck, and Laura Smith, all the rest and residue of my Estate, real, personal and mixed, of whatsoever character and wherever situate, in equal portions, share and share alike, each to receive one eighth of the residue of my Estate. It being my desire and request that my wife accept a child's part in the residue of my Estate, in addition to the devise to her in paragraph three of this Will, in lieu of Dower and other Marital rights.
Ninth: I hereby appoint J.H. Punch and A.L. Harty as commissioners to divide my real estate between my heirs. It shall be their duty to divide the land in eight equal portions as nearly as they can, and to assign to each of those persons named in paragraph Eighth of this will, one portion thereof, and to take such steps as they shall find necessary to effectuate such partition of my said real estate among my said heirs; they are not to take into consideration or be influenced in the discharge of their duties herein, by the special bequests of real estate herein contained. I have great confidence in their judgment and integrity and it is my request that my heirs acquiesce in and aid in effectuating the division they shall make.
Tenth: I hereby constitute and appoint my son James B. Buck executor of this my
Last Will and Testament.
Eleventh: I direct that my Executor pay to my wife, Elizabeth, and to my sons - John L. and Thomas L. and to my daughter Ada the sums above willed to them as soon after my decease as the assets in his hands, and the condition of the estate, will reasonably admit, and that they immediately upon my demise have the use and control of the real Estate herein devised to them.
Twelfth : During a long life it has been my constant endeavor to deal justly and honorably with my fellow man and in the execution of this instrument it has been my sole aim and purpose to deal justly and impartially by my heirs and I wish that none of them will find just ground of criticism herein but that all will acquiesce in my judgement in the disposition of my property and that my demise may not be followed by the bickering and discontent sometimes resulting in expensive and disgraceful litigation so often witnessed in this world, but that harmony and unity my prevail among you and if you think I have merited it, that you may accord me your respect and affection long after my body has become the merest dust of the earth.
IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal to this
instrument this-12th-day of -December -19-02
John L. Buck
WE ATTEST the above and foregoing Will by subscribing our names hereto as witnesses, in the
presence of -John L. Buck, the Testator and in the presence of each other, this-12th -day of-December -19-02
H.E. Miller
A.A. Sitz
County of- Stoddard} In the-Probate -Court.
BE IT REMEMBERED, That on this-28th -day of-January -, in the year of our Lord One
Thousand Nine Hundred and-Three -, before me- Thos. Connelly, Judge -of the-Probate -Court, held in and for-the County of Stoddard -and State of Missouri, personally appeared-H.E. Miller and A.A. Sitz -who being duly sworn upon-their -oath, depose- -and say- -that-they -w-ere -present and saw- John L. Buck sign the foregoing instrument, of date-December 12th -19-03 -purporting to be- the Last Will and Testament of h-im -the said-John
L. Buck -and heard-him -publish and declare the same to be h-is -Last Will and Testament, and
that at the time of signing the same, the said-John L. Buck -was of sound and disposing mind,
and that th-e -deponent-s -the attesting witnes- -subscribed their names thereto as witnesses to
the same in the presence of the testat-or -and of each other, and at the request of the said testat-or -who was more than 21 years of age at the date of so declaring and signing said instrument.
H.E. Miller
A.A. Sitz
Sworn to and subscribed before me,
Thomas Connelly, Judge- of the- Probate -Court, the day and year first aforesaid.
Thomas Connelly
Judge of Probate
County of-Stoddard -}In the-Probate -Court
I,-Thomas Connelly -of the-Probate-Court-of Stoddard -County, Missouri, having examined the foregoing instrument purporting to be- -the Last Will and Testament of-John L. Buck -deceased, and signed by said-John L. Buck -deceased, late of- Stoddard -County,-Missouri -and having heard the testimony of-H.E. Miller -and-A.A. Sitz -subscribing witnesses thereto, in relation to the execution of the same, do declare and adjudge said Instrument-to be -the Last Will and Testament of said-John L. Buck -deceased, and the same is therefore-admitted to probate.
IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said Court at
office this-28th -day of-January -19-03
Thomas Connelly
Judge of Probate
County of-Stoddard
To all to Whom these Presents shall come--GREETING:
Know Ye, That the last will and testament of-John L. Buck -deceased, late of-Stoddard -County, Missouri, hath, in due form of law been exhibited, proved and recorded, in the office of
the-Judge -of the Probate Court of-Stoddard -County, Missouri, a copy of which is hereunto
annexed; and Inasmuch as it appears that-James B. Buck -ha-s -been appointed execut-or -in
and by said Last Will and Testament, to execute the same, and to the end that the property of the
said Testator may be preserved for those who shall appear to have a legal right or interest therein,
and that the said Last Will and Testament may be executed according to the request and
instruction of the said Testator, we do hereby authorize-him -the said-James B. Buck -as
such Execut-or -, to collect and secure, all and singular the goods and chattels, rights and credits,
which were of the said-John L. Buck -at the time of h-is -death, in whosoever hands or
possession the same may be found; and to perform and fulfill all such duties as may be enjoined
upon-him -by said Last Will and Testament, so far as there shall be property and the law charge -him-; and in general to do and perform all other acts which are now or may be hereafter required
of-him -by law.
IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I-Thomas Connelly, Judge -of the Probate Court in and for
said County, have hereunto signed my name and affixed the seal of the said Court at office in-Bloomfield -this-29th -day of-January -, A.D. 19-03
Thomas Connelly
By- Judge -of said Court.
EXECUTOR'S BOND, or Bond of Administrator with Will Annexed.
State of Missouri
County of Stoddard}
We,-James B. Buck -as Principal and-Ada Buck, Laura Smith, Best Smith, Alice B.
Homer, Jos. S. Homer, Chas. Buck, M.E. Buck, Griff Glover, P.A. Moseley, T.J.
Toole -as Securities, are held and firmly bound unto the State of Missouri in the sum of-One
hundred Thousand DOLLARS, for the payment of which we do hereby bind ourselves, our
heirs, executors and administrators, firmly by these presents.
Sealed with our seals and dated at-Bloomfield -in the State aforesaid, this-28th -day of-January -A.D. 19-03
The Condition of the Above Bond is, That if the said-James B. Buck, Executor -of the Last Will
and Testament of-John L. Buck -deceased, last of- Stoddard -County, Missouri shall well and
faithfully execute the said Last Will and Testament, and shall make true and faithful inventories,
returns, and settlements of accounts of the Estate of the said Testator, according to law, and shall,
moreover, do and perform all other matters and things touching the execution of the said Last
Will and testament, as are or shall be prescribed by law, or enjoined on-him - by the order,
judgment or decree of any Court having competent jurisdiction, then this obligation to be void and
of no effect; otherwise to remain in full force.
J.B. Buck
Ada Buck, Laura Smith, Best Smith
Alice B. Homer, Jos. S. Homer
Chas. Buck, M.E. Buck
Griff Glover, C.A. Moseley, & T.J. Toole
I.-W.L. Tucker, Clerk -of the Probate Court of- Stoddard -County, Missouri, hereby certify
that the above BOND was signed and executed in my presence.
W.L. Tucker Clerk-of Probate.
Filed- 28th -day of-January -19-03
Thos. Connelly-Judge of Probate
Recorded the foregoing BOND this-3 -day of-February -19-03
W.L. Tucker-Probate Clerk
Book C, pg. 220- Bond of Surviving Partnership
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