Record Book of Wills
in the County of Stoddard, Missouri
Book D Will 10
{This is a form page, the words written in italics are the handwritten words}
This is to certify that I Jesse S. Shands of the State of Missouri and County of Stoddard, and
being in my right mind I make this my last will and testament.
I, in the presence of these witnesses and Almighty God make the following bequests:
First that I have a plain but decent burial.
Second that all my just debts be fully paid.
Third, That my daughter Mary C. shall have one horse valued at One Hundred Dollars and her bridle and saddle, bedstead, bed and bed clothing and her wearing clothes and school books and cow and calf, two hundred pounds salt pork, four gallons of lard, and Eight bushels of wheat.
Fourth To my grandson Joel Glover to be paid out of my estate Two Hundred Dollars, One Hundred to be paid at eighteen years old and One Hundred dollars at twenty one years old and also one bed and bed clothes wearing clothes school books eight bushels of wheat Two Hundred pounds Salt pork four gallons of lard and his saddle and bridle.
Fifth. I want the remainder of my estate both Real and personal sold and equally divided
between my four legal heirs Sarah M. Fields, Ansey S. Greer, D. T. Shands and Mary C.
I also appoint D.T. Shands, James K. Greer and J.W. Field my legal executors.
J.S. Shands
This February 21st 1893
Mart L. Garner
Robert C. Stewart
/pg. 2/
County of- Stoddard In the- Probate -Court.
BE IT REMEMBERED, That on this- 24th -day of-February -, in the year of our Lord One
Thousand Nine Hundred and- Five -, before me- Thomas Connelly, Judge -of the-Probate -Court, held in and for-the County and State aforesaid -
and State of Missouri, personally appeared-Mart L. Garner and Robert C. Stewart -who being
duly sworn upon- Their -oath, depose-s -and say-s -that-they -w- ere -present and saw- Jesse S.
Shands sign the foregoing instrument, of date-Feb 21 -1893- -purporting to be- the Last Will and
Testament of h-e -the said-Jesse S. Shands -and heard-him -publish and declare the same to be
h-es -Last Will and Testament, and that at the time of signing the same, the said-Jesse S. Shands
-was of sound and disposing mind, and that th-e -deponent-s -the attesting witnes- -subscribed
their names thereto as witnesses to the same in the presence of the testat-or -and of each other,
and at the request of the said testat-or -who was more than 21 years of age at the date of so
declaring and signing said instrument.
Mart L. Garner
Robert C. Stewart
Sworn to and subscribed before me, Thomas Connelly, Judge
-of the-Probate -Court of Stoddard Mo., the day and year first aforesaid.
Thomas Connelly
Judge of Probate
County of- Stoddard -}In the-Probate -Court
I,-Thomas Connelly, Judge -of the-Probate-Court-Stoddard -County, Missouri, having examined the foregoing instrument purporting to be- -the Last Will and Testament of- Jesse S. Shands -deceased, and signed by said- J.S. Shands -deceased, late of-Stoddard -County,-Missouri -and having heard the testimony of-Mart L. Garner -and-Robert C. Stewart -subscribing witnesses thereto, in relation to the execution of the same, do declare and adjudge said Instrument-to be -the Last Will and Testament of said-Jesse S. Shands -deceased, and the same is therefore- hereby admitted to Probate
IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said Court at
office this- 24th -day of-February -19-05
Thomas Connelly
Judge of Probate
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