Record Book of Wills
in the County of Stoddard, Missouri
Book D Will 68
{This is a form page, the words written in italics are the handwritten words}
In the Name of God Amen: - I Lillie A. Sloan, widow of Elam A. Sloan, deceased, late of
Washington County, Missouri being of sound and disposing mind and memory, do make and
publish this my Last Will and Testament, as follows: -
First: - I desire that all my just debts, if any I have at the time of my death, my funeral expenses and the expenses of my last sickness be paid out of my personal estate.
Second: - All the rest residue and remainder of my estate of whatever composed, or wherever situate, of real estate personal property or mixed property, I hereby give devise and bequeath unto my beloved son David Sloan, the one child born of the marriage with the said Elam A. Sloan.
Third: - As to my other three children by a former marriage, Charles Harris, Jesse Fink, wife of Buford Fink and Albert Harris, I do not leave them anything, and they shall take nothing under the provisions of this my last Will and Testament, for they are all of age and their education completed.
4th. I appoint my friend Edw. T. Eversole the Executor of this my Last Will and testament, hereby revoking and former will or wills by me made.
In witness whereof, I have hereunto subscribed my name this 22nd day of March, A.D. 1901
Lillian A. Sloan
The foregoing instrument was at the date thereof signed and declared by the said Lillie A. Sloan
to be her last Will and testament in the presence of us, who, at her request, and in her presence,
and in the presence of each other have subscribed our names as witnesses thereto.
I.B. Headler
J.W. Settle
/pg. 2/
County of- Washington In the- Probate -Court To Wm. L. Tucker Judge of the
Probate Court Pursuant to the authority by the .... commission the Clerk of the Probate
court for the County of Stoddard in the State of Missouri.
BE IT REMEMBERED, That on this -23rd -day of- July A.D. 1913, before me - Edw. T.
Eversole, Notary Public within and for the County of Washington and State afore said personally
appeared - I. B. Headler and J.W. Settle, who are the subscribing witnesses to the annexed will
of Lillie A. Sloan, deceased attached to and commissioned and being by me first duly sworn
depose- - and say- -that - the said Lillie A. Sloan the testator subscribed the same in their
presence, and published and declared said Will or instrument of writing to be her last will and
testament, and that at the time of signing the same she, the said testator was of sound and
disposing mind and more than twenty-one years of age and that said deponents attested said Will
as witnesses thereto, by subscribing their names to the same in the presence of the testator, and
of each other, and at the request of the testator.
I.B. Headler
J.W. Settle
Sworn to and subscribed before me, - this 23rd day of Jul, A.D. 1913
Witness my hand & Seal Edw. T. Eversole
Term Expires June 15, 1917, Notary Public
County of-Stoddard -}In the-Probate -Court-
I, - W. L. Tucker, Judge - of the-Probate-Court-of Stoddard -County, Missouri, having examined the foregoing instrument purporting to be - - the Last Will and Testament of - Lillie A. Sloan - deceased, and signed by said -Lillie A. Sloan - deceased, late of-Stoddard -County,- Missouri -and having heard the testimony of -I.B. Headler - and - J.W. Settle - subscribing witnesses thereto, in relation to the execution of the same, do declare and adjudge said Instrument -is - the Last Will and Testament of said - Lillie A. Sloan - deceased, and the same is therefore - admitted to Probate.
IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said Court at
office this -30th - day of -July - 19-13
W.L. Tucker
Judge of the Probate Court
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