Record Book of Wills
in the County of Stoddard, Missouri
Book D Will 72
{This is a form page, the words written in italics are the handwritten words}
Know all Men By these Presents:
That I, Ira S. Spurlin of the county of Stoddard, State of Missouri being of sound mind and
memory, do make and publish this, my Last Will and Testament, in manner and form following:
I will and bequeath to my beloved wife, Sarah Spurlin all my household and kitchen furniture as
he absolute property, and the use possession and rentals of the entire tract of land and all the
buildings and improvements therein known as my home place in Stoddard County, Missouri,
more particularly described as follows: South of the SW 1/4 Sec 2, twp 23, Range 11 East 80
acres. Also the use of horses, cows hogs and other personal property on said place as she may
need for her own use.
I bequeath to my oldest son Floyd E. Spurlin, my home place in Stoddard County, Missouri, described above and all personal property of which I may be possessed at my death as his absolute property, but not the possession or use of said home place until after the death of my wife Sarah Spurlin, and such personal property is excepted as my wife shall need as provided above.
I bequeath to my son William M. Spurlin the sum of Twenty five dollars ($25.00).
To my son Geo. R. Spurlin, I give and bequeath the sum of five dollars ($5.00)
I give to my daughter Maggie E. Spurlin, the sum Twenty five Dollars ($25.00)
To my daughter Martha M. Spurlin I give Twenty five Dollars ($25.00)
To my daughter Francis E. Spurlin, I give the sum of Forty-five dollars ($45.00)
To my son Henry N. Spurlin the sum of five dollars ($5.00)
And to my Robert S. Spurlin I give the sum of Forty five dollars ($45.00)
All the above named amounts given to my children, Wm. M. Spurlin, Geo. R. Spurlin, Maggie E. Spurlin, Martha M. Spurlin, Francis E. Spurlin, Henry N. Spurlin and Robert S. Spurlin to be paid only after the death of My wife Sarah Spurlin and then out of such money or personal property as may be left in the hands of my son Floyd E. Spurlin.
And last I hereby constitute and appoint W.J. Webb of Parma, Missouri to be the executor of this, my last will and testament, re- /pg. 2/ volking and annulling all former wills by me made, and ratifying and confirming this and no other to be my last will and testament.
In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal, this the 8th day of September, A.D. 1911.
I.S. Spurlin
J.P. Salyer
J.E. Pearce
County of- Stoddard In the- Probate -Court
BE IT REMEMBERED, That on this - Sixth -day of-April -, in the year of our Lord One
Thousand Nine Hundred and- Fourteen , before me - Wm. L. Tucker, Judge - of the-Probate -Court, held in and for - the County of Stoddard -and State of Missouri, personally appeared -J.P.
Salyer and J.E. Pearce - who being duly sworn upon -their -oath, depose- - and say- -that -
they -w -ere - present and saw - Ira S. Spurlin - sign the foregoing instrument, of date -September 8th - 19 -11 - purporting to be - - the Last Will and Testament of h -im - the said -
Ira S. Spurlin - and heard -him -publish and declare the same to be h -is - Last Will and
Testament, and that at the time of signing the same, the said -Ira S. Spurlin -was of sound and
disposing mind, and that th - e - deponent -s - and - each of them - attesting witness - es -
subscribed their names thereto as witnesses to the same in the presence of the testat -or - and of
each other, and at the request of the said testat -or - who was more than 21 years of age at the
date of so declaring and signing said instrument.
J.P. Salyer
J.E. Pearce
Sworn to and subscribed before me, - Wm. L. Tucker, Judge -of the-Probate -Court, the day and
year first aforesaid.
Wm. L. Tucker
Probate Judge
County of-Stoddard -}In the-Probate -Court-
I, -Wm. L. Tucker, Judge - of the-Probate-Court-Stoddard -County, Missouri, having examined the foregoing instrument purporting to be - - the Last Will and Testament of -Ira S. Spurlin - deceased, and signed by said - Ira S. Spurlin - deceased, late of-Stoddard -County,- Missouri -and having heard the testimony of -J.P. Salyer - and -J.E. Pearce - subscribing witnesses thereto, in relation to the execution of the same, do declare and adjudge said Instrument -is - the Last Will and Testament of said -Ira S. Spurlin - deceased, and the same is therefore -admitted to Probate
IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said Court at
office this -6th - day of -April - 19-14
Wm. L. Tucker
Probate Judge
/pg. 3/
See Bonds of Administration No. 2, p. 609
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