Record Book of Wills
in the County of Stoddard, Missouri
Book D Will 97
{This is a form page, the words written in italics are the handwritten words}
I, John M. Wilkerson, of lawful age and Sound Mind Declare this to be my last will and Testament, A., Mo.
I bequeath at my death, to William C. Wilkerson, my brother one Dollar, lawful money of the
United States.
And to the heirs of Marthie E. Hankins, Ten dollars each lawful money of the United States.
And to John M. Wilkerson, Jr. all my real estate in the town of Perkins, Scott County, Missouri.
And to J.W. Fitzpatrick Ten dollars lawful money of the United States.
And to Sam. Fitzpatrick Ten dollars lawful money of the United States.
To Truman Fitzpatrick, and Boas Fitzpatrick and to W.S. Fitzpatrick one dollar each lawful
money of the United States.
And to William Wilkerson, one dollar lawful money of the United States.
And to Ora Brooks lots number Four (4) and Five (5) in Block number Seven (7) in the town of
Ardeola, Missouri.
And to Iwa Brooks one hundred and five, acres of land commonly known as the Mitchell and
Glass land and lot number fifteen (15) in Block number Thirteen (13) in the town of Ardeola,
And to John O. Brooks lot number sixteen (16) Block number thirteen (13) in the town of
Ardeola, Missouri. Also eighty (80) acres of land known as Rail Road land. All in Stoddard
County, Missouri.
And all the money on hand to my creditors or so much thereof as is necessary to pay my
indebtedness and should there not be enough of said money on hand then the remainder to be
paid out of the proceeds of the sale from my personal property and collections of accounts and
notes now on hand and coming to me.
And after paying all my debts out of the proceeds of my personal property, notes and the
remainder to be expended for monuments for myself and Father, and I hereby appoint as
executors of this my last will and testament F. P. Foster, and W. S. Fitzpatrick and they shall
not be required to furnish any bond for their faithful performance of this trust.
/pg. 2/
given under my hand this 12th day of November in the year of Lord 1906.
John M. Wilkerson
signed & sealed in the presence of
Chas. Maddox
Isaac H. Hoffs
A.U. Goodman
/pg. 3/
{This was a separate piece of paper type written}
County of- Stoddard In the- Probate -Court of Stoddard County Missouri.
BE IT REMEMBERED, That on this - 10th -day of-February -, in the year of our Lord One
Thousand Nine Hundred and- Seventeen, before me - M. Walker Cooper, Judge - of the-Probate
-Court, held in and for - the County of Stoddard -and State of Missouri, personally appeared -
A.U. Goodman - who being duly sworn upon -his -oath, depose-s - and say-s -that -he -w -
as - present and saw -John M. Wilkerson - sign the foregoing instrument, of date -November
12th - 19 -06 - purporting to be - - the Last Will and Testament of h - im - the said -John M.
Wilkerson- and heard - im -publish and declare the same to be h -is - Last Will and Testament,
and that at the time of signing the same, the said -John M. Wilkerson -was of sound and
disposing mind, and that th -is - deponent - - and -Chas. Maddox and Isaac H. Hobbs the -
other attesting witness -es - subscribed their names thereto as witnesses to the same in the
presence of the testat -or - and of each other, and at the request of the said testat -or - who was
more than 21 years of age at the date of so declaring and signing said instrument.
A.U. Goodman
Sworn to and subscribed before me, -M. Walker Cooper, Judge-of the-Probate -Court, the day
and year first aforesaid.
M. Walker Cooper,
Judge of Probate
(See Book 3, page 73 Application, Bonds and Letters)
County of- Stoddard In the- Probate -Court of Stoddard County, Mo.
BE IT REMEMBERED, That on this -16" -day of-February -, in the year of our Lord One
Thousand Nine Hundred and- Seventeen , before me - M. Walker Cooper, Judge - of the-Probate -Court, held in and for - the County of Stoddard -and State of Missouri, personally
appeared - Isaac H. Hobbs - who being duly sworn upon - his -oath, depose-s - and say-s -that
- he -w -as - present and saw -John M. Wilkerson - sign the foregoing instrument, of date -November 12th - 19 -06 - purporting to be - - the Last Will and Testament of h -im - the said -
John M. Wilkerson - and heard -him -publish and declare the same to be h -is - Last Will and
Testament, and that at the time of signing the same, the said -John M. Wilkerson -was of sound
and disposing mind, and that th - is - deponent - - and - Chas Maddox and A.U. Goodman -
other attesting witness - es - subscribed their names thereto as witnesses to the same in the
presence of the testat - or - and of each other, and at the request of the said testat -or - who was
more than 21 years of age at the date of so declaring and signing said instrument.
Isaac H. Hobbs
Sworn to and subscribed before me, -M.Walker Cooper, Judge -of the-Probate -Court, the day
and year first aforesaid.
M.Walker Cooper
Judge of Probate
County of-Stoddard -}In the-Probate -Court-
I, -M.Walker Cooper, Judge - of the-Probate-Court-Stoddard -County, Missouri, having examined the foregoing instrument purporting to be - - the Last Will and Testament of - John M. Wilkerson - deceased, and signed by said - John M. Wilkerson - deceased, late of-Stoddard -County,- Missouri -and having heard the testimony of -A.U. Goodman - and -Isaac H. Hobbs - subscribing witnesses thereto, in relation to the execution of the same, do declare and adjudge said Instrument -is - the Last Will and Testament of said -John M. Wilkerson - deceased, and the same is therefore -admitted to probate
IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said Court at
office this - 16th - day of -February - 19-17
M. Walker Cooper
Judge of Probate Court
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