Record Book of Wills
in the County of Stoddard, Missouri
Book E Will 75
This copy is very bad, the film was very dark. This is as much of a transcription as I could get from the bottom of the page. |
5. We give and devise to Ellen J. Miller and her heirs, the place in Bryant addition to Dexter, known as the Charles Cossiart Place, also the North East qr. of the Southwest qr. of Section
36, T. 25, E. 10, Stoddard Co., Mo. 6. We give and devise to Jessie Dysart, Lot 5, Cooper Add. to Dexter, also the S.E. qr. of the S.W. Ar. of Sec. 36, T. 25, R. 10, Stoddard Co., Mo. 7. We give and devise to Clara Fritchatt, Sister of Lucy E. Raney, and her blook heirs, Lots 9 and 10, Block 2, McCollums add. to Dexter Stoddard Co. The Mose Welborn Place in Bryant add. The lot in Deal and Boughton Add. bought by J.F. Raney from Tom Steel and lying East of Locust St. and facing Fifty Ft. on same; also the S.W. qr. of Sec. 36, T. 25, R. 10, in Stoddard Co., Mo. 8. We give and devise to Luther Welborn and his wife Allie and their children if they have any, lots * and ( Block 4 McCollum Add. to Dexter, Stoddard Co., Mo. also the S.E. of the N.W. gr. of Sec. 36, T. 25, E. 10 Stoddard Co., Mo., .... that Luther T. Welborn and Allie Welborn, his wife die without issue, this property goes to Clara Fritchett and her children. 9. To the daughters of Albert Welborn, Verna and Gladys, we give and devise....Jesse Addition strip Six feet by Forty-five running from West....said lot all in Dexter, Stoddard Co., Mo. 10. This will as to the above described property shall there for...rather at the death of the last one of us, the surviving one to... all that ...building well insured and property insured... missionary ...ations and receiveing balance of..further...when this will come into full effect. 11. Al...of one of us, the other...[two more lines unreadable] |
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