Where SCHS is shown as the submitter: We Thank the "Stoddard County Historical Society" You can contact Mary Thorn at the SCHS email address, she can give you further assistance regarding information on the Stoddard County Cemeteries. |
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Directions: Directions: From Dexter, at 3-way stop on Highway 25, travel west on Buisness Highway 60 to Locust street. Travel north to the Cemetery sign on the east side of the street.
Garrett T. M. ---07 Jun 1886---29 Dec 1967 Clyde ---13 Mar 1893---14 Apr 1967
Directions: There are no remaining stones and this site had been farmed over for years. The land, until very recent years,has been in the Hale Family's possession since it was first homesteaded. The abstract list the various Hale owners.
Submitter: SCHS
Directions: From Bloomfield,travel west on Highway J to Highway F. Travel south to County Road 420. Travel east .8 miles Harper Cemetery is on the north side of road.
Submitter: SCHS
Hayden, C.C.---------------1881------1902- Hayden, J.A.---------------1080------1904- Hayden, P.G.---------------1851------1896- Y/O Celeste Potter,Daniel H.-----------1891------1892- Potter, LLoyd M.-----------1884------1886- Hayden, R.A.---------------1849------1890- Rutledge, Ruth-------------1830--------- - Rutledge, Mary E.----------1848------1861- Rutledge, Sarah Jane-------1850------1876- Rutledge, James W.---------1828------1877- Randol, Leah---------------....------1862- Age 54 Yrs.Submitter: SCHS
From Bloomfield,travel north on Highway 25 to Route Y. Travel east to County Road 317. Travel north 1 3/4 miles,to the southwesterly 150 yards across the field. Henderson Cemetery is Scattered along the wooded ridge,bearing almost south. Dorris, Josiah---------13Nov1813--01Jan1867- Dorris, Margaret-------.........d-20Jun1869-Age 57y 4mo 22D-W/O Joseph Capps, Catherine M.-------------d-16sep1874-Age 20y 1m 8D-W/O R.M. Miller, infant---------15Jan1872--15Jan1872-S/O J.G. & M.E. Miller, Infant---------01mar1871--01mar1871-S/O J.G. & M.E. Miller, Infant---------16Aug1879--16Aug1879-S/O J.G. & M.E. Henderson, Reuben*-----22MAy1857--20Nov1858-C/O S.E. & Marinda Henderson, Nancy*------17Oct1860--30Jul1863-C/O S.E. & Marinda Henderson, Infant*-----02Jun1865--02Jun1865-C/O S.E. & Marinda Henderson, Annes-------.........--27Sep1867- Age 65 Yrs.
Submitter: SCHS
Directions: Directions: From Bloomfield, travel south on Highway 25 to County Road 430. Turn right and travel to the gravel intersection. Turn right and travel to Hill Church on the west side of the road Hill Cemetery is west of the church.
Submitter: SCHS
Directions: Directions: From Puxico, travel north on Highway 51 to Highway K. Turn east and travel approximately 3 miles to Highway V. Turn north onto V and travel approximately .4 miles. Hillard-Kimbrel Cemetery is to the west, on the back side of the field.
Submitter: SCHS
Directions: Directions: From Highway 60, travel north on Highway 51 to County road 470. Travel 1/2 mile west. Travel approximately 1 mile after the road turns north. Hobbs Chapel Cemetery is on the west side of the road.
Submitter: SCHS
Directions: Directions: From Bloomfield,travel west on State Highway J to County Road 267. Turn north and travel to County Road 292. The first road to the east.Turn right and travel 1/2 mile. Hollis Cemetery is on the north side of the road.
Submitter: SCHS
Directions: In Dexter,From Highway 25,travel west on East McCollum Street.Turn right on North Locust Street and travel 3 blocks to Holmes Drive. Turn right and travel 1 block,then turn left to big house on top of hill. Monument is in the yard, east of the house.
Holmes, Ira Van Buren*....12 Mar 1903_______Mason- F/O Mike- Rebecca-Debbie-Bethany-Ava Holmes, Vera Rosalyne*....30 Jan 1926_______Eastern Star
Directions: From Bloomfield,travel north on Highway 25. Turn east on State Highway Y and travel east to County Road 317. Travel 3/4 mile north and turn left.
Hopkins, Dollie* .........28Sep1896- 02Sep1916 -C/O G.L.& Ellen Hopkins, Cornelia* .......15Jan1904- 15Jan1904 -C/O G.L.& Ellen Hopkins, Pearl* ..........22Nov1894- 25Nov1898 -C/O G.L.& Ellen Hopkins, Minnie* .........13Sep1883- 14Sep1885 -C/O G.L.& Ellen Hopkins, Lawson* .........08Mar1881- 08Nov1881 - Poplin, Faniza ...........07Jul1821- 25Feb1867 -W/O -.R. Poplin, Joshua B. ........17Oct1814- 30Jan1881 -Mason Thrower, C.S.(and"Family)"_____1825- 1871- Thrower, W. G. ..........._____1850- _____1901-Submitter: SCHS
Directions: In Dudley, travel .4 mile south on Highway TT, From the railroad crossing: then travel .6 mile east. This land is being farmed at this time and there is on sign of a cemetery.
Hunt, Aletha...........___________ _______1888- Parks, Jim.............___________ ___________- Moore, Mrs.______......___________ ___________- Three babies...........___________ ___________-(Buried in southeast corner-no tombstone)
Directions: From Bloomfield,travel north on Highway 25. At Highway AB, turn east and travel 1 1/2 miles to Roy Ward's farm, on the left. Travel about 150 yards into the field behind the house. Stones are piled at the base of the hickory tree to the right.
Taylor, Jacob...........________ _______1859- W.A.M...................________ _______- (Footstone only)
Directions: From Advance, travel south on Highway 25 to Highway OO. Turn east and
travel 3 miles to County Road 309, then travel south 1 1/2 miles.
JENKINS Cemetery is on the right, 250 yards across the field in a small patch of timber on the hilltop. Jenkins, O. R..........._______ _____1867- Jenkins, Thomas B*......_______ 13Sep1862-age 4 Y 11 M 11 D Jenkins, E. L.*........._______ 30Sep1866-Age 1 Y 1 D Jenkins, James S. ......_______ 08Jun1855-Age 10 M 22 D Jenkins, M. J. or W. A. _______ 01Sep1856-Age 3 M 16 D Ligget, Albert J. ......___1858 _____1860-S/O J. B.& Nancy N. (No Stone)Submitter: SCHS
Directions: No Directions
Temples, Namcy M.* ........._____1869-_____1940- Temples, Lewis* ..........._____1867-_____1947- Temples, Oden ..............30Jun1896-08Jan1922- Kilmer, Emily A. Riddle.....12Aug1847-03Jul1900-W/O John Kilmer, John* ..............12Dec1832-08Jan1898- Kilmer, Elizabeth J. .......08Feb1838-17Mar1869-W/O John Kilmer, Amanda* ............22Dec1866-30May ?- Kilmer, Alexander* .........30May1854-31Aug1872- Majors, Julia Ann Kilmer ...13Apr1857-29Mar1881- Summers,Clarrissa E. Kilmer.10Dec1858-18Jan1884- Kilmer, Infant ............._________-_________-D/O F.J.& E.M. Sherrwood, Mary*............_____1874-_____1877-D/O John H.and Saphronia P. Sherwood, Martha* .........._____1876-_____1879-D/O John H. and Saphronia P. Kilmer, Emma Eve Waggoner...08Aug1891-21May1927-W/O James H. (Unmarked Grave) Kilmer, Hazel Naomi ........_____1918-_____1922-D/O J.H. and Emma E. Kilmer Woodroe Willis ......_____1921-_____1921-S/O J.H. and Emma E.(Unmarked Grave) Kilmer, Joseph Cleatus"J.C."27Jul1925-18Feb1941-S/O J.H. and Emma E.(Unmarked Grave) Kilmer, John Benjamin ......15 Aug1874-____1940- Kilmer, Otis ...............__________-____1940-S/O John B. and AnnieSubmitter: SCHS
Directions: Directions: From Dexter, travel east on Highway 60. Travel .6 miles north on County Road 531. Turn east and travel .2 miles on Highway NN. Turn north on gravel and travel .7 miles, turn west and travel .3 miles to railroad. Travel north .4 miles. From that point, travel on foot 1/2 mile due north. Kinder Cemetery is on the east side of trail, approximately 50 yards to the top of hill.
Haley Agustus ---04 May 1900---20 Oct 1902 --S/O Z. F. & M.E.
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