Record Book of Wills
in the County of Stoddard, Missouri
Book B, p. 45-48
In the name of God Amen.
I William S. Hayden of the county of Stoddard in the State of Missouri of Sound
mind and Knowing the uncertainty of human life hereby revoking all other wills and
Testaments do hereby publish as my last will and testament.
1st I will give and bequeath unto my loved children, Adelin A. Holter, Philan G.
Hayden and Joab Hayden one dollar each of good and lawful money of the United
States of America.
2nd and to My beloved wife Missouri E. Hayden who all along as Spend with me,
the toils and hardships as well as the pleasures of this life. I give, will and bequeath
all my other property, both personal and real to have & to hold the same absolutely
and forever with the right to dispose of the same at her will & pleasure.
William S. Hayden
Signed and acknowledged in the presence of and at the request of the testator, as
witnesses hereto on 4th of September 1871 by
David G. Hicks
Annie E. Lovelace
State of Missouri, County of Stoddard
In the County Court Transacting Probate Business
In the matter of Proving the Last Will and testament of William S. Hayden, died
late of Stoddard County. On this the 3rd day of March AD 1875 before me Robert
W. Christy Clerk of the County Court within and for said County personally came
Mary Wilt Brown who being by me duly sworn upon her oath say that she was
present and saw William S. Hayden Sign the foregoing instrument purporting to be
his last will and testament and heard him publish and declare the Same to be his last
will and Testament, and at the time of signing and publishing the same, the Said
William S. Hayden was of sound and disposing mind, and that she has seen the
said William S. Hayden write and Knows the
pg. 46
hand writing of the said William S. Hayden and that She believe the signature to
the foregoing instrument to be the genuine Signature of the said William S.
Hayden; that she heard the said Will read at the time of making and publishing the
same and that She has now examined and read Said instrument Shown to her and
recognized it to be the same instrument so made and published at said time that she
saw the subscribing witnesses, to wit: David G. Hicks and Annie E. Lovelace sign
the said Instrument as the last Will and Testament aforesaid that she has seen them
and each of them write and that She Knows their hand writing and that she
recognizes the signature of said witnesses to said instrument then shown her; as the
genuine signature of said subscribing witnesses, that she knows one of the
subscribing witnesses, to wit: the said David G. Hicks he departed this life, is now
dead. But that the other of said subscribing witnesses, to wit: the said Annie E.
Lovelace has removed from this state that the last information received from her to
wit: a letter written and addressed to this affiant that she the said Annie E.
Lovelace was in the state of California and at that time she the said witness was
unsettled that She was informed by said witness Annie E. Lovelace that she was
not then settled but would soon move to another part of the Country and that at this
time this affiant is not advised as to the whereabouts of said subscribing witness
that the affiant is the sister of said Subscribing witness and is as well informed as to
the whereabouts of said subscribing witness as any one else.
Mollie W. Browne
Sworn to and Subscribed before me this 3rd day of March AD 1875.
Robert W. Christy Clerk
By C.L. Keaten D.C.
On this the 3rd day of March, 1875 before me R.W. Christy personally appeared
J.R. Browne who being by me duly sworn in his oath says that he knows David G.
Hicks one of the Subscribing witnesses of the foregoing instrument purporting
pg. 47
to be his last will and testament of William S. Hayden and that he knows that he is
now dead and that the Knows Annie E. Lovelace the other subscribing witness and
that she removed from the state of Missouri and that the last information and
Knowledge received from her that she was in the state of California and at that at
this time affiant is not advised as to the whereabouts or residence of said
subscribing witness that he believes that his relative to said witness is such that he
would be advised of and as well informed as to the residence of said witness as any
one in this country & c. That he has seen said subscribing witnesses and each of
them write and that he is well acquainted with the handwriting of each of them and
recognized the Signature of each of said subscribing witnesses to be their genuine
signature as they appeared to the foregoing instrument as aforesaid.
J. R. Brown
Sworn to and Subscribed before me this 3rd day of March AD 1875.
Robert W. Christy Clerk
By C.L. Keaten D.C.
State of Missouri, county of Stoddard
Be it remembered that on this 8th day of March AD 1875 before me R.W. Christy
Clerk of County Court of said County of Stoddard personally came Cary P. Hollis,
who being by me duly sworn on his oath says that they he was well acquainted with
William S. Hayden now deceased in his lifetime and that he has seen him write
and Knows his hand writing; and that the said William S. Hayden is now dead and
that this affiant recognized the signature affixed to the instrument of writing shown
him and which purporting to be the last will and testament of the said William S.
Hayden to be the genuine signature of the said William S. Hayden and also that
said instrument ( last will and Testament) was found at the last residence of the said
testator and among his valuable papers. And that at the date of said instrument and
up to his death that the said William S. Hayden was of sound and disposing mind.
Cary P. Hollis
Sworn to and Subscribed before me this 8th day of March AD 1875
Robert W. Christy Clerk
By C.L. Keaten D.C.
Pg. 48
State of Missouri, County of Stoddard
In the County Court Transacting Probate Business of Stoddard county.
I Robert W. Christy Clerk of the County Court of Stoddard county having examined
the foregoing instrument purporting to be the will of William S. Hayden and
having heard the Testimony of Mary W. Browne and J.R. Browne and Cary P.
Hollis in relation to the execution of the same, do declare and adjudge said to be
the last will and Testament of the said William S. Hayden late of Stoddard County
deceased. -----
In Testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand, and affixed the seal of the
County Court of Stoddard county at office in Bloomfield this 8th day of March AD
Robert W. Christy Clerk
By C.L. Keaten Deputy
Filed and Recorded March 8th AD 1875 in Book "B" of wills at Pages 45 to 48
Robert W. Christy Clerk
By C.L. Keaten Deputy
Book C, pg. 122- Letters of Administration
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