Stoddard County Will Records Index

These records were smeared and torn with age and use. I have tried to keep the original spelling and punctuation as much as possible, {...} is used when a word is unreadable.
Hagy, Martin |
Hail, William M. |
Hale, James L. |
Hale, Nicholas |
Hambleton, Joseph A. (Bond) |
Hansen, Christian |
Hansen, Eggardine |
Hardy, James Henry |
Hargraves, Charles P. |
Harper, Squire J. |
Harris, Jesse |
Harrison, Cela Ann |
Harty, James |
Harvey, Giles C. |
Harvey, William B. |
Hayden, Elizabeth S. |
Hayden, William S. |
Henderson, Annise |
Hendley, Henry H. |
Henley, Samuel W. |
Hensen, Singleton H. |
Hensen, Wm. T |
Henson, Samuel |
Herndon, M.T. |
Hester, John |
Hickman, John A. |
Higginbotham, J.F. |
Higginbothom, Mary B. |
Hill, John |
Hill, John W. |
Hill, Thomas Jefferson |
Hill, William A. |
Hill, William T. |
Hobbs, G.B. |
Hobbs, Isaac N. |
Hobbs, James |
Hodge, William L. (Bond) |
Hodges, James |
Hoffman, Theodora |
Hoffmann, August |
Hohn, Philip |
Holderness, E.H. |
Holt, Daniel S. |
Hopper, William T. |
Horn, J.L. |
Horner, John H. |
Horton, George |
Houck, George Sr. |
Howard, Burette |
Howell, Jordan |
Howlett, Thomas P. |
Howton, Marcus |
Hurst, Sarah |
Hurt, William R. |
Huzza, Stephen C. |
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